missile defense system

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Russia Bristles at Landmark US-Czech Deal

Moscow threatens military action against anti-missile system

(Newser) - Russia today blasted a landmark deal between the US and Czech Republic with rhetoric reminiscent of the Cold War. After Czech officials agreed to let the US use its territory for a missile-defense system, Moscow threatened military retaliation, Reuters reports. The Kremlin views the deployment of the system in former...

Russian Alliance Crucial to Disarming Iran
Russian Alliance Crucial to Disarming Iran

Russian Alliance Crucial to Disarming Iran

Economic pressure can force nuclear shutdown: Schumer

(Newser) - The way to pressure Iran into halting its nuclear program is through economic sanctions, Sen. Chuck Schumer argues in the Wall Street Journal. And the key to giving them teeth is to enlist Russia's cooperation. "To bring Putin's Russia on board we must make it an offer it cannot...

Air Force Pulls Misleading Ad
 Air Force Pulls Misleading Ad 

Air Force Pulls Misleading Ad

Service will rework spot for 'Above All' campaign, release with new story line

(Newser) - An Air Force commercial that shows a US communications satellite exploding and implies a single missile could knock out cell phones, GPS navigation, banking transactions, and TV broadcasts has been pulled for being misleading, the Military Times reports. The ad, part of the Air Force’s “Above All” campaign...

Army Engineer Accused of Spying for Israel

American gave away information on nuclear weapons, fighter jets

(Newser) - An 84-year old American engineer was arrested today on charges of providing information on US military technology to Israel, Reuters reports. Ben-Ami Kadish, 83, has already admitted in FBI interviews to giving an unnamed Israeli source around 100 documents on nuclear weapons, the F-15 jet and the Patriot missile defense...

Bush, Putin Cordial, But Missile Deal Unlikely

President's in Russia amid numerous policy tensions

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin gave President Bush a warm welcome today, but US-Russian relations seem set to remain frosty on at least one foreign policy front, the AP reports. The two are unlikely to reach a consensus on a proposed missile-defense system in Eastern Europe, a White House spokeswoman said. “We’...

NATO Sides With Bush on Missile Defense Plan
NATO Sides With Bush on Missile Defense Plan

NATO Sides With Bush on Missile Defense Plan

But alliance leaders won't back US on inviting Ukraine, Georgia

(Newser) - NATO today backed a plan by President Bush to build a missile defense system in Eastern Europe, the New York Times reports, but would not go along with encouraging Ukraine and Georgia to pursue membership in the alliance. Both steps had been opposed by Russian leader Vladimir Putin, who is...

Bush Backs Ukraine's NATO Bid
 Bush Backs Ukraine's NATO Bid 

Bush Backs Ukraine's NATO Bid

President's support sure to irk Russia

(Newser) - President Bush today declared his unequivocal support for the entry of Ukraine and Georgia into NATO, a position sure to anger Russia, Reuters notes. “Your nation has made a bold decision, and the United States strongly supports your request,” Bush said, flanked by Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko. But...

Bush, Putin to Lock Antlers on Missile Defense

Russian president will host US counterpart for April 6 summit

(Newser) - President Bush accepted Russian President Vladimir Putin's invitation today to continue the two nations' often strained talks over a proposed US missile defense system in central Europe. The two heads of state will meet April 6 in the Black Sea resort town of Sochi, the Washington Post reports, for likely...

Satellite Shootdown May Cost $60M
May Cost $60M

Satellite Shootdown May Cost $60M

Navy likely to take aim next week, after shuttle Atlantis returns

(Newser) - The Navy's attempt to shoot down a malfunctioning spy satellite will cost up to $60 million, CNN reports. Three Navy ships are preparing for the mission, which could take place next week, but only after the space shuttle Atlantis returns. The Navy hopes to destroy the satellite, which has half...

Putin Defies Critics in Last Bow
Putin Defies Critics in Last Bow

Putin Defies Critics in Last Bow

Russian leader underlines post-presidency designs on power, spars with West

(Newser) - Today may have been Vladimir Putin’s final press conference as Russia's president, but he made it clear he won’t be going far, the New York Times reports. Putin said he would remain a force in the Kremlin, as “there’s enough power to go 'round,” Bloomberg...

