Indian Ocean

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Tsunami Survivors Look Ahead
Tsunami Survivors Look Ahead

Tsunami Survivors Look Ahead

Officials concerned about post-aid economy, beefing up warning systems

(Newser) - As candles are lit today in memory of the 230,000 victims of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, the Christian Science Monitor reports on the results of the $13.6 billion effort to help survivors. The aid has largely been used effectively, but now officials worry about the recovering economies...

Japanese Party Scrambles to Keep Boss to Dodge Chaos

Opposition chief to quit amid deadlock mess

(Newser) - Members of Japan's opposition party are pleading with their leader to rethink his announced resignation, fearing the move will break up the party and hurt its chances at the polls. The head of the Democratic Party of Japan said he would resign yesterday after the party leadership resoundingly voted to...

UK Probes Charges That CIA Used Brit Prison for Torture

(Newser) - British officials will investigate persistent claims that the CIA secretly interrogated terrorism suspects at a UK prison in the Indian Ocean, the Guardian reports. Authorities have repeatedly questioned American officials, who deny the reports. But an organization representing detainees insists the claims are true, adding that the British may be...

Earliest Humans Put a Shrimp on the Barbie

'Mother of all' ice age survivors roasted shellfish at the beach

(Newser) - Remnants of one of the earliest known human settlements, possibly the community from which all modern people are descended, have been discovered on the South African coast. The band of humans survived 164,000 years ago on cooked shellfish and the occasional whale, and wore red body paint, according to...

Fourth Quake in 2 Days Wracks Indonesia

Nine dead in latest burst of seismic activity under Indian Ocean

(Newser) - The fourth in a string of violent earthquakes and more than 60 lower-level tremors rattled Indonesia late today, at a magnitude of 6.2. With its epicenter two miles deep in the Indian Ocean, 65 miles west-northwest of Bengkulu, the government issued, then canceled, another tsunami warning. Nine have died...

Tsunami Warning as Quake Rocks Indonesia

Powerful tremor registers 7.9

(Newser) - Indonesia has been hit by a magnitude 7.9 earthquake—triggering widespread tsunami warnings. Buildings swayed in Jakarta, and an official warning has been issued for much of the region surrounding the Indian ocean.

China to Test Controversial Malaria Treatment

Researchers aim to eradicate disease on African island

(Newser) - A Chinese researcher will test a radical new strategy designed to wipe out malaria on a small African island, the International Herald Tribune reports. Mass treatment with a highly effective antimalarial drug would virtually clear the parasite from patients' blood, but critics fear the plan could backfire, causing drug resistance...

Islanders Win Bid to Return
Islanders Win Bid to Return

Islanders Win Bid to Return

UK subjects, forced out by US military 30 years ago, prevail in legal battle

(Newser) - Thousands of Indian Ocean islanders will be allowed to return home 30 years after being forced out to make room for a US air base, a British court ruled today. The court said the British government acted unlawfully when it expelled the Chagos archipelago residents after secretly selling a lease...

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