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Outgoing Gov Sets Free Man Serving Life for Child Sex Abuse

Ky. Gov. Matt Bevin issued pardon for Paul Donel Hurt in case with questionable recantation

(Newser) - An outgoing governor issued more than a dozen last-minute pardons late last week, but one in particular is raising eyebrows. Per the Courier-Journal , Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin put out a pardon and commutation order Friday for Paul Donel Hurt, who was serving a life sentence after being convicted in 2001...

Pardons, Promotion From Trump, Despite Pentagon Pushback

Defense Secretary Mark Esper said he had a 'robust discussion' with the president on this

(Newser) - President Trump has pardoned a former US Army commando set to stand trial next year in the killing of a suspected Afghan bomb-maker and a former Army lieutenant convicted of murder for ordering his men to fire upon three Afghans, killing two, the White House announced late Friday. The commander...

Trump Pardons Conrad Black
Trump Pardons Conrad Black

Trump Pardons Conrad Black

Ex-media mogul wrote flattering Trump biography

(Newser) - President Trump has granted a full pardon to Conrad Black, a former newspaper publisher who has written a flattering political biography of Trump. Black's media empire once included the Chicago Sun-Times and the Daily Telegraph of London. He was convicted of fraud in 2007 and spent three and a...

Tweet Battle Between Trump, Cohen Uses Word 'Lie' a Lot

President and his former attorney take their tiff to Twitter

(Newser) - The falling out between President Trump and his former attorney Michael Cohen headed straight to Twitter Friday morning, with the commander in chief addressing the confusion over whether Cohen had ever asked him for a presidential pardon, and whether he'd ever lobbied to work in the White House, the...

For Over 250 Prisoners, It Really Is Christmas

Gov. Brown issues over 250 clemency decisions

(Newser) - California Gov. Jerry Brown has pardoned five refugees from Cambodia and another immigrant from Honduras who faced the possibility of deportation because of their criminal convictions, the AP reports. The pardons were among more than 250 clemency decisions announced by the governor on Christmas Eve. According to Brown's office,...

'Greatest of All Time' May Get Trump's Next Pardon

But late boxer's attorney says it's unncessary

(Newser) - It's been said President Trump has dozens of pardons on deck after this week's commutation of Alice Johnson's life sentence , and per the AP , he may already have one at the plate. "I'm thinking about Muhammad Ali," Trump was quoted as saying Friday by...

Report: Trump to Pardon Scooter Libby

Sources say full pardon to Dick Cheney's ex-chief of staff is imminent

(Newser) - President Trump appears about to set a second potentially controversial pardon in motion, sources tell ABC News and the New York Times . Scooter Libby, former chief of staff to ex-VP Dick Cheney, will be the next to see a presidential reprieve, with a pardon greenlit by Trump after he mulled...

Trump Pardons Turkeys, Gets in Obama Dig

President spared Wishbone, Drumstick, but not before poking fun at his predecessor

(Newser) - President Trump wielded his pardon power Tuesday to spare a pair of turkeys from the Thanksgiving roaster, joking that he would also let last year's turkey pardons stand despite his penchant for overturning Obama-era orders. In a brief White House ceremony, Trump extended the annual presidential tradition of pardoning...

McCain Slams Trump Over Sheriff Joe's Pardon

Fellow Arizona senator Jeff Flake is also critical

(Newser) - President Trump's relations with Arizona's Republican senators were testy even before Friday, but the president's pardon of former Sheriff Joe Arpaio seems sure to increase the animosity. John McCain and Jeff Flake each criticized Trump's decision about Maricopa County's former ex-lawman. The pardon "undermines...

Trump Pardons Former Sheriff Joe Arpaio

White House announces move Friday evening

(Newser) - President Trump wasn't bluffing : Trump has pardoned former sheriff Joe Arpaio following Arpaio's conviction for intentionally disobeying a judge's order in an immigration case. The White House announced the move Friday night, saying the 85-year-old ex-sheriff of Arizona's Maricopa County was a "worthy candidate" for...

