Iran sanctions

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Obama Orders Sanctions Against Iran's Central Bank

Tougher measures were included under NDAA

(Newser) - President Obama issued an executive order today imposing tough new sanctions on Iran's Central Bank. The order freezes "all property and interests in property of the Government of Iran," and of "any Iranian financial institution." The sanctions were included in the controversial defense bill Obama...

Iran: Hey, Wanna See Oil Hit $150 a Barrel?

Tehran says EU's embargo will spike global prices

(Newser) - Iran is getting ready to vote today on banning oil sales to the EU —you know, before the EU can enact an embargo on aforementioned oil —and Tehran is engaging in some typical sabre-rattling, with the head of Iran's state oil company predicting global crude prices will...

UN Nuke Team Presses Iran; Oil Embargo Vote Tomorrow

Prove You're Not Making Nuclear Weapons: Inspectors

(Newser) - A UN nuclear inspection team is headed to Tehran today with a blunt message: You've been stonewalling for too long. "We're looking forward to the start of a dialogue," said atomic energy chief Herman Nackaerts. "A dialogue that is overdue since very long." The...

War of Words Escalates Over Iran Sanctions

Lawmakers again threaten to close Strait of Hormuz

(Newser) - Senior Iranian lawmakers stepped up threats today that Islamic Republic warships could block the Persian Gulf's oil tanker traffic after the latest blow by Western leaders seeking to rein in Tehran's nuclear program: A punishing oil embargo by the European Union that sharply raises the economic stakes for...

Iran to OPEC: Don't Grab Our Oil Sales

Saudis ready to boost production, but say unrelated to embargo

(Newser) - With the West about to increase sanctions on Iran to include oil sales abroad, Tehran is warning its Arab neighbors not to make a buck off of that embargo, reports the AP . Any Arab nation that raises its oil output will be an "accomplice in the consequences," warned...

Amid Sanctions, Iranians Expect War

Iran announces new Strait of Hormuz exercises

(Newser) - Western officials are fairly sanguine that Iran's recent provocations are only posturing. But on the streets of Tehran, sanctions are taking a real toll, and the populace expects violence, the Washington Post reports. The country is in the midst of a currency crisis that has made prices shoot up...

Iran to Kill Internet Within Weeks

Will launch a 'halal' domestic intranet in its place

(Newser) - As fresh sanctions and economic turmoil loom, Iran has launched its harshest crackdown on the Internet yet, the Wall Street Journal finds. Internet cafes have been told they have 15 days to install security cameras and begin collecting information on users. Many sites have been blocked and Iranians may soon...

Iran Blockade Could Send Oil Up 50%

But international forces would win the ensuing conflict

(Newser) - If Iran ever really closed off the Strait of Hormuz—as it threatened to last week —oil prices could spike more than 50% in a matter of days, analysts tell the New York Times , with even a partial closure likely resulting in a $50-per-barrel increase. “You would get...

EU Calls for Iran Oil Ban
 EU Readies Iran Oil Ban 

EU Readies Iran Oil Ban

France calls for deal by end of month

(Newser) - Europe is continuing to get serious about Iran's nuclear ambitions, with EU member states agreeing in principle to ban the import of Iranian crude oil, reports the BBC . And while nuances must be hammered out—including whether and how long to exempt existing oil contracts with Iran, as well...

US Sanctions Batter Iran's Currency

Ordinary Iranians scrambling to exchange sliding rial

(Newser) - The latest US sanctions against Iran have left Iranians scrambling for American dollars. President Obama has signed a bill placing Iran's central bank under sanctions, a move that sent Iran's currency tumbling 12% to a record low against the dollar. The rial has now lost 35% of its...

Santorum: I'm Ready to Bomb Iran

Republican presidential candidate wants inspectors in Tehran

(Newser) - Surging in the Iowa polls , Rick Santorum said today he would bomb Iran's nuclear plants if international inspectors aren't allowed inside, the Wall Street Journal reports. "You can't go out and say, 'This is what I'm for,' and then do nothing,"...

US to Iran: Shutting Hormuz 'Will Not Be Tolerated'

War of words escalates over proposed sanctions

(Newser) - The rhetoric between the US and Iran over the Strait of Hormuz is heating up, reports MSNBC . After Tehran threatened to shut down the strait if the West imposes sanctions, the US Navy's 5th Fleet responded thusly: "Anyone who threatens to disrupt freedom of navigation in an international...

UK Shuts Iran's Embassy, Kicks Out Diplomats

Iranian officials have 48 hours to leave London

(Newser) - The UK today announced "the immediate closure" of Iran's embassy in London following yesterday's invasion of the British embassy in Tehran—and it's not the only embassy to close. The AP reports that Norway has elected to shutter its embassy in the Iranian capital over security...

Iranians Storm British Embassy
 Iranians Storm British Embassy 

Iranians Storm British Embassy

Hostages may have been taken

(Newser) - Hard-line Iranian students stormed the British embassy in Tehran today, surging past riot police, scaling the compound’s walls, and pelting the buildings inside with rocks and petrol bombs. They then pulled down the British flag, burned it, and replaced it with an Iranian one, the semi-official Mehr News Agency...

Iran Demands Access to 'Bomb Plotter'

US calls for strong response, stops short of military intervention

(Newser) - Iran is demanding access to the Iranian-American man accused of plotting to kill the Saudi ambassador to the United States , reports Reuters . "There is no doubt regarding the baselessness of the US allegations," said an Iranian official, according to Iran's state broadcaster IRIB. "However, providing personal...

Iran Terror Plot: US Says Tehran Will Be Held Accountable
 US Vows Iran 
 Will Be Held 

US Vows Iran Will Be Held Accountable

Clinton: 'Very strong message' to be sent to Tehran

(Newser) - The plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the US had the support of elements of the Iranian government and Iran is going to pay, US officials vow. "The United States is committed to holding Iran accountable," Attorney General Eric Holder told reporters after the plot was exposed....

Navy Chief Among 12 Killed in Vast Cyprus Explosion

98 containers of seized Iranian munitions explode

(Newser) - A brush fire ignited a huge cache of seized Iranian gunpowder at a naval base in Cyprus yesterday, setting off a massive explosion that killed at least a dozen people and wounded 62 others. The country's naval chief and the base's commander were among the dead, as were...

Iran to Try Bush Officials for Human Rights Abuses

Trial designed to counter accusations of Tehran's own abuses

(Newser) - Iran intends to try 26 current or former US officials in absentia for human rights violations and forward its findings to international tribunals, one lawmaker said today. He didn’t specify which officials, but Reuters believes it’s likely to be the same people listed on a bill currently in...

UN: Iran Skirting Nuke Sanctions

But they are at least slowing it down

(Newser) - International sanctions have managed to slow down Iran’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs, but that’s about it, according to a new UN report obtained by the AP . “Iran’s circumvention of sanctions across all areas … is willful and continuing,” the report concludes. The regime has...

Clinton: Sanctions Have 'Slowed Down' Iran

First such public comment from Obama admin that they're working

(Newser) - Sanctions against Iran’s nuclear program are "working," Hillary Clinton said today, marking the first such assertion by an Obama administration official, the Wall Street Journal notes. The sanctions “have made it much more difficult for Iran to pursue its nuclear ambitions,” the secretary of state...

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