David Cameron

Stories 121 - 132 | << Prev 

New Election Loss Could Be Knock-Out Punch for Brown

Tory takes vacancy in industrial district

(Newser) - The crushing defeat for the Labor Party yesterday in an election in a working class district of England could spell disaster for Prime Minister Gordon Brown, reports the Guardian. The opposition Tory candidate beat the ruling party choice in a by-election to fill a death vacancy by a whopping margin...

West's Right Wingers Are Banking Left
West's Right Wingers Are Banking Left

West's Right Wingers Are Banking Left

Conservatives taking a more moderate tack in face of unfriendly world

(Newser) - There’s a distinct leftward tilt rippling across the western world, Gabor Steingart observes in Der Spiegel. From John McCain to England’s David Cameron to Germany’s Angela Merkel, conservative leaders are softening up and drifting toward the middle. To see why, one needs only look at three of...

Outlook Dark for Britain's Brown
Outlook Dark for Britain's Brown

Outlook Dark for Britain's Brown

PM's ratings tank in new poll, prompting Labour worries party could go down with him

(Newser) - British PM Gordon Brown suffered his worst ratings yet today, falling behind Conservative Party leader David Cameron in every category in a new survey. The Labour leader is scrambling to win back public favor after three in four people said he was doing a bad job, with almost half calling...

McCain Cozies Up to UK's Brown
McCain Cozies Up
to UK's Brown 

McCain Cozies Up to UK's Brown

GOP candidate talks Iraq, global warming, with British PM

(Newser) - John McCain began his visit to Europe in London today, where he met with PM Gordon Brown and praised him as a "very strong leader," the Guardian reports. McCain and Brown discussed Iraq, the global economy, and climate change, but when asked about British plans to withdraw troops...

Thatcher Leaves Hospital
Thatcher Leaves Hospital

Thatcher Leaves Hospital

Former British PM said to be doing fine after precautionary stay

(Newser) - Margaret Thatcher is back home after an overnight stay in a London hospital triggered by a "fainting episode," a spokesman says. Tests showed nothing more serious than that for the former British PM, the Guardian reports. Thatcher, 82, who suffered multiple strokes in 2005, smiled and waved to...

UK Tories Give Hillary a Hand
UK Tories Give Hillary a Hand

UK Tories Give Hillary a Hand

Britain's right aligns itself with America's left

(Newser) - Since David Cameron became leader in 2005, Britain's Conservative Party has moved steadily to the political center on issues from climate change to gay rights. That shift has alienated the Tories from their American cousins, the Republicans, and in an election year the division has become especially acute. As the...

Two More Discs Missing in UK Data Fiasco

Brown apologizes as criticism of government grows louder

(Newser) - The fallout from the lost data fiasco in Britain continues, as the Times of London reveals that two more unencrypted discs containing sensitive personal information have been reported missing from the nation's tax agency. Gordon Brown faced down a furious opposition in Prime Minister's Questions yesterday. The PM has employed...

Dislike Deeper Than Politics for UK Foes

Columnist examines 'toxic' relations between PM Brown and Tory Cameron

(Newser) - In London this week, a full slate of public appearances has forced Gordon Brown and David Cameron to act chummy and smile for the cameras. Yet as a columnist for the Telegraph observes, the Labour prime minister and Conservative opposition leader seem barely capable of having a conversation. Their mutual...

Tory Poll Surge Batters Brown
Tory Poll Surge Batters Brown

Tory Poll Surge Batters Brown

PM accused of cowardice, lack of vision as opponents soar in polls

(Newser) - British PM Gordon Brown took a beating this week as a new poll showed the opposition Tories surging to their highest levels of popular support in 15 years, and even some Labourites came out of the woodwork to attack his vision for the future. Support for the Conservatives rose 5...

UK Opposition Leader Calls On Governator

Tory challenger visits Schwarzenegger, Google heads, maybe Bush

(Newser) - David Cameron, the UK Tory leader, is in California to meet with politicians and tech gurus and to pitch himself, rather than Gordon Brown, as the future of Britain. Only two weeks ago Cameron's career was in free fall, but after a stellar performance at the Conservative Party's conference and...

Tories Try to Fight Off Early UK Election

Conservatives prepare for disaster, and some prefer Brown anyway

(Newser) - Britain's Conservatives are having their annual meeting this week, and the party is desperate to put on a brave face and scare Gordon Brown away from an early election. But as David Cameron, the Tories' 40-year-old modernizing leader, prepares for his make-or-break speech tomorrow, one columnist reports that in private...

Brown Outlines Post-Blair Era
Brown Outlines Post-Blair Era

Brown Outlines Post-Blair Era

Proposes major initiatives - including transfer of war powers to Parliament

(Newser) - Gordon Brown is about to put some distance between himself and his former boss with a series of proposals laying out his vision, including giving Parliament the right to approve war powers, reports The Observer. With Blair pilloried for pusuing a profoundly unpopualr war almost single-handedly from Number 10, Brown...

Stories 121 - 132 | << Prev