
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

Premature Babies More Prone to Mental Illness

Meanwhile, another study says fear makes labor last longer

(Newser) - A pair of new studies today took a look at pregnancy, birth, and the brain, with one focused on the baby and the other on the mother. The breakdown:
  • The first found that babies born very prematurely—at less than 32 weeks of gestation—were twice as likely to be

Stay-at-Home Moms Suffer More Sadness
 Moms Suffer 
 More Sadness 
survey says

Stay-at-Home Moms Suffer More Sadness

Cite more depression, anger compared to employed mothers: Gallup poll

(Newser) - Stay-at-home moms struggle with sadness, depression, and anger more often than employed mothers do, according to a sure-to-be-controversial new Gallup poll. While 26% of stay-at-home moms reported feeling sadness much of "yesterday," that figure was just 16% among employed moms. Some 28% of stay-at-home moms said they have...

Time's Nursing Mom: I Expected the Uproar

Jamie Lynne Grumet says it's 'not the way we breastfeed at home'

(Newser) - The brouhaha over Time magazine's breastfeeding-mom cover came as no surprise to the cover-mom herself: I "knew what we were getting into," Jamie Lynne Grumet tells the Today show. Grumet says she understands Time's decision to run the image, which doesn't represent "the way...

Worst Place to Be a Mom: Niger
 Worst Place to Be a Mom: Niger 

Worst Place to Be a Mom: Niger

US inches up from 31st to 25th: Save the Children report

(Newser) - Good news for American moms: The United States is a slightly better place to be a mother than it was last year, according to Save the Children's 13th annual report on the topic. The US rose from 31st to 25th place in its look at 165 countries. For the...

3 Girls, Mom Dead in Suspected Murder-Suicide

Bodies found at campground, handgun nearby

(Newser) - A mother and her three young daughters were found shot to death near a Missouri campground in what police believe was a triple murder-suicide. Each was killed by a single gunshot, and the weapon was found near the bodies, according to police. The four were not staying at the Bourbon...

Woman Has 75-Day Labor to Save Twins

Also: Joanna Krzysztonek did this lying upside down

(Newser) - It's hard to pick what to emphasize: That Joanna Krzysztonek endured labor for 75 days to save her twins or that she did so lying virtually upside down. Reuters explains: Krzysztonek was supposed to have triplets, but she went into labor in her fifth month. After one baby died,...

Pregnant Women in 50s Do Just Fine
 Pregnant Women in 50s 
 Do Just Fine 
study says

Pregnant Women in 50s Do Just Fine

In-vitro pregnancies of older women show no rise in complications

(Newser) - Women in their 50s who receive donated eggs have just as healthy pregnancies as their younger counterparts who do the same, a new study shows. In the largest analysis to date, researchers found that 101 women age 50 and older who used in-vitro fertilization had no more complications than women...

Family Planning Is Pro-Life: Michael Gerson
 Is Pro-Life 

Family Planning Is Pro-Life

Congo women offer proof of benefits: Michael Gerson

(Newser) - The American debate over family planning may seem “like a culture war showdown.” But “close up, family planning is undeniably pro-life,” writes Michael Gerson in the Washington Post . To understand that, look to Bweremana, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where “the complications of childbirth...

Best Place to Be a Mom Is ...
 Best Place to Be a Mom Is... 

Best Place to Be a Mom Is...

...Norway, says index that considers maternity leave, mortality rates

(Newser) - Moms who want the good life should consider heading north. That's because Norway is the best place in the world to be a mother, according to new survey. Why? Norway has great health benefits, an average year-long maternity leave from work, and low child mortality rates, along with a...

Why I Loved Being Called a MILF
 Why I Loved Being 
 Called a MILF 

Why I Loved Being Called a MILF

Some find the term 'gross,' but Wilson Diehl needed to hear it

(Newser) - Since becoming a mom, Wilson Diehl had “internalized the wildly sexist notion that moms are unsexy,” she writes on Salon . “Maybe I could be a hot 35-year-old married lady, but a hot 35-year-old married mom?” But on a ladies’ weekend in Chicago with friends, Diehl found herself...

