Erin Brockovich

11 Stories

Erin Brockovich: Consider 'Forever Chemicals' as You Vote

She was alarmed by Supreme Court's decision overturn the 40-year-old Chevron precedent

(Newser) - Erin Brockovich's fight isn't over. In an op-ed for the New York Times , the consumer advocate and environmental activist makes the case that voters should contemplate how protected they want to be from "forever chemicals" when they cast their ballot in November. "People like to talk...

Erin Brockovich Hammered PG&E. Now She Wants to Save It

It's all about getting money for California's wildfire victims

(Newser) - Consumer activist Erin Brockovich, who famously took on Pacific Gas & Electric Co. in the 1990s, urged California lawmakers Tuesday not to let the utility go bankrupt—because it could mean less money for wildfire victims. "I'm mad, I think we should all be mad," Brockovich said...

That Chemical Erin Brockovich Fought? You're Likely Drinking It

Environmental Working Group releases analysis of EPA data

(Newser) - If chromium-6 rings a bell for some odd reason, that reason is likely Erin Brockovich, who famously helped secure a massive settlement for the Hinkley, Calif., residents who had been exposed to dangerous levels of the heavy metal. And there's a chance you have been exposed, too, according to...

Brockovich's Water Warning: Flint Is Just the Start

She's been on the case for a year already

(Newser) - Think the Flint water crisis is bad? It's only "the tip of the iceberg," says Erin Brockovich. During an appearance on The Late Show on Thursday, the environmental activist explained lead-laced water has also been found in Sebring, Ohio; Louisiana; and possibly Wisconsin. "I can tell...

There's an Environmental Disaster Happening in LA

Solution to methane gas leak is still months away

(Newser) - Erin Brockovich is calling it the worst environmental catastrophe since the 2010 BP oil spill: Methane has been leaking from a well in Los Angeles for at least two months and will continue to do so for at least two more. Southern California Gas detected the leak— seen here using...

Erin Brockovich Has a New Target

Bayer's Essure sterilization device is 'perforating uteruses, colons'

(Newser) - Erin Brockovich, whose fight to clean a water supply took her story to Hollywood, has a new target: pharmaceutical giant Bayer. Its Essure sterilization device permanently prevents pregnancy without surgery via nickel-coated coils in the fallopian tubes. The coils create scar tissue that blocks off the tubes, an approach that...

Erin Brockovich in Drunk Boating Bust
Erin Brockovich in
Drunk Boating Bust

Erin Brockovich in Drunk Boating Bust

She apologizes, says 'day in the sun' to blame

(Newser) - Erin Brockovich says a day of sun led to her weekend arrest for boating while intoxicated. The environmental activist—whose legal battle over pollution in a California town became a movie starring Julia Roberts—was arrested and breath-tested after a game warden at Lake Mead, Nevada, saw that she was...

Water Woes Prompt Exodus From Erin Brockovich Town

Quarter of population has sold homes

(Newser) - Seems Erin Brockovich's heroics weren't enough to end her town's toxin troubles . More than a decade after the eponymous Julia Roberts film about the battle over toxic groundwater, Hinkley, Calif., is in the midst of a new wave of water concerns. The crisis has prompted more than...

Girls With Mystery 'Tic' Illness Getting Better

Erin Brockovich still probing possible environmental contamination

(Newser) - Two teenaged girls have recovered and three others are getting better after a mystery illness broke out in small-town New York state, WHEC-TV reports. A Buffalo doctor revealed the good news this week, saying her mix of medication, psychological help, and behavior modification helped girls suffering from strange verbal and...

Erin Brockovich Probes Teen Illness Mystery

Investigates possible ties between teens in Le Roy, NY, and chemical spill

(Newser) - A handful of teens at a New York state high school are suffering from a mysterious illness—and Erin Brockovich is on the case. Some 15 Le Roy teens, mostly girls, have displayed facial and verbal tics, including sudden outbursts, USA Today reports; the environmental activist is investigating a possible...

Erin Brockovich Carcinogen Runs Rampant in US Tap Water

Industrial pollutant hexavalent chromium found in 31 of 35 cities surveyed

(Newser) - Those who thought Erin Brockovich was just a decent movie might want to check their drinking water: An environmental group has found the probable carcinogen featured in the film in the tap water of 31 of 35 US cities it analyzed—the first such study of hexavalent chromium to be...

11 Stories