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NATO: Gadhafi Is on the Ropes
 NATO: Gadhafi Is on the Ropes 

NATO: Gadhafi Is on the Ropes

Rebels seize key routes into Tripoli

(Newser) - A series of impressive rebel advances have left Moammar Gadhafi’s troops reeling and on the verge of defeat in Libya, NATO commanders told reporters yesterday. “Our assessment, without going into details, is that the Gadhafi regime does not have anymore an effective operational capability,” one colonel said,...

Gadhafi Readying a Bloody Last Stand

He reportedly fired a Scud missile at the rebels

(Newser) - Yet another minister defected . Rebels are just 30 miles from Tripoli. The curtain is falling on Moammar Gadhafi, reports the Telegraph , and the Libyan strongman seems to be prepping for a violent—and "final"—last stand. The paper's proof? Officials tell the Telegraph that a US destroyer...

Libya TV Claims Gadhafi Son Not Dead

Libyan TV airs footage of Khamis Gadhafi yesterday

(Newser) - Perhaps Moammar Gadhafi's youngest son is not dead after all, as was reported last Friday . Libyan state television broadcast footage of a man it says is Khamis Gadhafi visiting wounded people in a hospital east of Tripoli—and it claims it was filmed yesterday, reports al-Jazeera , which notes the...

Libyan Rebels Close In on Tripoli

Pincer attack coming from south and west

(Newser) - Libyan rebels closed in on Tripoli from two sides today, bringing them closer than ever to Moammar Gadhafi’s stronghold. Rebels from the Nafusa mountains, armed with French weaponry, took the desert village of Gualish a scant 62 miles south of the capital, according to an AFP reporter embedded with...

Britain Sending Supplies, Armor to Libyan Rebels

Meanwhile rebels gain ground in west

(Newser) - It’s not quite as dramatic as air-dropping assault rifles , but Britain is also supplying the Libyan rebels, Foreign Secretary William Hague acknowledged yesterday. Britain has sent the rebels 5,000 sets of body armor, along with 6,650 police uniforms, and 5,000 high-visibility vests, the New York Times...

Court Issues Warrant for Gadhafi on War Crimes

Libya does not recognize Hague's ICC: spokesperson

(Newser) - The International Criminal Court has accused Moammar Gadhafi of crimes against humanity and has issued arrest warrants for him and two of his top aides. The ICC presiding judge says there are "reasonable grounds to believe" that Gadhafi and son Saif al-Islam are "criminally responsible as indirect co-perpetrators"...

Rebels Launch Surprise Attacks in West Libya

Taking the oil port of Zawiyah could be devastating to Gadhafi

(Newser) - Surprise rebel attacks all over western Libya, including on the vital oil port of Zawiyah, could be the first step of a big push toward Tripoli, reports the Washington Post . “They are making very good progress,” said a rebel spokesman. “I think we’re headed for the...

NATO: Gadhafi Is a Legitimate Target

UN resolution authorizes killing leader, official says

(Newser) - As NATO jets continue to pound Tripoli, a senior military official in the alliance refused to tell CNN whether Moammar Gadhafi was being directly targeted. He did, however, stress that the leader, as head of the Libyan military, is a "legitimate target" to protect civilians. The UN resolution authorizing...

NATO Pounds Gadhafi Compound

Leader appears increasingly isolated amid sharp escalation

(Newser) - NATO continued to pound Moammar Gadhafi's compound into the wee hours today, dropping a total of 80 bombs on it and other targets around Tripoli, reports the New York Times. The compound was largely decimated in the shelling, and Gadhafi's whereabouts remain unknown, though he taunted NATO in...

Libya Rape Victim en Route to US

Iman al-Obeidi had been expelled from Qatar, returned to native Benghazi

(Newser) - Iman al-Obeidi, the Libyan who broke through Moammar Gadhafi's media control to accuse his troops of gang rape, is headed to the United States. Al-Obeidi had been staying in Qatar until that nation inexplicably expelled her Thursday, and she ended up back in her native Benghazi. Al-Obeidi's sister...

