Gabrielle Giffords shooting

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Giffords Takes First Trip Outdoors

Congresswoman gets first fresh air, sunlight since shooting

(Newser) - Gabrielle Giffords was taken outside yesterday for her first fresh air and sunshine since she was shot in the head almost two weeks ago. Giffords— who can now stand, with assistance , and has attempted to speak—was taken on a brief stroll in a wheelchair to the Tucson University Medical...

Giffords Up on Her Feet
 Giffords Up on Her Feet 

Giffords Up on Her Feet

She stands with help, looks out window

(Newser) - Another step forward in Gabrielle Giffords’ recovery: The congresswoman was able to stand on both feet—with help—and look out a window. The news comes as Giffords prepares for a move to a rehabilitation facility in Houston tomorrow. Husband Mark Kelly lives and trains in Houston at NASA’s...

230 Mayors to Sign Tucson 'Civility Pact'

Mayors aim to take lead in bringing civility back to politics

(Newser) - More than 230 mayors are meeting in Washington this week and they plan to sign a "civility accord" thought up by Tucson's mayor after the shootings in his city. Mayor Robert Walkup aims to have mayors take the lead in restoring civility to politics. His accord urges mayors to...

Loughner Indicted in Giffords Shooting

He's charged with her attempted assassination

(Newser) - The first indictments against Jared Lee Loughner came out today, with plenty more to follow. The indictments from a federal grand jury charge him with the attempted assassination of Gabrielle Giffords and the attempted murder of two of her aides, reports the Arizona Republic . Still to come are federal murder...

Shooting Video Reveals Judge's Heroism

John Roll died saving Giffords aide's life

(Newser) - Judge John Roll pushed another man to the ground and shielded that man's body with his own, apparently saving one life while losing his own, reveals a heartbreaking video of the Tucson attack that is being publicly described for the first time. "It’s very clear to me the...

Stewart Slaps Palin's Hypocrisy
 Stewart Slaps Palin's Hypocrisy 

Stewart Slaps Palin's Hypocrisy

She has a special gift for turning criticism into persecution, he notes

(Newser) - Jon Stewart was so happy to see that a prominent victim of the Tucson shootings has experienced a “miraculous recovery,” he said on last night’s Daily Show . Yes, it’s true, Sarah Palin was up and talking on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show Monday , proving she’...

My Wife Feared Being Shot: Mark Kelly

Also believed for agonizing minutes Giffords had been killed

(Newser) - Rep. Gabrielle Giffords spoke several times about her fears of being shot in the overheated Arizona political climate, reveals her husband, who believed for several agonizing minutes that he had lost her. In his first TV interview about the attack, astronaut Mark Kelly reveals the pain of hearing the erroneous...

Christina Taylor Green's Corneas Save 2 Kids' Vision

Just another thing she's given world, says proud dad

(Newser) - Christina Taylor Green’s parents managed to find something “amazing” in the midst of the tragedy of her death: her donated corneas helped two other children to see. “The fact that her organs were able to help people, that was an amazing thing to me," John Green...

Gabrielle Giffords to Leave Hospital in Weeks ... or Days

She'll next be moved to a rehabilitation center

(Newser) - The miraculous recovery is sounding even more miraculous: Gabrielle Giffords could be discharged from her Tucson hospital in weeks, or even days. Her doctors made the announcement yesterday, adding that her family is currently searching for the rehabilitation center that Giffords will move to next, reports the Wall Street Journal...

Palin Defends Her Use of 'Blood Libel'

Critics are trying to use Tucson to silence me, says defiant Palin

(Newser) - Sarah Palin was angry and defiant in her first interview since the Tucson shootings, vowing to Fox's Sean Hannity: "I’m not going to sit down; I’m not going to shut up." Palin—who described suspected gunman Jared Lee Loughner as "left-leaning"—defended her use...

