Obama State of the Union address

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Obama's SOTU: Go Centrist, or Go Home
 Obama's SOTU: 
 Go Centrist, or Go Home 
fareed zakaria

Obama's SOTU: Go Centrist, or Go Home

Both sides are right in economy debate, says Fareed Zakaria

(Newser) - President Obama’s recent move the center has been a political boon, but in his State of the Union address he needs to redefine that center, laying out "a genuinely bipartisan pro-growth strategy ... that is not just good politics but good policy," writes Fareed Zakaria for the Washington ...

McConnell: Um, I'm Keeping My SOTU Seat
 Um, I'm Keeping 
 My SOTU Seat 

McConnell: Um, I'm Keeping My SOTU Seat

You all go hold hands if you want to

(Newser) - Congress can go ahead and sing "Kumbaya" at Tuesday's State of the Union address for all Mitch McConnell cares: The Senate minority leader tells Fox News Sunday that he's keeping his seat, reports the AP, though legislators should feel free to do whatever they want to. McConnell also vowed...

Lawmakers Pair Off for State of the Union
 Lawmakers Pair Off 
 for State of the Union 
It's Like Prom!

Lawmakers Pair Off for State of the Union

No slow dancing or corsages, but plenty of drama

(Newser) - With Democrats and Republicans asking out each other and coupling up, Tuesday's State of the Union address is transforming from high partisanship to high school prom, reports Politico . Some are pairing up by region, with the senators from Pennsylvania and Illinois sitting together. Others are sitting by job function, like...

Bachmann Will Give Own SOTU Response

Tea Party announces rebuttal after rep passed over by GOP

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann, passed over by the GOP for both House leadership roles and its response to President Obama's State of the Union address, is, well, going to go ahead and give her own response to the SOTU anyway, reports Ben Smith on Politico. The move, announced by the Tea Party...

Senators to Buck Tradition at State of the Union

Democrat Chuck Schumer and GOP's Tom Coburn will sit together

(Newser) - Aiming for a more civil tone, a pair of senators from opposite parties will buck tradition and sit together at the State of the Union. Oklahoma Republican Tom Coburn and New York Democrat Chuck Schumer’s decision follows a push for civility in politics after the Tucson shootings. Schumer said...

Chief Justice Rips Obama's 'Very Troubling' Court Rebuke

Roberts irked by 'pep-rally' mood at State of the Union

(Newser) - Chief Justice John Roberts says it's "very troubling" that President Obama criticized a Supreme Court decision amid a "pep-rally" atmosphere at his State of the Union address. Obama said in the speech that the decision to allow corporations to spend freely on campaign ads "opened the floodgates...

Jon Stewart Mocks Chris Matthews

'Forgot he was black'? He must have also forgotten about his mic

(Newser) - The moment the words were out of his mouth, Chris Matthews must have known he was bait for Jon Stewart, who last night on the Daily Show couldn't resist calling Matthews—who also "might have forgotten you're miked"—“one scotch away from being Ron Burgundy.” He...

Pundits Rate the State of the Union
 Pundits Rate the 
 State of the Union 

Pundits Rate the State of the Union

Obama puts up his dukes in feisty speech

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s first State of the Union Address naturally has all the pundits talking. Here’s what they’re saying:
  • “It was a terrific performance,” writes Joe Klein of Time . “He seemed to be having fun up there,” ad-libbing and needling the “recalcitrant elephants

State of the President: 'Tough, Undaunted'

'Fire-breathing' Obama was impressive, writes Tom Shales

(Newser) - It wasn't quite "No More Mr. Nice Obama," but America did see a tougher President Obama than usual in last night's speech, writes Tom Shales. The president was "breathing fire" before the House and Senate members, acknowledging mistakes and disappointments over the last year, but refusing to...

National Security Took Backseat in State of Union

Address light on foreign policy as Obama focuses on 'wounded' US

(Newser) - President Obama spent just 9 minutes of last night's speech on the subject of America's relations with the rest of the world. He warned Iran over its nuclear program and spoke of China as an economic threat, but made no mention of Middle East peace talks or the row with...

Obama Speech Mixed Game of Chutes, Ladders

'Educator-in-chief's' address worked sometimes

(Newser) - President Obama delivered some highly effective moments and some fizzles in his uneven State of the Union address, writes Tom Schaller. His pledge to mend Washington works is fine if it's merely rhetoric to put Republicans on their heels, but he should know by now that "making nice" won't...

