
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

Ethics Watchdog: Conway in 'Clear Violation' of Guidelines

Office of Government Ethics recommends action be taken

(Newser) - Kellyanne Conway's "free commercial" for Ivanka Trump's fashion line was a "clear violation" of federal ethics rules, according to a letter from Office of Government Ethics posted online by Democrats on the House oversight committee. Per Politico , the Feb. 13 letter recommends the White House investigate...

Conway May Have Violated Ethics Rule With Ivanka Plug

'Go buy Ivanka's stuff'

(Newser) - "Go buy Ivanka's stuff." That was Kellyanne Conway's message to viewers during an interview with Fox & Friends on Thursday after Nordstrom pulled Ivanka Trump's clothing line from its stores. The problem? She might have violated federal ethics rules with the plug. Government workers aren'...

Office of Government Ethics 'Lost Contact' With Trump Team

It's concerned that his cabinet appointees aren't being vetted

(Newser) - "We seem to have lost contact with the Trump-Pence transition since the election," Walter Shaub wrote in an email to Trump aides in November, CNBC reports. The email from the director of the nonpartisan Office of Government Ethics was made public Saturday amid growing concerns about what Shaub...

House GOP Votes to 'Effectively Kill' Ethics Watchdog

Office of Congressional Ethics will lose authority

(Newser) - Did the swamp just vote against drains? House Republicans bucked party leaders Monday night with a vote that the New York Times reports will hobble and "effectively kill" their independent ethics watchdog. Under a change that comes as part of a rules package for the 115th Congress, which will...

Group Linked to Trump Sons Offered Access for $500K

That included a photo with the president-elect

(Newser) - In another Trump connection likely to make ethicists scratch their heads , or possibly tear their hair out, a nonprofit linked to Donald Trump's two adult sons tried to sell access to Trump the day after his inauguration. The recently created "Opening Day Foundation" is holding a hunting-themed fundraiser...

Coffee Date With Ivanka an Ethical Head-Scratcher

Eric Trump says charity auction might be shut down

(Newser) - A Texas restaurant owner and a Florida real estate agent are just two people bidding big money to have a coffee date with Ivanka Trump—though they and the rest of the bidders might soon be out of luck. Eric Trump says he's considering shutting down the Charitybuzz auction...

'Very Good!' Ethics Office Goes on Tweetstorm Cheering Trump

Agency sent very uncharacteristic tweets in congratulating president-elect on divestiture

(Newser) - Wednesday was such a strange day at the Office of Government Ethics that some observers thought it had been hacked—or driven over the edge by the challenges of the Trump transition. After Donald Trump tweeted that he would be "leaving" his businesses , the agency fired off a series...

California Lawyers Upset Over Proposed Client-Sex Ban

Some complain proposed rule goes too far

(Newser) - Ethics rules for lawyers in California are undergoing their biggest shake-up in 30 years, and some lawyers aren't happy about one proposed change: a near-total ban on having sex with clients. A state bar commission has proposed joining at least 17 other states in completely banning sex between lawyers...

Trump Has Potential Conflicts of Interest in 18 Countries

He has at least 111 companies to distance himself from

(Newser) - Donald Trump has a web of international business interests with few rivals in American history, let alone presidential history, warn ethics experts getting ready to take on a Trump presidency. According to a Washington Post analysis, at least 111 Trump companies have business interests in 18 countries and territories, including...

NC Judge Tried to Bribe Deputy With Bud Light

Wayne County judge offered a sheriff's deputy two cases of Bud Light to monitor wife's text messages

(Newser) - Wayne County Judge Arnold O. Jones II is going to jail for trying to spy on his wife's text messages, the Raleigh News and Observer writes. When he suspected his wife was having an affair, instead of snooping through her phone himself, Jones thought it would be a good...

