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Producer Recalls 68K Pounds of Calif. Spinach

Metz Fresh finds salmonella in sample during routine testing

(Newser) - A California produce company is recalling over 68K pounds of bagged spinach after a sample taken from one of the company's packing plants tested positive for salmonella, the San Jose Mercury News reports. But Metz Fresh has likely averted a repeat of last year's contaminated spinach mess, corralling 90% of...

Tips for Beating the Heat
Tips for Beating the Heat

Tips for Beating the Heat

Ten ways to keep the sun from getting you down

(Newser) - Everyone needs a little vitamin D, but sunburn (or, worse, heatstroke) is no fun. Protect yourself and your family with these tips from MSNBC:
  1. Drink up! Plan on 1 gallon of water per person per day.
  2. Smear on the sunblock and slap on a hat.
  3. Wear breathable fabrics, like cotton

Owners Mull Reopening Mine
Owners Mull Reopening Mine

Owners Mull Reopening Mine

With fate of missing miners still uncertain, economic issues surface

(Newser) - Days after three more deaths ended efforts to rescue trapped miners, Crandall Canyon’s operators are talking about reopening the Utah mine—to mixed reaction from families and townspeople, according to the Times. Some wonder how the area is safe for mining but not for continuing recovery operations; others point...

Families, Critics Question Safety of Utah Mine

Mourner assails company owner at rescue worker's funeral

(Newser) - A friend of a missing miner insulted the mining company CEO at a funeral yesterday as critics around the country pointed fingers. They say a safety organization has gone too easy on Bob Murray, letting him engage in dangerous “retreat mining” even though his mines are prone to “...

Mattel Recalls 18M More Toys Made in China

9M sold in US; toys contain hazardous magnets, lead-tainted paint

(Newser) - Mattel today announced a second, much bigger recall of Chinese-made toys that may be hazardous: 18 million of them worldwide, and 9 million in the US. The recalled items  include play sets containing magnets that can be dangerous when swallowed and die-cast cars that contain lead paint. The play sets...

Safety Worries Hounded Miners: Source
Safety Worries Hounded Miners: Source

Safety Worries Hounded Miners: Source

Floors in area around collapse site sparked concerns

(Newser) - The area of the Utah mine where six men are stranded was a source of worries about safety before Monday's collapse, but miners didn’t speak up for fear of losing their jobs, a source tells CNN. “I’ve never heard of that,” the mining company president said....

Sabotage Eyed In Outbreak of Foot-and-Mouth

Investigators target 'bio security' at labs making vaccine

(Newser) - British officials are pursuing the possibility that latest outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease could be the result of sabotage, the Times reports. They've ruled out water leaks spreading the virus from a research lab to nearby farms,and have concluded that "release by human movement must be considered a real...

Which Came First: Quake or Collapse?

It's geologists vs. mine owner on cause of Utah disaster

(Newser) - A cave-in method of coal extraction called “retreat mining,” recently okayed by regulators for Crandall Canyon, was more likely to have caused the Utah mine disaster than an earthquake, seismographers tell the Los Angeles Times. And they say the massive tremor was consistent with the type  “induced...

UK Cattle Test Positive for Foot-and-Mouth

New outbreak forces farm quarantine, ban on livestock transport

(Newser) - Britain faces its first outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in six years after a herd of beef cattle in Guildford tested positive, reports the Independent. The news forced Gordon Brown to cancel his vacation as the government introduced emergency measures banning all transportation of cattle and pigs and throwing up a...

Bad Plastic: It's Practically Everywhere

And it's linked to infertility, obesity, cancer—you name it

(Newser) - It's in everything from baby bottles to coffee makers to CDs, and research is accumulating, as Salon's Elizabeth Grossman puts it, that it's a major health hazard. Bisphenol A is a key ingredient of the lightweight plastics now ubiquitous in consumer products, and it's been variously linked to reproductive health,...