Justice Alito Mouths 'Not True' at Obama Criticism
Justice Alito Mouths 'Not True' at Obama Criticism

Justice Alito Mouths 'Not True' at Obama Criticism

Observers see 'Joe Wilson moment'

(Newser) - Though Supreme Court justices normally sit impassively during the State of the Union address, Justice Samuel Alito took unusual umbrage to President Obama’s criticism of the court’s recent ruling on campaign finance—mouthing “ not true ” when Obama said the decision “reversed a century of law...

Nation Can't Afford Democrats' Policies
 Nation Can't Afford 
 Democrats' Policies 

Nation Can't Afford Democrats' Policies

Va. governor McDonnell rips federal debt, health reform

(Newser) - The nation cannot afford the spending Democrats have enacted or the tax increases they propose, Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell said in the Republican response to tonight's State of the Union address. McDonnell criticized the huge run-up in federal debt, and said that while Americans want affordable health care, but they...

'Let's Seize the Moment, Start Anew': Obama
 'Let's Seize the Moment, 
 Start Anew': Obama 

'Let's Seize the Moment, Start Anew': Obama

President focuses on health, jobs, ugly politics

(Newser) - In his first State of the Union address, President Obama waded directly into the financial crisis and the partisan mire of Capitol Hill in tonight’s wide-ranging speech. Obama said the US economy is still struggling, but “the worst of the storm has passed.” And, he urged the...

Obama Will Target Health, Jobs, 'Corrosive' Washington
Obama Will Target Health, Jobs, 'Corrosive' Washington

Obama Will Target Health, Jobs, 'Corrosive' Washington

'Despite our hardships, our union is strong,' speech says

(Newser) - The White House has released excerpts of President Obama’s State of the Union address scheduled for 9 EST tonight. Some highlights, via the Wall Street Journal :
  • “Despite our hardships, our union is strong. We do not give up. We do not quit. We don’t allow fear or

Joe Wilson: I'll Be a 'Gentleman' Tonight
 Joe Wilson: I'll Be 
 a 'Gentleman' Tonight 
state of the union

Joe Wilson: I'll Be a 'Gentleman' Tonight

Republicans don't think there will be any outbursts mid-speech

(Newser) - House Republican Whip Eric Cantor has attempted to preempt any members of his party tempted to pull a "Joe Wilson" during the president's State of the Union address. "I hope there are no outbursts tonight" Cantor said, but added that he hopes Obama has "listened and learned"...

Obama, Please Don't Dumb It Down
 Obama, Please 
 Don't Dumb It Down 
state of the union

Obama, Please Don't Dumb It Down

He needs another speech on par with the one about Rev. Wright

(Newser) - If President Obama hopes to pull off a winning speech tonight, he might look back to candidate Obama for guidance, writes Johnathan Cohn. Remember the Jeremiah Wright controversy, when Obama faced the first "speech of his life"? Most candidates would have taken the politically easy route of disavowing...

Obama, Find Your Inner Reagan
 Obama, Find Your Inner Reagan 

Obama, Find Your Inner Reagan

The Gipper's first year didn't go so well, either

(Newser) - Cheer up, Barack; Ronald Reagan had a rough first year, too. But he bounced back nicely, so Mark Halperin of Time pulls some lessons from his playbook for Obama:
  • Stand for a few big things: Reagan stood for three things: lower taxes, stronger defense, family values. His policies didn’t

Obama Will Take Questions Via YouTube
 Will Take 
 Via YouTube 
state of the union

Obama Will Take Questions Via YouTube

President will answer the top-voted queries on CitizenTube channel

(Newser) - The White House is adding a few high-tech touches to tomorrow's State of the Union Address. For starters, the speech will be broadcast live on the new White House app for the iPhone as well as on YouTube's CitizenTube channel. Afterward, people can submit questions via CitizenTube and vote on...

Eying Deficit, Obama Plans $447B Freeze
Eying Deficit, Obama Plans $447B Freeze

Eying Deficit, Obama Plans $447B Freeze

17% of US budget affected, not including defense, entitlements

(Newser) - The latest detail to trickle out about initiatives President Obama plans to serve up in Wednesday’s State of the Union address is one aimed at cutting the $1.4 trillion federal budget deficit. Obama will announce a 3-year freeze on $447 billion in spending, a measure that could save...

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