Gabrielle Giffords shooting

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GOP Rep Wants to Enclose Congress in Plexiglass

Lawmakers seek to boost security after Giffords shooting

(Newser) - Lawmakers return to the Capitol today for the first time since Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot in Tucson and some are seeking increased protection. Rep. Dan Burton, a Republican from Indiana, plans to reintroduce legislation calling for the House gallery to be encased in a "transparent and substantial material"...

Piers Morgan: 'Bleeding Obvious' Palin Was Reckless

It's 'common sense' not to use crosshairs, says 'new Larry King'

(Newser) - Clearly, Piers "the new Larry King" Morgan is not one to tread lightly. He has called it "bleeding obvious" that Sarah Palin should not have placed crosshairs on a map of the district of shooting victim Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. “I was merely stating the bleeding obvious when...

Arizona Bans Funeral Protests
Arizona Bans
Funeral Protests

Arizona Bans Funeral Protests

Lawmakers head off group's plan to protest at Tucson victims' funerals

(Newser) - Arizona lawmakers have moved swiftly to prevent the Westboro Baptist Church from carrying out its plan to picket the funerals of Tucson shooting victims . Emergency legislation banning protests at or near funeral sites was signed into law by Gov. Jan Brewer Tuesday evening after it was unanimously approved by the...

Loughner Evaded His Father Just Before Shooting

Jared Lee ran off as dad asked about his black bag

(Newser) - Investigators today revealed more disturbing details about the events leading up to the assassination attempt against Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, including a handwritten note in the suspect's home with the words "Die, bitch." On the day of the shooting, a mumbling Jared Lee Loughner ran into the desert near...

Glock Sales Surge After Arizona Spree

Gun shop owners see big jump after assault

(Newser) - In the any-publicity-is good-publicity-department: Sales of semiautomatic Glock pistols like that used in the Gabrielle Giffords shooting have spiked in Arizona and across the nation in the days following the attack, reports Bloomberg . One-day sales of the $500 Glocks were up 60% in Arizona when comparing Jan. 10 of this...

Most Americans Say Politics Played No Role in Shooting

Nearly 6 in 10 don't blame rhetoric, says CBS poll

(Newser) - Pundits aside , most Americans don't actually think the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was caused by inflammatory political rhetoric, CBS News reports. Of 673 people polled on the issue, 57% said political discourse had nothing to do with the shooting, while 32% said it did. In a reflection of...

Loughner Parents: We Don't Know Why This Happened

Parents release first statement, express condolences for victims

(Newser) - The parents of Jared Lee Loughner have released their first statement, and they sound as perplexed as the rest of us. "We don't understand why this happened," says the statement, via AP . "It may not make any difference, but we wish that we could change the heinous...

Brooks Blasts Media; Sullivan Thinks He's Pious
Brooks Blasts Media;
Sullivan Thinks He's Pious
david brooks, Andrew sullivan

Brooks Blasts Media; Sullivan Thinks He's Pious

They disagree on whether it's right to consider political motive for Loughner

(Newser) - Jared Lee Loughner fits the profile of a schizophrenic rampage-killer who "was locked in a world far removed from politics as we normally understand it," writes David Brooks in the New York Times . And yet the media quickly pounced on a political motive for the Arizona shooting, blaming...

Doctor: Giffords Breathing on Her Own
Doctor: Giffords
Breathing on Her Own

Doctor: Giffords Breathing on Her Own

Another puts her chance of survival at 100%

(Newser) - One of Gabrielle Giffords’ doctors has given a stunningly optimistic prognosis on her survival. “I’m going to get into a lot of trouble for this, but her prognosis for survival is 100%, as far as it being short term,” Peter Rhee, the chief of trauma at the...

To Buy a Gun, You Should Need a Doctor's Note
To Buy a Gun, You Should
Need a Doctor's Note

To Buy a Gun, You Should Need a Doctor's Note

Why won't anyone talk about gun control?

