tea party activists

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Dems' Reaction to Angry Right Is Ridiculous

Left is exaggerating, exploiting tensions, writes Jonah Goldberg

(Newser) - People like the Alabama militia leader who advocated breaking the windows of Democratic politicians are "wrong, reprehensible and clownish," but the Democratic reaction is just as bad, writes Jonah Goldberg. Some overheated commentators have gone so far as to draw parallels between that incident and Kristallnacht when there's...

Sarah Palin: We Won't 'Sit Down, Shut Up'

She says to Obama, Reid, and Pelosi: 'You're fired'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin told thousands of tea party activists assembled in the Nevada desert today that Harry Reid will have to explain his votes when he comes back to his hometown to campaign. Reid is "gambling away our future," she said, and "someone needs to tell him this...

GOP's Lunatic Streak Is Bad for America
GOP's Lunatic Streak
Is Bad for America
paul krugman

GOP's Lunatic Streak Is Bad for America

The US needs 'two rational parties'

(Newser) - Watching right-wingers react to health care reform can be entertaining for a while, writes Paul Krugman, but it's ultimately depressing. It's just not fun seeing "extremists take full control of one our two great political parties." This isn't just fringe activists, either, as evidenced by John Boehner's declaration...

Don't Fan the Flames&mdash; We'll All Get Burned
 Don't Fan the Flames— 
 We'll All Get Burned 


Don't Fan the Flames— We'll All Get Burned

Political rage is a national problem, not a partisan one

(Newser) - America's white-hot political rage is a national problem, not a partisan one—and if we're not careful, we'll all get burned. The Democrats are right to call attention to threats to lawmakers but they shouldn't treat this as a political opportunity, writes Peggy Noonan for the Wall Street Journal . "...

Dem Rep's Brother Has Propane Gas Line Cut

FBI investigates incident in Virginia

(Newser) - Things continue to get nasty for lawmakers who backed health care reform. Someone apparently cut a propane gas line outside the home of the brother of a Democratic congressman in Virginia. The FBI tells Politico it is investigating. The incident occurred near Charlottesville at the home of Thomas Perriello's brother;...

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