Franklin Graham

17 Stories

What to Expect at the GOP Convention
What to Expect
at the GOP Convention

What to Expect at the GOP Convention

Four nights of speakers begins Monday

(Newser) - With the exception of beefed-up security, the Republican National Convention will go on as planned starting Monday in Milwaukee. The convention is to culminate Thursday with a speech by Donald Trump accepting the nomination. What to expect:
  • Monday: The day's theme is "Make America Wealthy Again," with

Graham's Counsel After Abuse Claim Is Under Scrutiny

'Washington Post' reports he encouraged Naghmeh Panahi to reunite with husband

(Newser) - The Washington Post is out with a lengthy story critical about evangelical leader Franklin Graham's advice to a woman accusing her husband of physical abuse. Religion reporter Sarah Pulliam Bailey draws a parallel between this and a controversy from a few years ago , when a Southern Baptist leader tried...

Evangelist Loses Venues After Blaming Satan for Gay Marriage

Franklin Graham says he's looking for new places to host his summer tour

(Newser) - All seven UK venues that were scheduled to host Franklin Graham this summer have now disinvited the evangelist, though he says the tour will go on. Birmingham, Liverpool and Sheffield are among the cities that had canceled Graham's appearances before Newcastle Upon Tyne did so Wednesday, CNN reports, after...

Trump Doesn't Take Kindly to Christianity Today Editorial

It calls for his removal from office

(Newser) - The "far-left" evangelicals are out to get Trump. That's from the president himself, who didn't take kindly to an editorial this week by Mark Galli, editor-in-chief of leading evangelical magazine Christianity Today . In it, Galli calls Trump a "leader of grossly immoral character" who should be...

Job of Making Billy Graham's Casket Fell to Inmates

Evangelist's family had requested his final resting vessel years ago from La. prisoners

(Newser) - Billy Graham died on Feb. 21, 2018, but his casket has been waiting for him since 2006. WAFB reports that a final resting vessel was commissioned long ago for the renowned evangelist, with a request it be built by the inmates at the Louisiana State Penitentiary, aka Angola. The Advocate ...

All 4 Oregon Occupiers Have Surrendered

David Fry, the last holdout, turned himself in just before 11am PST

(Newser) - As promised , four occupiers of the Oregon wildlife refuge who've been holed up there since January have surrendered to the FBI after a tense couple of hours in which one of the four refused at first to come out, the Oregonian reports. Shortly before 9:40am local time,...

Duke Does U-Turn on Muslim Call to Prayer

Evangelist outraged by plan to allow call from chapel tower

(Newser) - "What was conceived as an effort to unify was not having the intended effect," officials at Duke University said yesterday after beating a hasty retreat from plans to allow the Muslim call to prayer to be broadcast from the Duke University Chapel bell tower. When the plan was...

Billy Graham's Kid: Pope 'Not the Judge' of Homosexuality

'God is,' and 'this is sin,' says Franklin Graham

(Newser) - Amid talk of his father's failing health , Franklin Graham today waded into the topic of homosexuality and the current pope, telling Meet the Press that Francis was "right when he said he's not the judge . He's not the judge. God is the judge." Graham added...

Billy Graham's Son: Please Pray for My Dad

Evangelist getting weaker at age 95, says Franklin Graham

(Newser) - Billy Graham has grown weaker since his recent 95th birthday party , and son Franklin is requesting prayers for his father, reports CNN . "He is extremely weak but his vitals are good," Franklin wrote on the website of this father's evangelical association. "Our family would appreciate your...

Billy Graham Gets Behind NC Gay Marriage Ban

Urges fellow North Carolinians to vote yes on Amendment One

(Newser) - Rev. Billy Graham has come out in strong support of North Carolina’s Amendment One , which would ban gay marriage in his home state. "At 93, I never thought we would have to debate the definition of marriage," reads his statement, which will appear in full-page newspaper ads...

Graham Sorry for Doubting Obama's Faith

He couldn't say 'categorically' that Obama wasn't Muslim

(Newser) - Franklin Graham has apologized for comments he made on MSNBC 's Morning Joe last week in which he seemed evasive about whether he considered President Obama a Christian. "I regret any comments I have ever made which may have cast any doubt on the personal faith of our...

Fox News Anchor Confirms: Obama Is US Citizen

Shep Smith: Hawaii's birth certificate proves it, ‘period’

(Newser) - CNN isn't the only cable channel crashing the birthers' party . Add none other than Fox News, or at least anchor Shep Smith. After denouncing Franklin Graham's questioning of the president's birth certificate credentials, Smith declared: “Fox News can confirm the president of the United States is...

Franklin Graham: Twitter Will Alert You to 2nd Coming

Social media could play 'a big part' in Christ's return

(Newser) - If you want to make sure you know about Christ's second coming the moment it happens, better get on Twitter and Facebook. The Rev. Franklin Graham says social media could play "a big part" in Christ's return, because the Bible says that "every eye" will see...

Sarah Palin Heading to Haiti With Frankling Graham
Sarah Palin
Heading to Haiti

Sarah Palin Heading to Haiti

Alaskan will visit relief sites with evangelist Franklin Graham

(Newser) - Haiti—torn by post-election violence and suffering from a cholera outbreak that has killed well over 2,000 people—now has a visit from Sarah Palin to look forward to this weekend. The Alaskan will travel to the country with evangelist Franklin Graham, and plans to visit cholera relief sites,...

Franklin Graham: Islam is 'Wicked'
Franklin Graham: Islam is 'Wicked'
Sunday Show Roundup

Franklin Graham: Islam is 'Wicked'

Elsewhere: Bill Richardson says Dems are 'scared' of tea party

(Newser) - ABC’s This Week waded into some controversial waters today with a town hall discussion on Islam, and no one was more controversial than Rev. Franklin Graham (son of Billy), who called the religion “evil” and “wicked.” Quoth Graham: “They want to build as many...

Billy Graham's Son: Obama 'Born a Muslim'

... because his father was a Muslim, explains Franklin

(Newser) - People are confused about the president's faith because he was "born a Muslim," declares the son of Billy Graham. It's simple: Barack Obama's father was a Muslim, "and the seed is passed through the father," the Rev. Franklin Graham tells CNN in an interview airing tonight....

Graham Cut From Pentagon Pray-In After Muslim Dig

Preacher gets the boot over anti-Islam comments

(Newser) - The Pentagon has decided that a preacher who says Islam is "vile and evil" and that Muslims can only be accepted by God through faith in Jesus isn't an appropriate speaker for an all-faith prayer event. Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham, has been disinvited from National Day of...

17 Stories