
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

Trump Pact With Honduras 'Seals Off' Central America

Administration signs deal to send asylum seekers to country

(Newser) - The Trump administration signed a deal Wednesday with a third Central American country that would effectively seal off the region, preventing asylum-seekers traveling through from entering the United States, the AP reports. The latest agreement, signed on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, paves the way to send asylum-seekers...

Trump Loses Court Battle Over Asylum

Federal judge's ruling halts the policy across the Mexico border

(Newser) - A federal judge on Wednesday blocked the Trump administration from enforcing new asylum restrictions for immigrants at the US-Mexico border, marking the latest defeat for a president waging an all-out battle in the courts to stop the flow of migrants into the country, the AP reports. The ruling by US...

New Rule Makes Big Change to Asylum Law

It would vastly restrict number of migrants who can apply for asylum in America

(Newser) - A new rule that fundamentally changes US asylum law and would dramatically reduce the number of migrants who can apply at the border goes into effect Tuesday, the Los Angeles Times reports. An immediate legal challenge is expected. The new rule, published in the Federal Register , stipulates that any migrant...

20% of Asylum Seekers Come From a Single Country

UN calls economic crisis there a 'war of survival'

(Newser) - When Johan Álvarez was unable to provide more than one meal a day for his young family he knew it was time to leave Venezuela. With his wife and infant son, the 25-year-old embarked on a lengthy journey by bus through three nations to reach Peru earlier this year....

She Has Dementia, Chokes on Food. Denmark Is Deporting Her

Family of 72-year-old Zarmena Waziri says she'll never make it back in Afghanistan

(Newser) - June 4 is a day of reckoning for Zarmena Waziri, a 72-year-old refugee from Afghanistan with dementia who's been told that's the day she must report to a Denmark deportation center. The New York Times reports that her last appeal for asylum there, where she lives with her...

Trump Wants to Charge Asylum Seekers to Apply

President orders crackdown on 'rampant abuse'

(Newser) - President Trump is proposing charging asylum-seekers a fee to process their applications as he continues to try to crack down on the surge of Central American migrants trying to cross into the US. In a presidential memorandum signed Monday, Trump directed his attorney general and acting homeland security secretary to...

Judge Blocks White House's Asylum Policy

Preliminary injunction scheduled to take effect Friday

(Newser) - A US judge in San Francisco has blocked the Trump administration's policy of returning asylum seekers to Mexico as they wait for a court to hear their cases, but the order won't immediately go into effect. Judge Richard Seeborg on Monday granted a request by civil liberties groups...

US Tries to Send More Seeking Asylum Back Across the Border

Border officials aim to quadruple the number of Central Americans returned

(Newser) - Border officials are aiming to more than quadruple the number of asylum seekers sent back over the southern border each day, a major expansion of a government effort to address the swelling number of Central Americans arriving in the country, a Trump administration official said Saturday. It was the latest...

Feds Ready to Roll Out Major Asylum Policy Change

Asylum seekers will be forced to wait in Mexico

(Newser) - The Trump administration on Friday will start forcing some asylum seekers to wait in Mexico while their cases wind through US courts, an official says, launching what could become one of the more significant changes to the immigration system in years. The changes will be introduced at San Diego's...

Saudi Teen Barricaded in Hotel Room Wins Reprieve

Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun begs Thai officials not to send her home, saying she'll be killed

(Newser) - A young Saudi Arabian woman who barricaded herself in an airport hotel room in Bangkok, saying that her life will be in danger if authorities send her back to her family, has won a reprieve. Thailand authorities will allow her to stay, at least temporarily, while they investigate her case,...

Supreme Court Deals Blow to Trump on Asylum-Seekers

Won't allow White House to begin enforcing controversial new restrictions

(Newser) - The Supreme Court ruled against President Trump on Friday regarding a controversial new plan to put restrictions on asylum-seekers. Chief Justice John Roberts joined the court's four more liberal justices in blocking the White House from immediately enforcing the plan, reports the New York Times . (This is the same...

Trump: I'll Shut Border 'Permanently' If I Have To

President tells Mexico it should send all 'flag-waving migrants' back to their home countries

(Newser) - On Sunday, there was "mayhem" at the US-Mexico border as pedestrian crossings at the San Ysidro port of entry, one of the country's busiest, were suspended by Customs and Border Protection, and US agents shot tear gas at migrants near the border after a few tried to breach...

US Strikes Major Deal With Mexico —or Does It?

US-Mexico agreement seems up in the air

(Newser) - Has Washington struck a new immigration deal with Mexico? Depends on who you ask. According to the Washington Post , the two sides have agreed in principle that asylum seekers will wait in Mexico for courts to assess their claims—and anyone denied gets sent back to their home country. "...

White House Announces Asylum Crackdown

Trump expected to issue proclamation Friday

(Newser) - The White House has unveiled the crackdown on asylum seekers President Trump promised last week . A joint statement from Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen released Thursday announced an "Interim Final Rule" declaring that "aliens" who violate presidential suspensions or limitations on entry...

Woman Indicted for Trying to Block Man's Deportation

Swedish woman refused to take her seat on plane

(Newser) - A Swedish woman who blocked a man's deportation by refusing to sit down on a plane is being prosecuted for "crimes against the aviation law," authorities say. Elin Ersson, 21, was indicted Friday for refusing to take her seat on a Turkish Airlines flight from Gothenburg on...

She Refused to Sit on a Plane, Stopped a Man's Deportation

Swedish student Elin Ersson bought a ticket, caused a ruckus til officials took Afghan man off

(Newser) - A Swedish student took a stand—literally—against an Afghan man's deportation from her country, and it worked, at least temporarily. Asylum activist Elin Ersson learned the man was to be flown to Istanbul from Gothenburg and then on to Kabul and bought a ticket for that same Monday...

Border Impasse Over Migrant Caravan Ends

At least 8 were allowed to enter US

(Newser) - US border inspectors have allowed some of the Central American asylum-seekers from a "caravan of migrants" criticized by President Trump to enter the country for processing, ending a brief impasse over lack of space. Now, the migrants who crossed Mexico in a caravan may face a long legal path....

Central American 'Caravan' With Women, Kids Reaches Border

About 130 migrants are hoping to find asylum in US

(Newser) - About 130 Central Americans, mostly women and kids, have arrived at the US-Mexico border in a "caravan" of asylum-seeking immigrants that has drawn the fury of President Trump. Two busloads arrived late Tuesday in the Mexican border city of Tijuana at two migrant shelters just steps from one of...

Congolese Mother Kept 2K Miles From Daughter Set Free

Asylum seeker's next step: to reunite with 7-year-old daughter, taken by ICE 4 months ago

(Newser) - A Congolese mother detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement after attempting to seek asylum in the US, then held 2,000 miles away from her 7-year-old daughter for four months, walked free on Tuesday, per the Washington Post . The ACLU reports her release comes just days after it filed suit...

Mom, Girl Fled to the US, Are Being Held 2K Miles Apart

ACLU sues the US government over the case of 'Ms. L' and 'SS'

(Newser) - The story begins on Nov. 1, 2017, when "Ms. L" and "SS," her 7-year-old girl, arrived on US shores. They told the border agents at a port of entry near San Diego they had fled the Democratic Republic of Congo out of fear for their lives and...

Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>