North Africa unrest

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Oil Volatility Doubles, Price Hits $105 a Barrel

Middle East unrest sends prices soaring

(Newser) - Oil futures are bubbling upward thanks to the unrest in the Middle East, sending crude’s 20-day volatility rating skyrocketing to 29.4—more than double the all-time-low of 12.6 it set at the end of December, Bloomberg reports. In London, Brent crude sold for more than $105 a...

Bachmann: Tax Code Is a WMD

Also, Obama makes Carter 'look like Rambo'

(Newser) - Michelle Bachmann labeled the US tax code as a “weapon of mass destruction," calling for “a radically different system” in a speech to GOP activists in South Carolina. The congresswoman slammed President Obama’s handling of protests in Egypt and Iran, saying he’s “making Jimmy...

Iranian Police Squash Protests
 Iranian Police Squash Protests 

Iranian Police Squash Protests

Anti-government rally in Tehran buckles under crackdown

(Newser) - The Iranians who took to the streets of Tehran yesterday for what was supposed to be a major protest met with thousands of security forces armed with clubs, tear gas, and Tasers, who broke up the gatherings, witnesses tell the Washington Post . There were also unconfirmed reports of gunshots, and...

Lara Logan Beaten With Flagpoles, Fists

Recovering reporter was stripped in mob of 200 men

(Newser) - Harsh new details of Lara Logan's attack in Cairo: The CBS reporter was stripped and battered with fists and makeshift flagpoles, reports the Times of London, via the Daily Mail . She was pinched so hard by her attackers that the red marks that covered her body were initially thought to...

'Jasmine Revolution' Comes to China; Protesters Nabbed

Police trying to stamp out demonstrations

(Newser) - Jittery Chinese authorities wary of any domestic dissent staged a show of force today to squelch a mysterious online call for a "Jasmine Revolution"—the same name given to the Tunisian protest movement—with only a handful of people joining protests apparently modeled on the pro-democracy demonstrations sweeping...

North Africa Unrest: Protests Spread to Morocco
 Thousands March in Morocco 

Thousands March in Morocco

Some target parliament, prime minister in calls for constitutional reform

(Newser) - The protests sweeping across the Middle East and North Africa have made their way to Morocco, where demonstrators took to the streets of the capital today. An organizer estimates more than 5,000 people attended, demanding a new constitution, among other things; police put the number at less than 3,...

Gadhafi Troops Open Fire; Libya Toll Hits 200

Protesters were at funeral for slain compatriots

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi's forces have opened fire on mourners at the funeral for anti-government protesters in the city of Benghazi, where a doctor says at least 200 people have already been slain in days of demonstrations. A man shot in the leg today said marchers were bearing coffins to a cemetery...

As Mideast Seethes, Saudis Stand Alone

Kingdom feels encircled by enemies around the region

(Newser) - Popular unrest roiling the Middle East is is rocking the ultra-rich, ultra-conservative kingdom of Saudi Arabia, leaving its rulers feeling isolated both from regional allies and the United States alike, reports the New York Times . King Abdullah has called President Obama at least twice to voice his concerns about Egypt,...

Death Toll in Libya Protests Reaches 100

More than a dozen more were killed at funerals today

(Newser) - In direct contrast to the "delirious joy" in Bahrain, the death toll keeps climbing in Libya's protests. Moammar Gadhafi's minions killed another 20 people today, bringing the five-day total to at least 104, says Human Rights Watch. Gadhafi has effectively shut off Internet service and forbid media coverage, but...

It's 'Delirious Joy' in Bahrain

 It's 'Delirious Joy' in Bahrain 
nicholas kristof

It's 'Delirious Joy' in Bahrain

Nichols Kristof: This feels like a 'milestone' for Arab democracy

(Newser) - When Nicholas Kristof heard protesters in Bahrain were going to march to the symbolic Pearl Roundabout again, he feared the worst—more "brutal force" and more live bullets. Instead, after the royal family's decision to stand down , he's happy to report nothing but "delirious joy" from downtown Manama...

