Egypt protests

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Egypt's Morsi Flees Palace as Crowd Rages Outside

Activists battle tear gas, cut through perimeter fence

(Newser) - Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi fled his palace today as tens of thousands of protesters raged outside and police fired tear gas into the crowd, the BBC reports. Liberal activists chanted slogans opposing Morsi's power grab and the country's hastily compiled new draft of a constitution : "Leave, leave!...

Egypt's Court Shuts, Blames 'Psychological Assassination'

Judges blocked by pro-Morsi protesters

(Newser) - Amid mass protests in support of Mohamed Morsi, Egypt's top court went on strike indefinitely today, saying in a terse statement that "[the judges] announce the suspension of the court sessions until the time when they can continue their message and rulings in cases without any psychological and...

100K Islamists Rally for Egypt's Morsi

President's supporters stage their biggest protest in months

(Newser) - More than 100,000 Islamists waved Egyptian flags and hoisted portraits of President Mohammed Morsi in rallies nationwide today to support his efforts to rush through a new draft constitution despite widespread opposition by secular activists and some in the judiciary. The demonstrations—the largest turnout of Morsi supporters since...

Egypt's Courts Stage Strike Over Morsi Power Grab

As more than 100,000 protest in Cairo

(Newser) - Courts across Egypt are going on strike today in protest of Mohamed Morsi's recent power grab—including the country's two highest appeals courts, the AP and BBC report. Cassation Court judges emerged from an emergency meeting saying they would not resume work until Morsi takes back his decree...

Is Morsi a Dictator at Heart?
 Is Morsi  
 a Dictator 
 at Heart? 

Is Morsi a Dictator at Heart?

Two views on whether he and the Muslim Brotherhood duped the West

(Newser) - Mohamed Morsi's bid to put himself above the courts, at least temporarily , has protesters filling Tahrir Square again and commenters debating whether he's been a dictator-in-waiting all along. Two views on that subject:
  • Jonah Goldberg, Los Angeles Times : Morsi is no moderate and never has been, no matter

Anti-Morsi Protests Rage in Tahrir Square

And judges say dispute over power grab has not been resolved

(Newser) - Despite reports yesterday that Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi had agreed to limit the scope of his recent power grab , protesters are rallying in Tahrir Square for a fifth day, and Egyptian judges say no deal with Morsi has yet been reached. Morsi's spokesperson yesterday said the president's new...

Egypt's Morsi Backs Away From New Power Grab

But he vows to maintain one extra power

(Newser) - With protests rocking Egypt and top advisers resigning, President Mohamed Morsi agreed with judicial authorities today to limit the scope of his latest power grab , according to Egyptian media. But he kept one element: the right to stop the courts from dissolving the constitutional council before it drafts a new...

1 Dead, 40 Hurt in Egypt Riot
 1 Dead, 40 Hurt in Egypt Riot 

1 Dead, 40 Hurt in Egypt Riot

Protesters stormed a Muslim Brotherhood headquarters

(Newser) - Security officials say rioters have stormed a Muslim Brotherhood headquarters building in northern Egypt, and a teenager protester was killed. It was the first death in three days of street battles after a power grab by the country's president. A 15-year-old died and 40 people were injured in the...

Morsi: My Power Grab Is Just Temporary

And judiciary extends an olive branch as stocks plunge

(Newser) - Egypt's stock market plummeted today as President Mohamed Morsi and the nation's judiciary hinted at a compromise over his recent power grab , reports Reuters . The market dropped nearly 10%—the worst since Hosni Mubarak was toppled last year—and stopped only because of automatic controls. Meanwhile the Supreme...

Morsi's Power Grab Sparks Protests, Fires

Clashes erupt among tens of thousands of demonstrators

(Newser) - At least 16 people have been hurt as tens of thousands protest Mohamed Morsi's assumption of new powers in Egypt. Responding to the Egyptian leader's self-proclaimed immunity to judicial review, demonstrations broke out in Cairo and across the country, Bloomberg reports; protesters set fire to Muslim Brotherhood political...

