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Billionaire Gives $100M to NYC's Central Park

Paulson gift biggest ever given to a park

(Newser) - Hedge fund manager John Paulson is parting with a chunk of his $11 billion fortune to make what is believed to be the biggest donation a park has ever received. Paulson, who made his fortune betting against subprime mortgages before the housing market crashed, is giving $100 million to preserve...

More Billionaires Agree to Give Away Half Their Wealth

But where's the money going?

(Newser) - Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have convinced 11 more billionaires to give away half of their wealth. The richies, including Netflix CEO Reed Hastings, will bring the total number of families participating in the "Giving Pledge" to 92. The campaign, launched two years ago, aims to convince the wealthy...

Poorer Give More to Charity
 Poorer Give More to Charity 
new study

Poorer Give More to Charity

But rich donate big when living in diverse areas

(Newser) - When it comes to charitable donations, lower-income people are willing to part with a much bigger chunk of their discretionary income than big earners are, a study finds. Households that bring in $50,000 to $75,000 a year give 7.6% of their post-tax and post-living expenses income, on...

Mystery Donor Hiding Envelopes of Cash in Town

Secret philanthropist has given out more than $250K

(Newser) - One man in the small German town of Braunschweig was slipped an envelope filled with cash after he lost thousands of euros in a burglary. Another family, whose son was disabled in an accident, discovered a similar envelope. A hospice worker found yet another white envelope with $13,218 under...

Billionaire Pays to Fix Washington Monument

David Rubenstein chips in $7.5M

(Newser) - Billionaire history buff and Carlyle Group co-founder David Rubenstein has agreed to chip in $7.5 million to help repair the damage the Washington Monument suffered in the August earthquake that shook the region. Congress had already allocated $7.5 million to the task, and expected an equal amount to...

ACLU Sues Newark Over Zuckerberg Donation

Suit seeks transparency over $100M gift to school system

(Newser) - The American Civil Liberties Union is suing Newark on behalf of a parents group that wants to know exactly what the city plans to do with Mark Zuckerberg's $100 million gift to its school system . The ACLU is demanding that the city release all correspondence between the Facebook founder,...

Americans Gave More to Charity Last Year

But the $290B we ponied up in 2010 is still below 2007 levels

(Newser) - Charitable giving increased last year as the economy improved, rising 3.8% to $290.89 billion, up from $280.3 billion in 2009. "There was a lot more optimism, all relative, in 2010," says an analyst. "People are still generous despite uncertainty, despite not having jobs, and...

Donald Trump Is a Lousy Philanthropist
Donald Trump Is a Lousy Philanthropist

Donald Trump Is a Lousy Philanthropist

Tax forms reveal a miserly giving habit: Smoking Gun

(Newser) - Donald Trump is not a particularly giving man. Sure, he heads up a charity, the Donald J. Trump Foundation, but after reviewing that charity’s IRS forms, the Smoking Gun concludes that Trump “may be the least charitable billionaire in the United States.” Trump's foundation gave just $6....

Plans for Madonna's Malawi School Collapse

Her charitable foundation pulls plug amid financial mess

(Newser) - A plan spearheaded by Madonna to build a $15 million school for impoverished girls in Malawi has been officially scrapped amid charges that the people running the project on her behalf squandered millions, reports the New York Times . In addition, the foundation Madonna founded with other Kabbalah devotees, Raising Malawi,...

Bill Gates Even Gave Away Richest-Guy Title

'Forbes' list wouldn't be a contest if he hadn't discovered philanthropy

(Newser) - Forbes will unveil its 2011 billionaires list tomorrow, and Bill Gates will certainly make an appearance, reports Reuters . But it turns out the longtime richest guy in the world fell to No. 2 last year not because of Microsoft's waning fortunes, but because he literally gave away the title. "...

