Frederic Chopin

3 Stories

Chopin's Pickled Heart Explains His Death

Scientists say they've been able to determine cause 'with high probability'

(Newser) - Frederic Chopin is buried in Paris' famed Père Lachaise Cemetery. His heart is not. The composer asked, on his deathbed in 1849 at age 39, that his heart be buried not in France, but in his native Poland ( Nature reports that he feared being buried alive). And so...

Inside the Secret Exhumation of Chopin's Heart

It happened in April in the wee hours of the night

(Newser) - As Frederic Chopin gasped for air on his deathbed in Paris in 1849, he whispered a request: "Remove my heart after I die and entomb it in Poland," the native land he pined for from his self-imposed exile in France. Ever since, the composer's body has rested...

Epilepsy Likely Fueled Chopin's Visions

Composer saw creatures emerging from piano

(Newser) - The 19th-century composer Frédéric Chopin suffered frightening hallucinations, ranging from ghosts to creatures coming out of his piano. Now, researchers believe the visions may have been prompted by temporal lobe epilepsy, the Daily Telegraph reports. The disease can cause short, detailed hallucinations, and “could easily have been...

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