Supreme Court nominee

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Why I'm Voting Against Kagan
 Why I'm Voting Against Kagan 
john mccain

Why I'm Voting Against Kagan

Cites treatment of military recruiters at Harvard

(Newser) - It won't derail her near certain confirmation, but John McCain today declares that he's voting against Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court. In an op-ed for USA Today , McCain cites her tenure as dean of the Harvard Law School, when "she unmistakably discouraged Harvard students from considering a career...

Specter Chides Kagan on Dodging, May Vote No

But her confirmation appears certain

(Newser) - Elena Kagan has demonstrated a winning sense of humor during her confirmation hearings, but count Democrat Arlen Specter among those unamused. When she refused (as she has throughout the hearings) to provide a detailed response to a legal question, he cut her short to criticize her evasion and warned that...

Kagan Hearings? Let's Doodle Instead
 Kagan Hearings? 
 Let's Doodle Instead 
al franken's hidden talents

Kagan Hearings? Let's Doodle Instead

As expected, day 2 produces no bombshells

(Newser) - Elena Kagan had a testy exchange in the morning with Jeff Sessions over her role in military recruiting at Harvard, but day 2 of her Supreme Court nomination hearings has been "rather unilluminating," writes Newsweek . (Though a photo of Al Franken sketching Sessions during the hearings was kind...

Kagan Refuses to Discuss Her Legal Views

Sessions grills Supreme Court nominee over military controversy

(Newser) - Elena Kagan began today’s round of confirmation questioning by declaring that it would be inappropriate for her to discuss how she might rule on future Supreme Court cases. That's ironic, the New York Times notes, because Kagan once wrote that confirmation hearings had taken on “an air of...

Kagan: 'I Will Listen Hard'
 Kagan: 'I Will 
 Listen Hard'  

Kagan: 'I Will Listen Hard'

Supreme Court nominee treads lightly in opening statement

(Newser) - The first day of Elena Kagan's confirmation hearings has concluded, as expected, without any fireworks. "I will listen hard, to every party before the court and to each of my colleagues. I will work hard," the Supreme Court nominee and current solicitor general said. " And I will...

What Senators Should Ask Elena Kagan

Confirmation hearings must focus on big picture

(Newser) - The process Elena Kagan once derided as a "vapid and hollow charade" gets under way tomorrow when the solicitor general appears before the Senate Judiciary Committee as President Obama's second Supreme Court nominee. "Instead of playing cat-and-mouse with the nominee about how she would rule in future cases,...

Kagan Testimony 'a Big Deal'
 Kagan Testimony 'a Big Deal' 

Kagan Testimony 'a Big Deal'

Would-be justice dominates Sunday shows

(Newser) - On the seventh day, Elena Kagan did not rest: The pint-size solicitor general dominated the Sunday shows today, with key Republican Jeff Sessions saying , "She has so little other record" that her coming testimony "is going to be a big deal." Newt Gingrich was disgusted with Kagan's...

Kagan's Thesis Proves She's an 'Avowed Socialist'

Says Erick Erickson; other bloggers yawn

(Newser) - Erick Erickson, the right-winger commenter CNN hired to much derision , has gotten his hands on Elena Kagan's college thesis, and he sums it up with typical understatement: "This proves Elena Kagan is an open and avowed socialist," he writes for Red State . "The woman declares that socialists...

Kagan: Not Gay, but Maybe Too Smart

She's an unmarried woman, okay?

(Newser) - Forget all the "baseless chatter" about Elena Kagan, writes Ruth Marcus. "She's not gay, OK?" Marcus believes Kagan's law school roommate , who also happens to be a friend. In fact, she wishes Kagan were gay, because it would be easy to write a column about how a homosexual...

5 Ill-Fated Supreme Court Picks

Cronyism, racism, marijuana have done in earlier nominees

(Newser) - Elena Kagan seems likely to be confirmed as a Supreme Court justice, although critics are comparing her to some of the worst picks of the past. The Week takes a look at some that didn't make it.
  • Harriet Miers, (George W. Bush, 2005). Labeled "My Little Crony" over her

Kagan Pals: She's Not Gay
 Kagan Pals: She's Not Gay 

Kagan Pals: She's Not Gay

Not that there's anything wrong with that. Also, she didn't date Eliot Spitzer

(Newser) - “I did not go out with her, but other guys did,” Eliot Spitzer said of his old Princeton buddy Elena Kagan yesterday, joining other longtime friends of the Supreme Court nominee who are reluctantly stepping forward to quash rumors she's a lesbian. “I’ve known her for...

Kagan Supports Cameras in Supreme Court

Public could watch "extraordinary" events

(Newser) - Would Elena Kagan support putting cameras in the Supreme Court? Looks like it. C-SPAN footage posted on Mediaite shows the nominee discussing the issue in July 2009. Having cameras in court would allow the public to see "an amazing and extraordinary event," she says. People would see "...

Kagan Pick Reveals Savvy Obama Strategy
Kagan Pick Reveals
Savvy Obama Strategy

Kagan Pick Reveals Savvy Obama Strategy

Prez manages to play it safe and progressive at the same time

(Newser) - President Obama's pick of Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court says more about the president than his nominee, writes Glenn Thrush. The president spoke boldly about the need to stand up to big business in his pre-selection talk while privately seeking a safe pick who could be confirmed without much...

Kagan Choice for Court: How It Will Play Out

She'll have critics on both right and left, but will skirt major battles

(Newser) - The Senate confirmation hearings for Elena Kagan will likely include some minor dust-ups but no major battles, observers say. Liberals are worried she's more conservative than Stevens and will thus push the court to the right, but are unlikely to seriously oppose her. Conservatives respect her overall, though her move...

To replace John Paul Stevens, an atheist -
 Put an Atheist on 
 Supreme Court 

Put an Atheist on Supreme Court

(Newser) - President Obama should "absolutely" take into account the religious views of his next nominee for the Supreme Court, but not for the usual reasons, Marc Cooper says. "Clearly, the next person to take the bench should be an atheist," he writes for the Los Angeles Times . Having...

Obama Talks With Potential Court Picks

Informal discussions show process getting serious

(Newser) - President Obama has begun conversations with potential Supreme Court nominees, a senior administration official tells the AP, signaling an upswing in the president's consideration of an already coalescing list of candidates. This morning, he'll meet with Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, and the top members of the Senate Judiciary Committee to...

Supreme Court Short List Looks Like America

It includes the first black female chief justice in US history

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton may not be on Supreme Court short list—assuming Robert Gibbs isn't fibbing—but those who are make up a diverse bunch. Of the eight names offered by the White House, maybe four are serious candidates (Elena Kagan, Diane Wood, Merrick Garland, and probably newcomer Sidney Thomas), with...

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