
Stories 141 - 153 | << Prev 

Dems Stonewall on Pullout Deadline
Dems Stonewall on
Pullout Deadline

Dems Stonewall on Pullout Deadline

Obama, Edwards, Clinton won't guarantee withdrawal by 2013

(Newser) - None of the three leading Democratic White House contenders were willing last night to guarantee that they would get US troops out of Iraq by 2013. During a Democratic debate at Dartmouth College, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards—who all support a timetable for troop withdrawal—each declined...

Osama's New Tape Combed for Meaning

Experts say bin Laden alive, plotting, and struggling for relevance

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden’s latest tape, designed to coincide with the anniversary of 9/11, is being mined for clues as to al Qaeda's robustness. Noting bin Laden’s unnaturally black beard, Newsweek says the leader may have dyed his own to demonstrate vigor, or donned a fake beard, after shaving...

Anti-Terror Squads Probe Fires
Anti-Terror Squads Probe Fires

Anti-Terror Squads Probe Fires

As blazes continue, police call for increased powers

(Newser) - As fires continues to ravage Greece, the government has used anti-terrorist forces to question 32 suspects arrested for alleged arson. New fires continue to break out, and Greek authorities are now offering a $2 milion reward to catch arsonists. The blazes have killed at least 60 people since Friday and...

Activists, Washington Cross Swords over Terror List

Raises new concerns over privacy

(Newser) - Activists are battling Washington over a list that tagged some 20,000 people as suspected terrorists last year, the Washington Post reports. Yet only a fraction of them were arrested, prompting critics to doubt the list’s value. Cases of a civil rights activist held for hours and a Cleveland...

Nuclear Screw-Ups Hushed Up
Nuclear Screw-Ups Hushed Up

Nuclear Screw-Ups Hushed Up

Tenn. plant that supplies Navy fuel wasn't fined for uranium leak

(Newser) - In the name of national security, the NRC has held back from reporting serious violations at a Tennessee nuclear plant, including a 9-gallon uranium spill for which the facility was not fined. In balancing public safety against counterterrorism measures, an agency exec tells the AP, "The pendulum maybe swung...

Padilla Terror Trial Targets Islam: Lawyer

Defense charges prosecutors play on jurors' post-9-11 fears

(Newser) - A lawyer for one of Jose Padilla's co-defendants accused prosecutors of turning the terror suspects' trial into a "US versus Islam" crusade to conceal a lack of evidence. Padilla, a US citizen, and two other men face charges of conspiring to murder and injure people in Afghanistan and Eastern...

Why Are We Losing Afghanistan?
Why Are We Losing Afghanistan?

Why Are We Losing Afghanistan?

Miscalculated and under-emphasized the country time and again

(Newser) - Critical misjudgments and a consistent refusal to commit resources undermined what appeared to be a US triumph in routing the Taliban in Afghanistan, the New York Times reports in a detailed analysis of how the "good war" seems to have gone bad. From Donald Rumsfeld’s early rebuff of...

Force May Be Used to Free Korean Hostages

In phone call, female hostage pleads for release

(Newser) - One of the 22 South Korean hostages held in Afghanistan spoke to a Reuters reporter today, saying she and the other remaining hostages are continually moved to different locations. She appealed to both the Taliban and the Afghan government to free them. A senior Afghan official said force “certainly”...

'24' Will Elect Female Prez in '08
'24' Will
Elect Female Prez in '08

'24' Will Elect Female Prez in '08

Cherry Jones to inhabit Oval Office in Fox thriller

(Newser) - The United States will have a female president next year—and on Fox, no less. The political thriller "24" will feature Tony Award-winning actress Cherry Jones as President Allison Taylor when the seventh season of Jack Bauer's technological derring-do kicks off in January. 

Musharraf Faces Bumpy Road to Re-Election

Bhutto mounts challenge to second presidential term

(Newser) - Pervez Musharraf is facing yet another hurdle: Benazir Bhutto says she will return to Pakistan to challenge his plans for another presidential term. The exiled ex-PM tells the Sunday Times she is considering abandoning talks with the increasingly unpopular Musharraf, embarrassed last week after the country's Supreme Court reinstated the...

SEC Shuts Down Online Terror List
SEC Shuts Down Online Terror List

SEC Shuts Down Online Terror List

Web tool designed to spotlight companies trading with terror sponsors

(Newser) - The SEC is taking down an online list used to expose companies that do business with countries affiliated with terrorism after critics charged that the Web tool made false accusations and wasn't up to date. "It was basically a word-search list," a US official tells the Wall Street ...

Germany Weighs Civil Liberties Against Security

New world order prompts government, society to reevaluate

(Newser) - Sensing a growing threat from Islamic terrorists, Germany's top security official is pushing for new measures to monitor suspects and deal with attacks, the Times reports. But the interior minister's moves have ignited a firestorm of controversy in a country overly familiar with authoritarian rule. Chancellor Angela Merkel has expressed...

FBI Jet Veers Off Course
FBI Jet Veers Off Course

FBI Jet Veers Off Course

Tricked-out aircraft designated for counterterrorism often ferries director

(Newser) - The FBI says it needs its $40 million Gulfstream V jet for counterterrorism missions, yet nearly one-quarter of its flight time consists of routine trips by director Robert Mueller, the Washington Post reports. A key Republican senator calls this use of the only agency aircraft capable of international flights "...

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