college students

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College Students Nationwide Walk Out to Protest Trump

They're calling for 'sanctuary campuses'

(Newser) - College students at campuses around the United States marched and rallied Wednesday, urging administrators to protect students and employees against immigration action under a Donald Trump presidency. Rallying supporters on social media with the hashtag #SanctuaryCampus , organizers said actions were planned at more than 80 schools, including Vermont's Middlebury...

Maine Gov. Accused of Trying to Discourage Student Voters

ACLU wants LePage investigated for voter intimidation

(Newser) - Maine Gov. Paul LePage should be encouraging first-time voters in his state, not trying to scare them off, says the ACLU, which wants the Republican to be investigated for alleged voter intimidation. When LePage was asked Monday about fliers that appeared on a college campus over the weekend falsely claiming...

We're Turning College Students Into Babies

They run to administrators instead of solving problems on own: columnist

(Newser) - Like a lot of colleges, the University of Oregon has a formal complaint system students can use to report claims of bias. It's a well-intentioned idea, writes Catherine Rampell in the Washington Post , but she thinks a quick glance at the 85 complaints in the school's annual report...

Abducted College Students Rescued by SWAT: Cops

Still no motive why 2 University of Rochester students were kidnapped

(Newser) - Two college students have an upstate New York police force and SWAT team to thank after they were rescued Sunday night from their alleged kidnappers. Nicholas Kollias and Ani Okeke Ewo, both seniors at the University of Rochester, were forcibly abducted from a street near the campus early Saturday morning,...

College Chief Goes Off on 'Narcissistic' Students

Oklahoma Wesleyan U's president tells students to 'grow up,' stop playing victim

(Newser) - If you're planning on attending religious services at Oklahoma Wesleyan University, don't expect any "trigger warnings" before the sermon. That's the message of university President Dr. Everett Piper, who went off in a recent blog post on "self-absorbed and narcissistic" students who he says play...

Why Two Friends Hugged for 31 Hours
Why Two Friends
Hugged for 31 Hours

Why Two Friends Hugged for 31 Hours

They embraced outside a library at Iowa State University to set a record

(Newser) - Two friends attending Iowa State University got bored this summer and figured they'd try to break a Guinness World Record. But which one? "We saw the world's longest hug and said 'Oh, we can do this one,'" Amanda Nerem, 19, tells ABC News . So...

This Porn Site Wants to Help Pay Your College Tuition

Pornhub is feeling generous, offering a $25K scholarship

(Newser) - If you're 18 or older, have a 3.2 GPA or higher, and are heading back to college this fall, there's a new scholarship opportunity you should know about, provided you don't mind taking money from a porn site that boasts of 79 billion online video views...

College Stoners Now More Common Than Smokers

Percentage of daily or near-daily pot smokers hits 35-year high

(Newser) - More US college students are making a habit of using marijuana, which has supplanted cigarettes as the smoke-able substance of choice among undergraduates who light up regularly, a study has found. Just under 6% of the full-time students surveyed by University of Michigan researchers reported using pot either every day...

Entire &#39;Betrayed&#39; Class Drops Out of USC
 Entire 'Betrayed' Class 
 Drops Out of USC 

Entire 'Betrayed' Class Drops Out of USC

School didn't fulfill recruitment promises: MFA students

(Newser) - The University of Southern California's Roski School of Art and Design will be missing an entire graduate class come 2016. All seven first-year master of fine arts students have dropped out, citing unexpected changes to the program's curriculum, USA Today reports. In a statement , the students say they...

Hey, Students: Write, Don't Type, Your Class Notes

Studies suggest students learn better through handwriting

(Newser) - It might be tempting to haul your laptop into class, but in terms of learning, you may not be doing yourself a favor. A set of studies suggests that students learn better when they take notes by hand, Vox reports. Researchers reached their conclusions after studying test results by a...

Starbucks Testing Mobile Stores on Campuses

While McDonald's plans to sell packaged coffee in supermarkets

(Newser) - Two big moves in the world of coffee, which, as Slate points out, come amid rising prices and shrinking bean supplies:
  • Starbucks: The chain for the first time is borrowing a page from those ever-popular food trucks, reports the Seattle Times . Starbucks will have mobile stores on three college campuses

Teens Fall to Their Deaths While 'Having Sex'

Students were studying in London, met at party

(Newser) - Two teens died in a "tragic accident" in London on Tuesday—which witnesses say involved sex. The international students—an 18-year-old from Mexico known only as Miguel and 19-year-old Anastasia Tutik of Russia—hit it off at a party celebrating the end of exams, the Daily Mail reports. "...

Dog People, Cat People Really Are Different
Dog People, Cat People
Really Are Different

Dog People, Cat People Really Are Different

And study finds one group may be smarter

(Newser) - "Dog people" and "cat people" may both fall into the animal lover category, but they're not exactly cut from the same cloth, a new study finds. Carroll University researcher Denise Guastello and her team surveyed 600 college students and found cat lovers to be more open-minded, sensitive,...

Hookup Culture Is a Myth
 Hookup Culture Is a Myth 
study says

Hookup Culture Is a Myth

Students today having same amount of sex as earlier generation

(Newser) - You know the whole hookup culture of casual sex that's so prevalent on college campuses? Turns out, it's not so prevalent. Or at least, no more prevalent than in an earlier generation, a new study suggests. The key stat: About one-third of college students have had more than...

There&#39;s No Such Thing as &#39;Hookup Culture&#39;
There's No Such Thing
as 'Hookup Culture'

There's No Such Thing as 'Hookup Culture'

College kids are having sex like they always have: Eliana Dockterman

(Newser) - Much is made these days about the "hookup culture" pervading college campuses , leading young women to eschew monogamous relationships in favor of 2am booty calls and one-night stands. But the truth is, most college students these days have a sex life not very different from what their parents or...

Florida May Vary Tuition Depending on College Major

Governor's task force recommends change

(Newser) - Anthropology majors in Florida may have to pay higher tuition than science majors if a new task force on college costs gets its way. The panel set up by Gov. Rick Scott recommends that state schools give a break to students who major in math and science because related jobs...

Financial Aid Letters to Students Often Mislead
Financial Aid Letters to Students Often Mislead

Financial Aid Letters to Students Often Mislead

ProPublica reports on problems with the college letters

(Newser) - One more reason the student-loan problem is such a mess: The letters that college students receive spelling out financial aid often leaves them confused or flat-out misled about whether the money is coming from scholarships, grants, or loans, reports ProPublica . Schools also tend to push easy-to-get "Parent Plus" loans...

College Students Need Way Better Guidance on Loans

Schools aren't doing enough financial counseling: Laura McKenna

(Newser) - One part of the solution to the nation's student debt problem might not be all that hard to implement. At the Atlantic , Laura McKenna writes that college students often get remarkably little guidance about their loans and finances while in school. Sure, they talk to a faculty adviser to...

2 Teens on Railroad Bridge Killed in Derailment

19-year-old friends had been tweeting pics just before

(Newser) - Two 19-year-old college students who were happily tweeting photos of themselves atop a railroad bridge in Maryland were killed when a coal train derailed at the site last night, reports NBC Washington . The best guess is that the teens were sitting on the edge of the bridge in Ellicott City...

Binge-Drinking College Kids Are Happier
 College Kids 
 Are Happier 
study says

Binge-Drinking College Kids Are Happier

Study finds drinking is associated with social status

(Newser) - Well, this certainly won't help convince any college students to cut down on their boozing: A new study finds that those who binge drink are happier with their social lives than those who don't—and suggests that drinking in college may be more motivated by social factors than...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>