Giffords Could Lose Seat to Arizona Loophole

Statute declares office vacant after 90 days on inactivity

(Newser) - Gabrielle Giffords may yet pull off a miraculous recovery , but a peculiarity of Arizona law might cost her the House seat she holds anyway, the Washington Post reports. An Arizona statute mandates that a public office be declared vacant if the officeholder ceases to "discharge the duties of office...

Would We Have Labeled King's Rhetoric 'Inflammatory'?

After Tucson shootings, it's a question we need to ask

(Newser) - As America rails against inflammatory rhetoric in the wake of the Tucson shootings, it’s worth asking: Would Martin Luther King Jr. have been silenced in this political environment? “Even King's most memorable speech—the ‘I Have a Dream’ address at the March on Washington—was nothing if...

Giffords' Husband Willing to Meet Loughner's Parents
Hubby Says Giffords
Gave Him Massage in ICU
sign of recovery?

Hubby Says Giffords Gave Him Massage in ICU

Capt. Mark Kelly gives first interview since shooting

(Newser) - Gabrielle Giffords’ husband knew his wife was getting better when she gave him a massage. It sounds almost too incredible to believe, but he recounts: "She's in the ICU. You know, gone through this traumatic injury. And she spent 10 minutes giving me a neck massage. It's so typical...

Senators to Buck Tradition at State of the Union

Democrat Chuck Schumer and GOP's Tom Coburn will sit together

(Newser) - Aiming for a more civil tone, a pair of senators from opposite parties will buck tradition and sit together at the State of the Union. Oklahoma Republican Tom Coburn and New York Democrat Chuck Schumer’s decision follows a push for civility in politics after the Tucson shootings. Schumer said...

Shooting Victim's Widow: Husband 'Died for Me'

Mavy Stoddard asks others to forgive the shooter

(Newser) - "He made me a better person. He made me know there are good men," said 75-year-old Mavanell "Mavy" Stoddard yesterday at the memorial for her late husband, who took a bullet for her in the Arizona shootings. "He spoiled me rotten. And oh gosh, it was...

Giffords' Proud Husband: My Wife Is a Fighter

Mark Kelly speaks at aide's memorial

(Newser) - Gabrielle Giffords is "a fighter" who's "improving every day," said her hopeful astronaut husband in his first public comments since his wife was shot. Mark Kelly spoke to hundreds of mourners gathered at a memorial for Gabriel Zimmerman, the Giffords aide who was killed in the shooting....

Loughner's Trial Likely to Be Switched to California

Authorities seek calmer venue for flash-point case

(Newser) - Federal authorities are planning to move the trial of shooting suspect Jared Lee Loughner from Tucson to San Diego to dodge the jury-tainting effects of extensive pre-trial publicity in Arizona. The case is a particular flash point in Arizona, where the state's chief federal judge, John M. Roll, was gunned...

Gabrielle Giffords Upgraded to 'Serious' Condition

Change likely occurred because she is now breathing on her own

(Newser) - More good news for Gabrielle Giffords: Doctors upgraded her from critical to serious condition today, the Arizona Republic reports. A spokesperson says such a change typically happens when a patient stops using a ventilator and can breathe on her own, as Giffords did yesterday . Patients are listed in critical condition...

Pundits, Politicians Spar Over Tucson Shooting
Pundits, Politicians Spar
Over Tucson Shooting

Pundits, Politicians Spar Over Tucson Shooting

Some blame loopholes, others mental health treatment

(Newser) - Jared Lee Loughner got rejected from the Army for "excessive" drug use, yet was allowed to buy a gun because of a loophole that Sen. Chuck Schumer wants to close, reports the Hill. The New York Democrat is writing the White House to ask that the Pentagon be forced...

Giffords Can Move Both Sides of Her Body

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand spoke with husband Mark Kelly, passes on details

(Newser) - More good news on the Gabrielle-Giffords-recovery front : She's now able to move both sides of her body. Speaking on Meet the Press today, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand said she had spoken with Giffords' husband last night, and the update was a good one: "She's using both sides of her body....

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