Report: Trump Is Asking About the Pardons Process

But Trump attorney says 'pardons are not being discussed'

(Newser) - As special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation continues to simmer, President Trump's legal team is allegedly brainstorming how to throw cold water on it, "people familiar with the effort" tell the Washington Post . Among the strategies reportedly on the table is an attempt to slow or stop...

Sailors Convicted of Rape, Murder Get Full Pardons

The 'Norfolk Four' were convicted 20 years ago

(Newser) - Virginia's governor pardoned four former sailors who became known as the "Norfolk Four," ending a decades-long fight to clear the men of rape and murder convictions based on intimidating police interrogations, the AP reports. A spokesperson for Gov. Terry McAuliffe says the governor has granted absolute pardons...

Assange: On Second Thought, Extradition a No-Go

Assange's lawyer says WikiLeaks founder wanted full clemency for Chelsea Manning

(Newser) - On second thought, Julian Assange won't be traveling to the US after all. Back in September, the WikiLeaks founder had said he would agree to extradition to the US if Chelsea Manning was pardoned, the Hill reports. Well, on Tuesday President Obama commuted the majority of Manning's 35-year...

Obama Could Grant a Christmas Wish for 200K

Fearing deportation under Trump, immigrants hope for his pardon

(Newser) - As a teenager, 31-year-old Liz was convicted of fraud after attempting to return an item to a store for her uncle (she was unaware he hadn't bought it there). Years later, she was convicted again after agreeing to pick up a package for a friend, which she later learned...

In Turkey, Proposed Law Gives Child Rapists an Out

Would pardon men who marry victims

(Newser) - Thousands of people took to the streets in cities across Turkey over the weekend to protest what they described as a law that allows child rape. The proposed law pardons men convicted of statutory rape if there was no "force, threat, or any other restriction on consent" and they...

FBI Stuns Clinton Campaign With New Document Release

Files relate to controversial 2001 pardon

(Newser) - The FBI has followed up its October surprise for Hillary Clinton with another shocker: the release of 129 pages of internal documents related to Bill Clinton's highly controversial pardon of financier Marc Rich. The heavily redacted documents were released Monday and the agency drew attention to them with a...

Pardon Snowden So He Can Work for US Public
Pardon Snowden So He
Can Work for US Public

Pardon Snowden So He Can Work for US Public

Human rights officials make the case in NYT

(Newser) - Edward Snowden put out a public plea earlier this week for a pardon from President Obama—and two human rights activists agree with his call for clemency. Making their case for the ex-NSA contractor in the New York Times , Kenneth Roth (director of Human Rights Watch) and Salil Shetty (secretary...

Woman Jailed for Killing Abusive Husband Wins Rare Pardon

French president shortens sentence of woman who killed violent spouse

(Newser) - Thanks to French President Francois Hollande, Jacqueline Sauvage will be leaving a French prison in April after serving three and a half years of a 10-year sentence for killing her husband, the Guardian reports. Sauvage—who said Norbert Marot, her husband of 47 years, was an alcoholic who raped and...

Robert Downey Jr. Pardoned for 1996 Drug Conviction

California's pardon states the actor has shown 'exemplary behavior'

(Newser) - California's governor has pardoned Robert Downey Jr. for a 1996 drug conviction that sent the actor to prison. Gov. Jerry Brown's office announced Thursday that Downey was among 91 people receiving pardons. Downey was convicted of felony drug possession after he was arrested on a Los Angeles County...

Underground Railroad Conductor Finally Gets His Pardon

2 people say Delaware governor will pardon Samuel Burris

(Newser) - Not even the threat of being sold into slavery could stop Samuel Burris, a conductor on the Underground Railroad, from helping slaves to freedom in the 19th century. A free black man, Burris was caught helping a slave try to escape from Delaware in 1847. After Burris was tried and...

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