Bahraini Military Stands Down, Seeks Talks

Protesters jubilant as leaders order military to withdraw

(Newser) - Bahrain protesters reclaimed their symbolic Pearl Square today, after the nation's leaders ordered the military to withdraw in a key concession that came just a day after a brutal crackdown that injured at least 50 and drew a sharp condemnation from President Obama . Members of the opposition chanted, "We...

Doctor: Libya Kills Dozens More Protesters

He counts 35 bodies in Benghazi hospital

(Newser) - Libyan security forces waged an escalating crackdown on protesters today. In the country's second largest city of Benghazi, a stream of 35 bodies was brought to one hospital, reportedly of protesters shot while trying to march on one of Moammar Gadhafi's residences, a doctor said. The deaths took place after...

Bahrain Army Fires on Protesters; 50 Injured

'This is war,' says doctor treating the wounded

(Newser) - Soldiers opened fire today on thousands of protesters defying a government ban and streaming toward the square in Manama that is the symbolic center of their uprising. Officials at the main Salmaniya hospital said at least 50 people were injured, some with gunshot wounds. Medical X-rays shows live bullets were...

US Better Not Pull Another 'Mubarak'
 US Better Not Pull 
 Another 'Mubarak' 

US Better Not Pull Another 'Mubarak'

JD Gordon: America shouldn't abandon the leaders of Bahrain, Yemen

(Newser) - Here's a dissenting voice on the Mideast unrest: The US blew it in Egypt by turning its back on Hosni Mubarak and shouldn't make the same mistake with the leaders of Bahrain and Yemen, writes retired Navy commander JD Gordon. If anything, those two countries are even more important to...

Libyan Military Kills 24 Protesters

Meanwhile Gadhafi holds his own demonstration

(Newser) - The Libyan military launched a brutal campaign against protesters yesterday, killing at least 24, according to Human Rights Watch. “According to multiple witnesses, Libyan security forces shot and killed demonstrators in efforts to disperse the protests,” the group said. The worst violence appeared to be in the eastern...

Cairo Braces for Victory March
 Cairo Braces for Victory March 

Cairo Braces for Victory March

Mubarak ministers busted on corruption charges

(Newser) - An early test of the new Egypt is emerging today as pro-democracy leaders predict that a million people will join a victory march through Cairo to celebrate the fall of Hosni Mubarak. Organizers are urging people to join the march to "protect the revolution and its demands," the...

North Africa, Middle East Protests Heat Up: Unrest Continues in Yemen, Bahrain, Libya, Iran, Iraq
 Protests Engulf Middle East 

Protests Engulf Middle East

Even Iran, Iraq seeing continued unrest

(Newser) - Unrest continues to spread through northern Africa and the Middle East, with protests rocking Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, Iran, and even Iraq. The latest from yesterday and today, from the New York Times , BusinessWeek , and AFP :
  • In Bahrain, the death toll after a surprise police attack on protesters rose to five.

Obama Ordered Secret Study on Arab Unrest—in August

Report discussed Egypt in detail

(Newser) - It turns out the uprisings shaking the Arab world didn’t take Barack Obama by surprise. Last August, Obama ordered a secret study into the possibility of such unrest, the New York Times reports. His advisers concluded that countries from Bahrain to Yemen to, yes, Egypt, were ripe for popular...

Mubarak Has a Death Wish: Official

Ex-president wants to die in Egypt, says Saudi official

(Newser) - After Hosni Mubarak's ouster, speculation swirled that he and his fortune might flee to a Gulf state —but the truth is, he wants to die in Egypt ... in the near future, says an official. "He is not dead but is not doing well at all and refuses to...

How Egypt Turned Off the Internet

Other regimes might be able to do the same thing

(Newser) - Conventional wisdom holds that the Internet is too resilient and decentralized for a government to simply shut it down, but Egypt managed to do just that, and engineers are just starting to realize how. Cairo controls—and was able to close off—the handful of lines that connect Egypt to...

Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>