NATO Pounds Tripoli With Heaviest Bombing Yet

Bombardment targets area around Moammar Gadhafi's compound

(Newser) - NATO warplanes bombarded targets in Tripoli with more than 20 airstrikes early today, targeting the area around Moammar Gadhafi's Bab-al-Aziziya residential compound. It was the heaviest night of bombing of the Libyan capital since the Western alliance launched its air campaign against Libyan forces. The rapid string of strikes,...

Libya: We'll Pull Army Out of Cities If...

Moammar Gadhafi’s government says forces will withdraw if rebels disarm

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi’s government has offered to pull its troops out of the cities it is occupying, provided the rebel opposition disarms and NATO stops bombing them. The move was suggested by Russian officials in a meeting with a Libyan delegation in Moscow, the Wall Street Journal reports. Government spokesman...

Gadhafi Taunts NATO in Audio Recording

But speculation mounts that he's injured and on the run

(Newser) - Where is Moammar Gadhafi? After reports surfaced that he was injured and had fled Tripoli , state TV released what it said was an audio recording of the Libyan leader taunting NATO. "I tell the cowardly crusader that I live in a place they cannot reach and where you cannot...

Gadhafi Likely Wounded, Out of Tripoli: Italy

Foreign minister thinks Libya leader probably got injured by airstrike

(Newser) - Today's hot rumor from Libya: Moammar Gadhafi is wounded and has fled Tripoli for a safer part of Libya, reports Reuters . It's not some anonymous tweet, though: It comes from Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini, who himself got it from the Catholic bishop in the Libyan capital. "...

Gadhafi Appears for First Time in 2 Weeks

Libyan state TV shows leader meeting with officials

(Newser) - After disappearing from the public eye on April 30 when his son was killed in a NATO air strike, Moammar Gadhafi has been spotted again on Libyan state television. The footage, seen by Reuters , showed Gadhafi meeting with officials at a Tripoli hotel. One old man told Gadhafi, "You...

Eyeing Gadhafi's Compound, NATO Bombs Tripoli

But Libya fight appears to be at a stalemate

(Newser) - NATO missile strikes hit Tripoli today, and witnesses say some of them appeared to target Moammar Gadhafi's compound. Libyan officials, who claim four children were wounded in the strikes, showed journalists a destroyed government building and a damaged hospital. "The direction of at least one blast suggests Gadhafi'...

Libya Refugee Ship Sinks, Hundreds Feared Dead

Vessel had 600 crammed aboard

(Newser) - A ship carrying 600 refugees fleeing from war-ravaged Libya has sank outside Tripoli, the BBC reports, and several hundred are feared to have drowned. The overcrowded boat, one of thousands of questionable vessels currently evacuating refugees, broke apart Friday, and the UN's refugee agency said today that 16 bodies...

Migrant Boat Survivors: NATO Left Us to Starve

Of 72 passengers, only nine are left

(Newser) - Despite issuing multiple distress calls, dozens of African migrants died as their boat drifted in the Mediterranean for 16 days, seemingly ignored by NATO and other potential rescuers. The boat, carrying 72 passengers including women, children, and political refugees, set out from Tripoli on March 25. En route to the...

Gadhafi Offers Truce as NATO Strikes Tripoli

Bombs hit government buildings during Libyan leader's speech

(Newser) - Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi called for a ceasefire and negotiations with NATO powers in a live speech on state TV early Saturday, just as NATO bombs struck a government complex in the Libyan capital. The targeted compound included the state television building and a Libyan official alleged the strikes were...

NATO Strike Slams Gadhafi Compound

Offices, library, reception hall destroyed

(Newser) - A NATO airstrike has seriously damaged Moammar Gadhafi's compound in Tripoli, according to officials. Two missiles made direct hits on the Bab al-Azizia complex early today in two of the biggest explosions in the capital to date, reports the BBC . A multi-story library and office and a reception hall...

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