Zuckerberg, 15 Other Tycoons Vow to Give Away Fortunes

Facebook founders join Gates, Buffett's 'Giving Pledge'

(Newser) - Facebook founders Mark Zuckerberg and Dustin Moskovitz, the youngest billionaires in America, have become the youngest billionaires in history to pledge to give away most of their money. The pair are among 16 billionaires who have recently signed the "Giving Pledge" organized by Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, the...

Charities Take Biggest Hit in 20 Years

Donations are down 11%, report finds

(Newser) - Charitable donations plunged 11% in 2009, the worst drop in 20 years, a new report has found. The Philanthropy 400, to be released today by the Chronicle of Philanthropy, found that even the country's top charities, such as the United Way and the Salvation Army, were hit hard by the...

Poor? You Can Still Save the World

20 ways to make a charitable donation without emptying your wallet

(Newser) - Even if the Great Recession has left you without a lot of disposable income, you can still help make the world a better place. The Christian Science Monitor rounds up no- and low-budget ways you can help by donating:
  • Business attire: The clothes you're no longer wearing to the office

World's Most Generous People? Not Us

 World's Most 
 Not Us 

World's Most Generous People? Not Us

Aussies, Kiwis top philanthropy index

(Newser) - Home to the world's biggest coral reef and most poisonous snake, Australia now boasts another superlative: the most generous people in the world. The Land Down Under came out on top in the latest Gallup World Giving Index, which ranks countries' philanthropy on the basis of individual donations, volunteer time,...

Billionaires' 'Giving Pledge' Not Good Enough

But here's a way to fix it

(Newser) - A bunch of billionaires have signed up for Warren Buffett and Bill Gates’ “ Giving Pledge ,” promising to give away half or more of their money to charity. Sounds great, right? Not to Ron Rosenbaum of Slate . “I think I can speak for the rest of the world...

Johnny Carson Estate Gives $156M to Charity

Money will be distributed by his foundation

(Newser) - Johnny Carson has rewritten the book on celebrity philanthropy. The late entertainer's charitable foundation has received $156 million from a trust that Carson set up years before his death in 2005, reports the Smoking Gun . The bequest means that Carson's foundation is now by far the biggest of Hollywood charities....

Thanks for the Generosity, You 'Robber Barons'
Thanks for the Generosity, You 'Robber Barons'
robert reich

Thanks for the Generosity, You 'Robber Barons'

The rich-poor divide is getting even worse

(Newser) - It's "admirable" that Bill Gates and Warren Buffett got their billionaire buddies to pledge huge sums to charity, writes Robert Reich at Salon . Not so admirable is "what this reveals about how much money is now concentrated in so few hands," he says. "It’s more...

Paul Allen Will Give Away Billions
Paul Allen Will
Give Away

Paul Allen Will Give Away Billions

Microsoft co-founder commits most of his fortune to philanthropy

(Newser) - Looks as though Bill Gates' billionaire challenge is paying off: Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen has pledged to give away most of his $13 billion fortune. He made the vow public a month after Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett urged the world's richest to give away at least half...

Screw Charity, Millionaires Spending More on Bling
Screw Charity, Millionaires Spending More on Bling

Screw Charity, Millionaires Spending More on Bling

Financial crisis scares money out of stocks, into stuff

(Newser) - Spooked by the financial crisis, millionaires have pulled their money out of stocks and put it where their passions are—think yachts, art, private jets, and expensive jewelry—while simultaneously cutting back on their donations to charity, according to a new report from Merrill Lynch and Capgemini. Most millionaires now...

Gates, Buffett to Super Rich: Give Half of It Away
Gates, Buffett to Super Rich: Give Half of It Away
Charity Megadrive

Gates, Buffett to Super Rich: Give Half of It Away

Details of the secret billionaires meeting revealed

(Newser) - Remember that super-secret meeting of the world’s richest people? Well, the contents of that meeting have finally been revealed, in a new Fortune article that pulls back the curtain on probably the biggest charity drive of all time. The meeting was the brainchild of Bill Gates and Warren Buffett,...

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