(Newser) - We require a doctor’s note to buy certain medications—why not to buy guns? In the wake of the Gabrielle Giffords shooting, pundits have talked unendingly about what role violent political rhetoric might have played in the shooting. But the real issue is a "dead debate, lost long...

Westboro Funeral Picketers to Be Confronted by 'Angels'

Silent supporters will block mourners with large wings

(Newser) - When Westboro Baptist Church picketers arrive at the funeral of 9-year-old Christina Taylor Green on Thursday, they’ll be met by a group of angels. Tucson residents are coming together to build 8- by 10-foot angel wings, which participants will wear while surrounding the mourners. "We want to surround...

Insanity Defense Will Be Tough for Loughner

Lawyer will be lucky if he avoids death penalty

(Newser) - Once upon a time, it would have been easy for Jared Lee Loughner’s lawyers to mount an insanity defense—after all, the guy sure seems nuts . But these days, that's easier said than done, legal experts tell the AP . Congress made it drastically harder to mount an insanity defense...

Assange: I Could End Up Like Gabrielle Giffords

Threats against WikiLeaks must be taken seriously, he urges

(Newser) - WikiLeaks issued a warning today: Treat the numerous threats against founder Julian Assange seriously, “or expect more Gabrielle Gifford (sic) killing sprees.” Assange headed back to court today in London in his continuing fight to avoid extradition to Sweden, but before that brief appearance, his organization issued a...

Palin's 2012 Odds Plummet After Arizona Shooting

Debate doing serious harm to Alaskan's image

(Newser) - After the weekend shooting in Arizona, fewer people are betting on Sarah Palin 2012. The odds of the Alaskan becoming the Republican nominee plunged on betting site InTrade soon after the shooting, the Huffington Post reports. Analysts say that while no direct link has been made between the shooter and...

Europe Dismayed by Stumbling, Gun-Crazed America

Shooting seen as sign of violent super power in decline

(Newser) - While Americans are wringing their hands, trying to make some sense of a senseless act, the rest of the world is shaking its head in dismay. To Europeans in particular, the shooting deaths of 6 people and the attempted assassination of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is symptomatic of a gun-obsessed nation...

Jon Stewart: You Can't Outsmart Crazy

But let's act sane so we can spot the crazies, he pleads

(Newser) - A subdued, thoughtful Jon Stewart tried in vain last night to make some sense of the assassination attempt on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords that left six dead, and concluded there is no easy answer because "you cannot outsmart crazy." Still, he urged political rhetoric to become saner, if only...

Giffords Boasted of Her Prowess With a Glock

Startling comment highlights Arizona passion for weapons

(Newser) - Assassination target Rep. Gabrielle Giffords boasted in an interview last year: "I have a Glock 9 millimeter and I'm a pretty good shot." The startling comment coming from a woman who would soon be a shooting victim of the same gun model reveals perhaps the one thing she...

Obamas to Attend Tucson Memorial Service

President will speak at service, meet with families

(Newser) - President Obama will travel to Arizona tomorrow to attend a memorial service for the victims of the weekend shooting, administration officials say. Obama, who will be joined by the First Lady will also likely meet with the family of Gabrielle Giffords and the families of other shooting victims, aides tell...

Limbaugh, Beck: Don't Blame Us for Jared Loughner

Limbaugh calls it 'embarrassing day for media'

(Newser) - There's been a lot of shouting today about the role of inflammatory rhetoric in the Tucson shootings, but Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck are having none of it. Beck took aim at Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, who, in the wake of the shootings, called Arizona a "mecca for...

Loughner Ordered Held Without Bail
Loughner Ordered
Held Without Bail

Loughner Ordered Held Without Bail

Entire Arizona bench recuses itself

(Newser) - Jared Loughner got his first appearance in court today, sporting what the Arizona Republic calls a shaved head, "a smirk on his lips and a red strawberry bruise." The US magistrate appointed Judy Clarke—whose clients have included Timothy McVeigh and Unabomber Ted Kaczynski—his defense attorney. Highlights...

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