Gas-Powered Roller Skates Skid in Britain

Safety officials seize illegal 20 MPH "gas shoes" from China

(Newser) - British officials seized 50 pairs of motorized roller skates that can hit 20 mph in just 20 seconds. The Brits say the Chinese "gasoline skating shoes," which are controlled by a hand-held throttle, reach dangerous clips and expose young speedsters to falls and sudden stops that pitch them...

Some Laser Printers May Be Hazardous to Your Health

Office machines puff pollutants like smokers

(Newser) - Working near a laser printer might be as bad for you as second-hand smoke, according to a new study. Some major brands of printers emit particles of toner that can damage the lungs of people nearby—and even light concentrations can potentially cause heart and lung diseases.

FDA Panel Votes to Keep Avandia on Shelves

Controversial diabetes drug still faces heart-attack link

(Newser) - An FDA panel said today that GlaxoSmithKline's diabetes drug Avandia should remain in drugstores, despite earlier evidence the pill ups heart failure risks. Glaxo has defended its drug, countering that the risks associated with the popular Avandia are the same as those of other diabetes drugs.

Chinese Goods Flunk Gov't Safety Tests

Nearly 20% of domestic consumer products can't meet quality standards

(Newser) - The Chinese government acknowledged today what people around the world suspected—many products manufactured by the world's largest exporter of consumer goods are unsafe. One-fifth of its manufactured wares fail to meet government safety standards, a regulatory agency said in a posting on its website. Despite the findings, which did...

Doctors Give TB Fugitive Good News
Doctors Give
TB Fugitive Good News

Doctors Give TB Fugitive Good News

Runaway lawyer's disease less dangerous than initially thought

(Newser) - TB patient Andrew Speaker is not quite as sick as planeloads of people feared, Reuters reports. A doctor from Speaker's Denver hospital says the Atlanta lawyer, who flew to Europe despite warnings that he was highly contagious, doesn't have XDR—or extensively drug-resistant—tuberculosis, but rather the more treatable multi-drug-resistant...

Oil Spill Worsens Floods
Oil Spill Worsens Floods

Oil Spill Worsens Floods

Malfunction at Kansas factory unleashes gallons of crude into water torrents

(Newser) - The floods overwhelming the Midwest worsened today as 42,000 gallons of crude oil accidentally released from a refinery on Sunday made its way farther downstream. A malfunction at a plant in Coffeyville, Kan., on the Oklahoma border, contaminated flood waters with a thick, pungent layer of sludge that threatens...

Chinese PR Combats Export Rap
Chinese PR Combats
Export Rap

Chinese PR Combats Export Rap

Enemies in Washington stymie effort to promote food products called unsafe

(Newser) - China is on a public relations blitz to keep its exports solvent after nonstop coverage of unsafe toothpaste, fish and even tires in the US, China's largest customer, last week. Beijing broke its pattern of protest over the coverage, shutting down 180 offending factories and promising consumers that tainted food...

Salmonella Prompts Recall of Veggie Booty

Company yanks 'healthy' snack after dozens, including kids, fall ill

(Newser) - A snack popular with health-conscious junk-food fans because it contains kale and spinach may also contain salmonella, according to the FDA and CDC, and the manufacturer of Veggie Booty has issued a nationwide recall. Fifty-one people, many of whom had eaten the green-colored rice and corn curlicues, reported symptoms consistent...

Egypt Outlaws Female Genital Mutilation

Loophole removed after 11-year-old girl dies during circumcision

(Newser) - A legal loophole allowing girls to undergo genital cutting for "health reasons" has been eliminated in Egypt, strengthening an earlier ban. Seen as a rite of passage and a way to lessen sexual desire, the practice had been fairly widespread. But after a heavily sedated girl died during the...

Toothpaste Scare Widens&mdash;Again
Toothpaste Scare Widens—Again

Toothpaste Scare Widens—Again

Tainted tubes from China turn up in Georgia prisons, hospitals

(Newser) - The Chinese toothpaste scare is far from over and is more than just a scare. Tainted tubes have turned up, as expected, in discount stores—but officials have also found them in institutions such as prisons and hospitals, the Times reports. Nearly 1 million tubes containing varying amounts of a...

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