appeals court

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Court Bans Parking Enforcement Practice in 4 States

Authorities can use photos instead

(Newser) - Marking a tire with chalk to track how long a car has been parked is unconstitutional, per a first-of-its-kind ruling that could force cities to adopt new approaches to parking enforcement. The 6th US Circuit Court of Appeals covering Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Tennessee on Monday found tire-chalking is an...

Court's Outrageous Ruling: Woman Too Ugly to Be Raped

Outrage in Italy after 2017 appeals court verdict revealed

(Newser) - Italy's Justice Ministry has ordered a preliminary inquiry into an appeals court ruling that overturned a rape verdict in part by arguing that the woman who was attacked was too ugly to be a credible rape victim. The ruling has sparked outrage in Italy, prompting a flash mob Monday...

'Hugely Welcome News' for Teen Who Killed Rapist Husband

Sudan's Noura Hussein has death sentence overturned, gets 5 years in prison instead

(Newser) - The #JusticeforNoura hashtag and a petition didn't free an African teen from prison, but it may have helped save her life. The BBC reports an appeals court in Sudan has nixed the death sentence for 19-year-old Noura Hussein, who was sentenced by an Islamic court in May...

Ex-Trump U Students Will Finally Get Paid

President avoids trial as $25M settlement is approved

(Newser) - A lengthy legal battle between Donald Trump and Trump University students, who say they paid thousands of dollars for real estate "secrets" they never received, is finally over. On Tuesday, an appeals court in San Francisco approved a $25 million settlement reached last year while rejecting an appeal from...

Trump's Own Remarks on Travel Ban May Doom It

Judges bring up 'total shutdown' pledge

(Newser) - President Trump's own words have once again come back to haunt attempts to implement his policies. On Monday, a federal appeals court debated whether comments Trump has made about Muslims before and after his election should be considered when ruling on the latest version of his travel ban, NBC...

Judge: 'Wretchedly Unhappy Marriage' No Reason for Divorce

UK woman is appealing ruling denying her a divorce

(Newser) - When Tini Owens says she's trapped in a loveless marriage, she means it. Owens, 65, was denied a divorce from her millionaire husband of 39 years after he told a UK judge their "minor" disagreements are simply a part of married life, reports the Times . In a case...

Trump: Travel Ban Ruling Is &#39;Political Decision&#39;
Trump: Travel Ban Ruling
Is 'Political Decision'

Trump: Travel Ban Ruling Is 'Political Decision'

Supreme Court ruling could arrive as soon as next week

(Newser) - President Trump was handed a huge defeat Thursday with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals decision against his travel ban —but he made it clear he plans to keep fighting. "SEE YOU IN COURT, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE! " he tweeted . He later said...

3 Judges to Decide Fate of Travel Ban Over the Phone

DOJ urges 9th Circuit to restore 'lawful' order

(Newser) - Three judges will decide the future of President Trump's travel ban on Tuesday—and the Justice Department has urged them to restore it as soon as possible. A federal appeals court will hear around 30 minutes of arguments from each side in a hearing scheduled for 6pm EST, NPR...

Court Rejects Trump Bid to Quickly Restore Travel Ban

But Justice Department has until Monday to file a response

(Newser) - The legal fight over President Trump's ban on travelers from certain countries continued into the wee hours Sunday morning with yet another court ruling. Where things stand as of 5am Eastern: The ban is not in effect, meaning travelers from the seven countries named in the executive order are...

The Gold Could Be Worth $100M. She Has to Give It Back

Rare Double Eagles were pilfered from Mint decades ago

(Newser) - The US government is $100 million richer after the latest ruling in a strange case involving some long-lost gold coins. In 2003, Pennsylvania's Joan Langbord says she found 10 "Double Eagle" coins from 1933 in a safe-deposit box that once belonged to her father, jeweler Israel Switt. The...

Court: Carrying Concealed Weapons Is Not a Right

Ruling allows California to seek 'good cause' for permits

(Newser) - Dealing a blow to gun supporters, a federal appeals court ruled Thursday that Americans do not have a constitutional right to carry concealed weapons in public. In a dispute that could ultimately wind up before the Supreme Court, a divided 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals said local law enforcement...

Jared Fogle's 15-Year Sentence Declared 'Reasonable'

Judges uphold above-guidelines sentence

(Newser) - A federal appeals court rejected former Subway pitchman Jared Fogle's appeal of his sentence of more than 15 years in prison Thursday for child pornography offenses and illicit sexual conduct with a child, the AP reports. A three-judge panel of the 7th US Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the...

Court Nixes $2M Award for Man in Fender-Bender

New trial ordered over 2009 accident

(Newser) - A $2 million award has been tossed out in the case of a man who sued following a fender-bender in central New Jersey. reports a state appeals court on Wednesday called it a "clear miscarriage of justice" and ordered a new trial. Joseph Berkowitz was rear-ended in...

White House Will Appeal Immigration Case to Supreme Court

After an appeals court keeps Obama plan from moving forward

(Newser) - Last November, President Obama laid out his immigration plan , which included protection against deportation for millions of undocumented people. Since then, Texas has been leading a slew of states trying to block the executive action, which was dealt another blow Monday when a federal appeals court sided with a lower...

Judge: Sperm Donor Owes Child Support

William Marotta to appeal ruling in controversial case

(Newser) - The latest twist and turn in the case of a man who provided sperm to a same-sex couple who then had a daughter: A Kansas judge ruled Wednesday that William Marotta is the "presumptive father as a matter of law," not a sperm donor, and must pay child...

New Yorkers Still Free to Guzzle Giant Sodas: Court

Bloomberg's soda ban appeal fails

(Newser) - New York, your justice has been served—now would you like fries with that? A state appeals court has upheld the New York Supreme Court's ruling to strike down Mayor Michael Bloomberg's soda ban, finding that the prohibition on vendors selling 16-ounce-plus sugary drinks "violated the state...

Egypt's Courts Stage Strike Over Morsi Power Grab

As more than 100,000 protest in Cairo

(Newser) - Courts across Egypt are going on strike today in protest of Mohamed Morsi's recent power grab—including the country's two highest appeals courts, the AP and BBC report. Cassation Court judges emerged from an emergency meeting saying they would not resume work until Morsi takes back his decree...

Apple Loses Appeal Vs. 'Not as Cool' Samsung

UK court rules Samsung did not copy iPad

(Newser) - The latest development in the ongoing battle between Samsung and Apple should put the matter to rest in Europe: A British court has denied Apple's appeal of the court decision ruling that Samsung did not copy the popular iPad when it designed its Galaxy tablet, reports Reuters . There were...

Scott Peterson Appeals Death Sentence

Lawyer alleges juror misconduct, bias, evidence problems

(Newser) - Scott Peterson is still protesting his innocence in the murder of pregnant wife Laci in 2002, and has filed an automatic appeal of his death sentence with the California Supreme Court. Peterson was sentenced in 2004 after a highly publicized trial, and his lawyer argues in the 423-page document that...

Knox Plans Final 'Plea for Her Life'

'It's going to be a heartfelt statement': father

(Newser) - While Amanda Knox plans a final plea for her life tomorrow, her father says he's not worried that her words may work against her in an Italian courtroom. "I really don't think so," Curt Knox said on Today (see the video in our media gallery). "...

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