dog poop

18 Stories

Here, Doggy DNA Is Key to a 'Poo Crackdown'

Bolzano province in Italy setting up database to nail pooches pooping in public, with a fine for owners

(Newser) - An Italian province is sick of this crap, and it's not going to take it anymore. A database is being set up in Bolzano, in the northern part of the country, to register DNA info from the region's 40,000 or so dogs, so that when they poop...

New Yorkers May Want to Take Shoes Off Before Going Inside

Researchers say there's a whole lot of fecal bacteria on the Upper East Side's sidewalks

(Newser) - If you're a resident of New York City and already annoyed by the dog poop you spot on the sidewalks, you're not going to happy about the poop you're not seeing. It's definitely there, though, especially on the Upper East Side, according to Marymount Manhattan College...

Critic's Review Ends With Dog Poop Smeared on Her Face
He Smeared Dog Poop on
a Critic's Face, Is Out a Job

He Smeared Dog Poop on a Critic's Face, Is Out a Job

Ballet director had extreme reaction after review says audience will be 'killed by boredom'

(Newser) - A German ballet director has lost his job after doing what he terms "truly an awful thing": smearing his dog's feces on the face of a dance critic. Marco Goecke, 50, on Thursday lost his job with the Hanover State Opera, though the opera house will continue to...

Here's Why You Shouldn't Try to Rob Someone Walking a Dog

Poop stain led cops to suspect in Miami

(Newser) - Trying to rob someone walking their dog might not be the best idea—and not just because the dog might go on the attack. It was actually dog poop that helped lead cops to an armed robbery suspect this week, after he allegedly tried to hold up a woman in...

Smelling Your Dog's Poop Could Net You Big Bucks

Plant-based dog food firm Omni is offering more than $6K for someone to do just that for 2 months

(Newser) - One lucky dog owner will soon have the chance to earn an easy $6,700, though "lucky" and "easy" may not be entirely accurate. UPI reports on a unique job plopportunity, courtesy of plant-based dog food manufacturer Omni, in which the selected human will be paid that chunk...

Cops: Fight Leads to Fiery Feces
Cops: Fight
Leads to Fiery Feces

Cops: Fight Leads to Fiery Feces

Dylan Printz, 18, charged with arson after police say he left burning bag of dog poop on Pa. porch

(Newser) - It may have been Christmas Eve, but those weren't reindeer droppings left at a home in Shippensburg, Pa. The Smoking Gun reports on a "crappy" prank that now has 18-year-old Dylan Printz charged with arson and risking catastrophe. Cops responded around 3am Monday to a report of a...

Dogs Eat Poop, and You Might Not Be Able to Stop Them

Scientific name for this habit: canine conspecific coprophagy

(Newser) - Before you freak out that your dog may be suffering from canine conspecific coprophagy, know that it's probably not that serious—though you will likely be grossed out. Scientific American reports on a study in the Veterinary Medicine and Science journal that looked at the result of two web-based...

Dog Owners' Plan to Push Back on Right-Wing Rally: Poop

It's going down in San Francisco this weekend

(Newser) - Locals are getting creative in how to deal with right-wing rallies in the wake of Charlottesville , and no more so than in San Francisco. The Patriot Prayer group will hold a "free speech" rally Saturday at Crissy Field, and the Guardian reports on an idea thought up by 45-year-old...

How Roomba Caused a ‘Pooptastrophe’
How Roomba Caused
a 'Pooptastrophe'

How Roomba Caused a 'Pooptastrophe'

Robotic vacuum maker rapped for spreading filth; rep says 'we see this a lot'

(Newser) - It seemed like a good idea. While his family slept, Jesse Newton programmed his Roomba to vacuum the living room of their Little Rock house. It seemed like a "lifesaver" with 4-year-old son Evan leaving crumbs everywhere and 1-year-old puppy Evie shedding fur, wife Kelly Newton told BuzzFeed . What...

Would-Be Truck Thief Grabs Bag— of Dog Poop

Must have been a nice surprise

(Newser) - It's a small consolation for a Des Moines man who woke to find that somebody had broken into his truck and messed with the steering column in a failed attempt to steal the vehicle. Police say the would-be thief then rummaged around the bed of the truck and made...

DNA Poop Tests Find 'Lazy' Dog Owners

BioPet Vet Lab says 1K places have used its service

(Newser) - Frustrated with dog owners who refuse to clean up after their pets, an increasing number of apartments in Seattle are opting to use DNA testing to identify the culprits. The Seattle Times reports that a company called BioPet Vet Lab from Knoxville, Tennessee, is providing its PooPrints testing kits to...

Calif. Mayor Resigns Over Bag of Dog Poop

Dennis Kneier was caught on video

(Newser) - A California mayor has really stepped in it. Dennis Kneier, mayor of San Marino, tossed a bag of dog poop into his neighbor's driveway—and, unfortunately for him, the moment was caught on video. He's resigning immediately over the incident, CBS 2 reports. "As is well known,...

Town Delivers Dog Poop Back to Owners Who Didn't Pick It Up

Brunete has seen drastic reduction in offenses, official says

(Newser) - A Spanish town has come up with an innovative way to deal with the problem of dog owners who don't clean up after their pets: mail the poop back to the owners. Officials in Brunete recruited 20 volunteers to keep an eye out for offenders, the Local reports. When...

Now Your Dog Poop Can Pay for WiFi

'Poo WiFi' heading to Mexico City's parks

(Newser) - Mexico City's parks are about to get wireless Internet—and a whole lot cleaner. Mexican Internet provider Terra is setting up stations where dog owners can deposit Fido's leavings in exchange for free WiFi, broadcast from bone-shaped routers, CNET reports. Need more time online? Give your dog a...

Dog Poop Lottery Cleans Up City

Taiwan residents collect 14,500 bags' worth for chance at prize

(Newser) - Faced with an excess of dog mess, a Taiwanese city developed a novel solution: Scoop the poop and win a prize. Sounds like it worked. Some 4,000 people presented authorities in New Taipei City with 14,500 bags of feces, cutting local dog poop by half, the BBC reports....

DNA Tests Nab Poop-Scoop Scofflaws

Apartment buildings require dog DNA samples for tracking

(Newser) - Here's the scoop: Some apartment complexes are using DNA testing on dog doo to find out who's not cleaning up after their pets. A new complex in New Hampshire, for example, is requiring residents to submit samples from their dogs so DNA profiles can be put on file....

Dog Poop Lights Park Lamp
 Dog Poop Lights Park Lamp 

Dog Poop Lights Park Lamp

Site turns waste into electricity

(Newser) - A dog park in Cambridge, Mass., is being lit up by the excrement of the dogs who visit, reports Fast Company . Dogwalkers are encouraged to deposit their pets' waste at a methane digester called the Park Spark, which then turns into a burnable gas that powers a lamppost. The team...

Condo With Poop Problem Wants to DNA-Test Dogs

'I feel like I'm living in a "Seinfeld " episode,' says one owner

(Newser) - A luxury condo in Baltimore has gone to the dogs, its owners complain, and the solution is obvious: have all the resident canines' DNA tested to identify the miscreant who's been leaving droppings around the place. The plan, to be voted on tonight, will cost owners of dogs—including guests—...

18 Stories
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