Human Embryos Just Survived 13 Days in a Petri Dish

Opens the door to study what happens in the mysterious, critical first days of life

(Newser) - It's a milestone that's at once being called groundbreaking and a Pandora's box: Scientists at Cambridge University surprised even themselves by growing embryos for 13 days outside the womb—one day short of a longstanding legal limit that's never been pushed up against because embryos failed...

'Moral Symbols' at Work Can Keep Bad Bosses in Line

'Righteous' quotations, religious items can help workers avoid unethical requests

(Newser) - Could the whole subprime mess have been avoided if bankers had some inspirational Gandhi quotes laying around? That's the question the Chicago Tribune asks after reviewing a study that shows employees who display "moral symbols"—an "ethically righteous quote" or religious item like rosary beads—are...

UK Gives Controversial OK for Editing Human Genes

It could help fight inherited diseases—but critics say there's an ethical 'slippery slope'

(Newser) - Britain's fertility regulator has approved a scientist's request to edit the human genetic code in an effort to fight inherited diseases—but critics fear the new technique crosses too many ethical boundaries, reports the AP . The Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority announced Monday it has granted a research...

Judge to Offenders: Donate Blood or Go to Jail

Experts say judge's ultimatum was 'wrong in about 3,000 ways'

(Newser) - Last month, an Alabama judge gave a courtroom full of offenders a choice: donate blood or go to jail, the New York Times reports. “For your consideration, there’s a blood drive outside," Judge Marvin Wiggins told the offenders, who were there because they owed fees and fines....

Brain Scan 'Fingerprints' Can Show How Smart We Are

Scientists say 'connectivity profiles' may predict how well we do on cognitive tasks

(Newser) - Each person's brain activity, or "connectivity profile," may be as unique as a set of fingerprints, YaleNews reports—and could prove useful in IDing individuals, assessing intelligence, and predicting future success on certain tasks. In a study published Monday in Nature Neuroscience , scientists reviewed fMRI scans for...

Cops: Guy Films Dying Teen Instead of Helping

Charged with trespass for opening car door after deadly crash

(Newser) - The Daily Beast has christened Ohio's Paul Pelton "America's Worst Samaritan," a distinction the 41-year-old earned thanks to his behavior at a deadly car crash. He filmed the two teenage victims instead of trying to help them, then tried to sell the footage to local media,...

Dartmouth Busts Kids Cheating—in Ethics Class

64 were using clickers to answer questions for absent classmates

(Newser) - One might expect students taking a class called "Sports, Ethics, and Religion" to know better, but Dartmouth College says that it's uncovered widespread cheating in a class with that title, reports Bloomberg . "I feel pretty burned by the whole thing," says class professor Randall Balmer, who...

Alabama House Speaker Charged With 23 Felonies

Mike Hubbard, 52, calls it a 'political witch hunt'

(Newser) - Alabama's house speaker dropped by the Lee County jail today, but not to glad-hand: Special agents booked him on 23 felony violations of ethics laws, reports. Mike Hubbard, 52, a powerful figure in state Republican politics, was accused of using his office to solicit items of value...

Morning People Are Liars at Night
 Morning People 
 Are Liars at Night 
study says

Morning People Are Liars at Night

Conversely, night owls are more likely to lie in the morning, study finds

(Newser) - Think morning people are somehow morally superior? Think again, say researchers whose new study, the Morality of Larks and Owls , finds a strong link between a person's ethical inclination and chronotype—which refers to when people are most naturally inclined to be asleep or awake. When outside of one'...

CIA&#39;s &#39;Cruel, Inhumane&#39; Torturers? Doctors

 CIA's 'Inhumane' 
 Torturers? Doctors 

CIA's 'Inhumane' Torturers? Doctors

New report finds disturbing ethical violations

(Newser) - The doctor's ethical directive, "first do no harm," would seem to not-so-subtly indicate that medical professionals not engage in torture ... but an independent taskforce finds that the CIA and the Pentagon asked doctors and psychologists working at US detention facilities (including Guantanamo Bay) to do just that....

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