Douglas Hughes

2 Stories

Man Who Landed Gyrocopter on Capitol Lawn Gets 4 Months in Jail

The former mail carrier says it was a protest of money in politics

(Newser) - A Florida man who piloted a one-person gyrocopter through some of the most restricted US airspace and landed on the lawn of the Capitol last year, was sentenced Thursday to 120 days in jail, the AP reports. Douglas Hughes, 62, has said his April 15, 2015, flight in the bare-bones...

Calif. Candidate Floats 'Pedophile Island' Plan

To be run by pedophile cops, judges, firefighters

(Newser) - A fringe candidate for California governor wading into deep waters is pitching a plan to ship pedophiles to an an island unless they either promise to leave California forever or spend the rest of their lives in prison. Under the plan, they'd be shipped to Santa Rosa Island, part of...

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