executive pay

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Terminated CEO Waives $100M Payout

Eugene Isenberg would have donated severance pay to charity

(Newser) - Eugene Isenberg probably managed to sidestep some of the ire of the 99% with this decision: The former CEO of Nabors Industries agreed to waive his $100 million termination payment when he was replaced as chief executive. Isenberg, who will be kept on as chairman, "certainly didn't need...

Netflix Boss' Stock Options Cut in Half

Reed Hastings pays for battered share price

(Newser) - Netflix CEO Reed Hastings is paying the price for the price hike / Qwikster debacle that has sent the company’s share price down 75% since July. Hastings' annual stock option allowance will be cut by 50%, bringing it to $1.5 million, the company revealed in a regulatory filing...

We Are the 99%? Try 99.9%

 We Are the 99%? Try 99.9% 
Paul Krugman

We Are the 99%? Try 99.9%

GOP policies really favor richest thousandth of population: Paul Krugman

(Newser) - Occupy Wall Street’s “We are the 99%” slogan is a pretty good one, but if anything it “aims too low,” writes Paul Krugman in the New York Times . “A large fraction of the top 1%’s gains have actually gone to an even smaller group,...

Swallow This: Executive Pay Jumped 23% in 2010

The median pay was $10.8M

(Newser) - We know CEOs have it good ... but this good? The New York Times had executive pay data firm Equilar analyze bigwigs' 2010 compensation, and what Equilar found wasn't just a gain. It was a big, big gain: a 23% boost over 2009, with the median pay for chief executives...

CEO Salaries Climb Above Pre-Recession Levels

Average S&P company doling out $9M

(Newser) - Did you know there was some kind of recession recently? You wouldn't, if you looked at CEO paychecks. CEOs were paid more last year than they were in 2007, when unemployment was at half what it is now and the stock market was at record highs, the AP reports....

In 2010, Average CEO Pay Was...

...$9.6M, a 12% increase from 2009

(Newser) - Once again, it’s a good time to be a CEO in America. After shrinking during 2008 and 2009, executive pay is back on the rise, with many chief execs at major corporations making as much or more than they were before the recession hit. Last year, the median pay...

CEO Bonuses Shoot Up 30.5%
 CEO Bonuses Shoot Up 30.5% 

CEO Bonuses Shoot Up 30.5%

Some shareholders express disapproval

(Newser) - So far, it’s looking like 2010 was a banner year for CEOs. An analysis of disclosures released by 50 major corporations reveals that the median CEO bonus jumped 30.5%, the Wall Street Journal reports, significantly outpacing the companies’ 19.4% median net income growth. Some of the biggest...

Wall Street Pay Hits Record $135B

And revenues hit record, too

(Newser) - Wall Street shouldn't have much to grumble about: Total pay at publicly traded banks and securities hit a new high of $135 billion last year, reports the Wall Street Journal. That's up 5.7% from 2009 figures. "Things are shifting back to where they were before," says a...

Wall Street Pay to Break Records (Again)

Pay up 4% from previous record, set last year

(Newser) - Wall Street is set to break the compensation records it set just last year, the Wall Street Journal reports. In a survey of 35 publicly traded securities and investment-services firms, 26 were expected to boost compensation, bringing total pay up to $144 billion—up 4% from last year’s $139...

Top 25 Highest-Paid Women
 Top 25 Highest-Paid Women 

Top 25 Highest-Paid Women

Fortune ranks corporate hotshots

(Newser) - Which female executives are taking home the most cash? Fortune ranks the top 25 corporate bigwigs based on 2009 compensation. Here's the top of the list:
  1. Carol Bartz, Yahoo; president and CEO: $47.2 million.
  2. Safra Catz, Oracle; president: $36.4 million.

Average CEO Pay Sinks to $9.5M
Average CEO Pay Sinks
to $9.5M

Average CEO Pay Sinks to $9.5M

Larry Ellison collect s cool $84M

(Newser) - Pity the poor CEO in this recession: average compensation for the honchos in the largest publicly traded companies in the US has sunk to a mere $9.53 million. That's down 15% over the previous year. Some CEOs have fared decidedly better than others. Oracle CEO Larry Ellsion topped this...

White House Splits Hairs on Wall Street Bonuses

'Don't begrudge' line taken out of context: aides

(Newser) - The White House is in damage control mode after President Obama told a Bloomberg interviewer yesterday he didn't begrudge Wall Street bankers their bonuses. He also noted that Wall Streeters don't make as much as star baseball players. The quotes were overplayed to make it seem like he approved of...

Banks Get Creative to Dodge Bonus Limits

Favorable loans, options aid bonus-bereft execs

(Newser) - Banks chafing under pay and bonus restrictions are helping execs make ends meet with low-interest loans, no-collateral loans, and even loans that don't need to be paid back unless the employee leaves the firm. Favorable and forgivable loans are nothing new in the industry, but experts say in-house loans have...

Goldman May Force More to Donate to Charity

Face-saving program would be similar to 4% rule at Bear Stearns

(Newser) - As Goldman Sachs prepares to lavish spectacular bonuses on employees this month—based on record profits of about $12 billion for 2009—the investment bank is mulling a face-saving program that would require more employees to donate to charity. Goldman already has such a program, which targets about 400 top-earners....

AIG Attorney Makes Millions by Quitting Over Pay

Company to award Kelly mammoth severance package

(Newser) - Quitting in a snit over government-imposed pay limits has ensured a bumper payday for AIG's top in-house lawyer, insiders say. The bailed out insurance company is preparing to pay Anastasia Kelly several million dollars in a severance package under company terms that allow some execs to quit and collect severance...

Pay Czar OKs Rule-Busting Pay at Bailout Firms

$500K cap lifted for top auto industry execs

(Newser) - "Pay czar" Kenneth Feinberg has made more exceptions to the $500,000 salary cap for execs at bailed-out firms. Compensation packages approved this week include a $9.5 million plan for GMAC CEO Michael Carpenter, which includes a $950,000 salary, Reuters reports. The exemptions were agreed to because...

Goldman Won't Dole Out Cash Bonuses

Top execs will get stock that can't be cashed for five years

(Newser) - No cash bonuses for top Goldman Sachs executives this year. Instead, the Wall Street giant will pay its 30 top execs bonuses in the form of restricted stock that can't be cashed for five years. And the company can get the shares back if the performances they were based on...

Volcker to Bankers: 'Wake Up, Gentlemen'

Former Fed chief blasts them on pay, 'innovation'

(Newser) - Former Fed chair Paul Volcker had some harsh words for international bankers and regulators about the poor practices that led to the global financial crisis—and continue to this day. Volcker, who advises President Obama, surprised a forum in Britain with this broadside on pay: “Has there been one...

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