Richard Carmona

3 Stories

Bachmann Could Actually Lose
 Bachmann Could Actually Lose 
tight races

Bachmann Could Actually Lose

Politico looks at tight and 'nasty' races

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann's path to re-election has gotten a lot bumpier than you might expect, reports Politico . It digs into the Minnesota rep's bid to hang onto her seat against a challenge from hotel exec Jim Graves , and finds that even with "off-the-charts" name recognition, more than...

'I'm Not Anti- Gay,' Says Would-Be Surgeon General

Grilled in Senate on controversial paper

(Newser) - Despite arguing in a paper that homosexual sex is unnatural and a health risk, President Bush's nominee for surgeon general testified yesterday before a senate committee that he is not anti-gay. Kentucky cardiologist James W. Holsinger Jr. admitted his 1991 paper for the United Methodist Church was not scientific and...

Ex-Surgeon General Alleges Censorship

Former top doc says administration plays politics with science

(Newser) - The Bush administration "did not want to hear the science" on subjects such as stem-cell research and abstinence-only sex ed, the ex-surgeon general says, and he was muzzled and marginalized when he tried "to be the doctor of the nation—not the doctor of a political party."...

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