'Tiger Mother' Gets Death Threats

Amy Chua shocked by response to thoughts on parenting

(Newser) - Amy Chua is shocked by the furious response to excerpts from her book, Battle Hymn of a Tiger Mother , recently printed in the Wall Street Journal. The author—who hails the hardline method of Chinese parenting in the excerpts—has received thousands of angry emails and even death threats, reports...

Why Women Are Going Kid-Free
 Why Women Are Going Kid-Free 

Why Women Are Going Kid-Free

Hey, conservatives: It's not because of abortion

(Newser) - Just two years ago, only 29% of Americans deemed childlessness bad for society; now, as the percentage of childless-by-choice women grows, 38% denounce that choice. Many of those who decry childlessness are social conservatives who blame the trend on legal abortion, even though 61% of women who have abortions are...

Childlessness Soars to 18%
 Childlessness Soars to 18%  

Childlessness Soars to 18%

Social pressure to have children has eased, study finds

(Newser) - The percentage of American women who enter their 40s having never had a child has almost doubled since the 1970s to 18%, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of census data. White women are more likely than ethnic minorities to remain childless, though the gap is rapidly narrowing, the...

Supreme Court Needs a Mom
Obama Should Put a Mom on the Court

Obama Should Put a Mom on the Court

Women who want kids don't have enough powerful role models

(Newser) - Barack Obama should put another woman on the Supreme Court, and it ought to be a woman with kids, argues Peter Beinart in the Daily Beast . Scan the halls of power, and you'll discover surprisingly few moms. Only 6 of the last 16 female Cabinet members have had kids. We're...

Stop Breastfeeding Your 'Tyrant' Baby: Feminist
Stop Breastfeeding Your 'Tyrant' Baby: Feminist
smoke, drink instead

Stop Breastfeeding Your 'Tyrant' Baby: Feminist

Attentive parenting new form of oppression, says feminist Badinter

(Newser) - What with all the breastfeeding, diaper washing, and not smoking while pregnant, mothers have become enslaved to their “tyrant” babies. That’s the opinion of French feminist philosopher Elisabeth Badinter, who sees women giving up their lives in the service of their young ones—and risking women's liberation by...

Pregnancy Boosts Awareness of Bad Vibes
 Pregnancy Boosts 
 Awareness of Bad Vibes 
study says

Pregnancy Boosts Awareness of Bad Vibes

Researchers say finding fits with protective evolutionary adaptation

(Newser) - Women get wiser to the emotional states of upset and angry people around them as their pregnancies progress, perhaps as a way for mothers-to-be to recognize threats. A study asked women to identify the emotions of people in a set of photographs in their first trimester and again near the...

Parenting Tips From Octomom
 Parenting Tips From Octomom 

Parenting Tips From Octomom

Nadya Suleman offers her advice on everything from meals to tantrums

(Newser) - Nadya Suleman, better known as Octomom, offers up her best parenting advice—yes, really—to Babble . The highlights:
  • Her parenting philosophy: “Love with some boundaries and rules. I think religion is important. So are good manners, good role models, and a good education. I also try not to judge

Why Everyone Hates Mommies
 Why Everyone Hates Mommies 

Why Everyone Hates Mommies

The stroller digs are symbolic of a deeper problem

(Newser) - “Helicopter moms,” “sanctimommies,” “stroller Nazis,” “breeders”—moms are getting a bad rap these days, but why? Yes, some aspects of mommy culture are ripe for mocking—the obsession with pregnant celebrities, the sham of Baby Einstein, the mothers who park “SUV-size”...

The Mommy Industry Is Killing Moms
 The Mommy 
 Industry Is 
 Killing Moms 

The Mommy Industry Is Killing Moms

Selling advice to parents is just adding stress

(Newser) - Thanks to offhand comments from her son ("You're a mean mom!") and underhanded comments from other parents ("Your son's very competitive!"), Karen Houppert wakes up at 2:30am every day, wrestling with self-doubt. The newest parenting trend—family coaches to perfect your child-raising skills—...

Obama Owns Up: Michelle Made More Sacrifices

Many men 'still a little obtuse' about imbalance in household dynamics

(Newser) - The men in many families need to be "knocked across the head every once in a while" to realize how much more work their partners are putting into child-raising, President Obama says, and the Obamas are no exception. "There's no doubt that our family, like a lot of...

Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>