US to Shoot Down Dead Satellite
US to Shoot Down Dead Satellite

US to Shoot Down Dead Satellite

Pentagon hopes to destroy it before it crashes to Earsh

(Newser) - The Pentagon is planning to shoot down a malfunctioning spy satellite in orbit, the AP reports, rather than run the risk of it crashing to Earth—and possibly into unfriendly hands. The powerless satellite is currently expected to hit somewhere on Earth the first week of March; the US would...

Russia to Ukraine: Don't Join NATO, Or Else

...We may aim nuclear missiles at you

(Newser) - If Ukraine joins NATO and hosts the US missile-defense program, Russia may aim nuclear missiles at its neighbor, Vladimir Putin said today in a press conference with Ukranian president Viktor Yushchenko. Russia’s president claimed that “it is horrible to say and even horrible to think” that such measures...

Poland, US Move Closer on Missile Shield

Countries agree, in principle, on military cooperation plan

(Newser) - Poland agreed, in principle, yesterday to host controversial US missile interceptors on its soil, the AP reports, after Condoleezza Rice sat down with Poland's foreign minister and agreed to help upgrade its military in return. The foreign minister told reporters in Washington that there was still a lot of negotiating...

Anti-Missile Devices Set for Testing on US Airliners

Laser jammers slated for cross-country flights

(Newser) - The Department of Homeland Security will equip three American Airlines passenger planes with anti-missile laser jammers this spring, USA Today reports. The devices, designed to confuse shoulder-launched projectiles, will be mounted on planes flying between New York and California to assess overall maintenance concerns, how the system works on routine...

Japan Shoots Down Dummy US Missile

Japanese expanding missile defense systems with Yank help

(Newser) - A Japanese warship off Hawaii has shot down a US-made mock ballistic missile in flight over the Pacific Ocean, the BBC reports. The test, using a US-developed intercept missile, was the first of its kind by an American ally. Japan and the US stepped up their missile defense cooperation after...

Russia Rips US Missile Defense Offer
Russia Rips
US Missile
Defense Offer

Russia Rips US Missile Defense Offer

White House proposal is still 'unilateral,' says defense minister

(Newser) - American and Russian plans to collaborate on a missile defense program suffered another blow today as Russia's foreign minister blasted American offers as "a significant rollback" from earlier promises. US proposals amounted to a "unilateral" American effort that would seek help and information from Russia, and no more,...

Bush Sees 'Urgent' Need for Missile Defense

He says Europe shield needed to fend off Iran

(Newser) - President Bush today declared an "urgent" need for a missile-defense system in Europe to defend the US and its allies against attacks from "dangerous regimes" such as Iran, the Washington Post reports. Bush sought to get Russia on board, while defense chief Gates said the system would remain...

Russia Vows to Launch Arms Race in Space

General cautions US, China against new anti-missile systems

(Newser) - Today Russia promised an arms race with the US and China if they keep launching military hardware into orbit.  "We need to have strong rules about space, to avoid its militarization," General Vladimir Popovkin said. Reuters reports that his barb was aimed at Washington for its "...

Putin Suspends Arms Pact
Putin Suspends Arms Pact

Putin Suspends Arms Pact

Moscow's move over anti-missle flap further imperils relations with US

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin suspended the Kremlin’s recognition of a key arms control treaty today, citing the threat to Russian security posed by US plans for a missile defense system in Eastern Europe. The 1990 pact limited the number of offensive weapons that could be deployed in Europe, the BBC explains;...

Putin Wants in on Missile Shield
Putin Wants in on Missile Shield

Putin Wants in on Missile Shield

Russian premier pushes plan for joint anti-missile defense system in lieu of bases in Poland, Czech Reppublic

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin yesterday pushed his proposal for cooperating with the US on a joint missile defense system, part of which would be built on Russian soil, the Washington Post reports. The offer, first broached in Germany last month,  was welcomed by President Bush as he and the Russian premier ...

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