French Journalist Attacked in Cairo's Tahrir Square

Mob gropes, robs France 24 correspondent

(Newser) - France 24's Sonia Dridi has become the latest female foreign journalist to fall victim to mob violence in Cairo. She was attacked and groped by around 30 men while reporting live on protests in the city's Tahrir Square, the Guardian reports. Her colleague Ashraf Khalil, assisted by a...

Once Again, Egypt Protesters Clash in Tahrir Square

 100 Injured in 
 New Egypt 

100 Injured in New Egypt Protests

Fights break out between Morsi supporters, opponents

(Newser) - Thousands of supporters and opponents of Egypt's new Islamist president clashed in Cairo's Tahrir Square on Friday in the first such violence since Mohammed Morsi took office more than three months ago, as liberal and secular activists erupted with anger accusing the Muslim Brotherhood of trying to take...

Egypt Court Acquits 'Camel Battle' Plotters

Mubarak loyalists not guilty of savage attack on protesters

(Newser) - An Egyptian court yesterday acquitted 24 loyalists of ousted President Hosni Mubarak who had been accused of organizing one of the most dramatic attacks on protesters during last year's uprising, the "Camel Battle," in which assailants on horses and camels charged into crowds in Cairo's Tahrir...

President Morsi Pardons Egypt's Protesters

Those in prison or awaiting trail will be set free

(Newser) - Good news for Egypt's revolutionaries: President Mohamed Morsi today pardoned the ones who are awaiting trial or serving time in prison, the BBC reports. Only those accused of murder are excluded. On his Facebook page, Morsi announced the pardon for acts "committed with the aim of supporting the...

Morsi: US, Egypt Could Be 'Real Friends'

But it's up to America to repair damaged relations in region

(Newser) - Egypt's first democratically elected leader is headed to New York for his first official visit to the United States, and Mohammed Morsi tells the New York Times that he envisions his nation and Washington could be "real friends," though he tacitly acknowledges real tensions exist at the...

Egypt Orders Arrest of Filmmaker, Terry Jones

It issues warrants for Nakoula Basseley Nakoula and others

(Newser) - Egypt wants Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, who is allegedly behind the anti-Muslim film that sparked protests across the Islamic world, behind bars—or worse. Cairo authorities ordered the arrest of Nakoula and six other Egyptian Coptic Christians living in the US, all of whom they say were involved with the Innocence ...

Egypt's Morsi Belatedly Denounces Embassy Attacks

Mohamed Morsi calls Cairo attacks 'unlawful acts'

(Newser) - Violence in Egypt continued today as protesters upset about an anti-Islam film clashed with police around the US Embassy in Cairo, Reuters reports. At least 13 people have been injured; CNN reports that six of those are police officers. At the European Union today for his first Western visit, President...

US Marines Headed to Benghazi Consulate

Unrest around North Africa spurs reinforcements

(Newser) - US Marines are en route to Libya to reinforce security at the American consulate in Benghazi, reports CNN , following last night's slaying of US ambassador Chris Stevens . The team of 50 Marines, known as the Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team, specializes in protecting embassies, reports the AP , although experts point...

Mitt Rips 'Disgraceful' US Response to Protest

Early statement 'sympathetic' to attackers: Romney

(Newser) - Moving quickly to make a political point following yesterday's attacks on the US diplomatic missions in Egypt and Libya, Mitt Romney called an early US statement "disgraceful" for "sympathizing" with protesters. A statement released in Cairo shortly after angry demonstrators began to gather at the embassies referred...

Angered by Egypt, Syrians Storm Out of Summit

Mohamed Morsi praises Syrian uprising at Nonaligned Movement Summit

(Newser) - Egypt's new president arrived in Iran today for a historic visit, the AP reports—and he promptly sparked a walkout at the Nonaligned Movement Summit. Mohamed Morsi, the first Egyptian leader to visit Iran since Tehran cut diplomatic relations with Egypt in 1979 over its peace treaty with Israel,...

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