
3 Stories

New Discovery Solves Centuries-Old Jewish Riddle
 New Discovery Solves 
 Centuries-Old Jewish Riddle 
in case you missed it

New Discovery Solves Centuries-Old Jewish Riddle

What archaeologists found under a parking lot is 'a dream come true'

(Newser) - More than 100 years of searching and 10 years of digging culminated in a find Jewish archaeologists are calling "a dream come true," LiveScience reports. The Greek ruler Antiochus IV Epiphanes—the "villain" of Hanukkah—built the Acra 2,000 years ago to exert control over Jerusalem,...

Israel Thinks It's Cracked Mystery of Maccabees' Tomb

Scholars and archaeologists have pointed to this site for 150 years

(Newser) - For 150 years, scholars and archaeologists have sought the final resting place of the Maccabees, a band of rebels who established a Jewish kingdom in the second century BC, in one of the great mysteries of Jewish history, reports the AP . Now the Israeli Antiquities Authority says that it may...

History's Most Badass Jews
 History's Most Badass Jews 

History's Most Badass Jews

Bugsy Siegel, Kerri Strug and, of course, Jesus make the list

(Newser) - The beginning of Hanukkah gave Sam Greenspan the excuse to give us his list of history’s most-badass Jews. Some highlights:
  • The Maccabees: “Led Jewish fighters into battles against the armies of Seleucia, Syria, and Rome … and won,” leading to the rededication of the Temple of Jerusalem

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