Massachusetts senate race

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No, Elizabeth Warren Isn&#39;t Floundering
 No, Elizabeth Warren 
 Isn't Floundering 

No, Elizabeth Warren Isn't Floundering

Don't believe the negative press: Steve Kornacki

(Newser) - Fans of Elizabeth Warren might be worried after reading a New Republic piece that asserts she's floundering in her challenge against Scott Brown in Massachusetts. But it's way too soon to panic, counters Steve Kornacki at Salon . Ignore the "anecdotal" grumblings about her Senate campaign for a...

Bloomberg Endorses Scott Brown

NYC mayor hosting fundraiser for Mass. senator

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg holds a number of left-leaning views, but technically the New York City mayor is a political independent—and he’s definitely leaning to the right when it comes to the Massachusetts Senate race. Politico reports that Bloomberg is hosting an Aug. 15 fundraiser for incumbent Scott Brown, who...

Mass. Dems Back Warren in Crushing Vote

Marisa DeFranco can't even muster 5% against nominee

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren won her state party's endorsement today without a runoff and gave a fiery speech to about 3,500 Democratic delegates in Springfield, Mass. “If that’s all you’ve got, Scott Brown, I’m ready,” said the Senate candidate, referring to accusations that she has...

Elizabeth Warren Still Tied in Polls With Scott Brown

Flap over Native American ancestry doesn't seem to have hurt much

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren may be taking flak for her handling of questions over her claims to Native American ancestry , but the issue doesn't seem to have hurt her much in the polls. She and Scott Brown are effectively tied in the latest Boston Globe survey, just as they were in...

Warren's Cherokee Mess Highlights 'Unfair' Racial Quotas

Michael Barone: Time to end the system

(Newser) - Some have called the controversy over Elizabeth Warren's claim to Native American ancestry a "non-issue," but it underlines a serious problem, writes Michael Barone at RealClearPolitics . The flap "illustrates the rottenness of our system of racial quotas and preferences": If Warren did use her very distant...

Warren on Defensive Over Claims to Indian Roots
Warren on Defensive Over Claims to Indian Roots

Warren on Defensive Over Claims to Indian Roots

She's playing into Scott Brown's hands: Washington Post blog

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren is still playing defense over a flap about her claims to Native American ancestry. The problem for her is that "she isn't playing defense very well," writes Rachel Weiner at the Washington Post . Ever since reports surfaced last week that Warren identified herself as a...

Elizabeth Warren Leads Scott Brown in New Poll

She's up 5 points, thanks to independent voters

(Newser) - A spate of polls earlier this month showed Scott Brown taking a solid lead over Elizabeth Warren in his bid to stay in the Senate in Massachusetts. A new survey from Public Policy Polling will cheer Warren's supporters: It shows her in front, although by a scant 46-41 margin,...

GOP Blasts Elizabeth Warren for Hollywood Pals

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren is running for Senate in Massachusetts, but her foes are taking great delight in pointing out that some of her biggest fans live 3,000 miles away. Roughly 20% of Warren's donations came from California last quarter, thanks to celebrities like Danny Devito, who has tweeted videos...

Scott Brown Beating Warren
 Scott Brown Beating Warren 
Poll Numbers

Scott Brown Beating Warren

Massachusetts Democrats worried about would-be savior

(Newser) - Massachusetts Democrats are over the moon about Elizabeth Warren, sure she'll beat Scott Brown and win back Ted Kennedy's old Senate seat—or at least, they were. Now a new string of polls has them sweating, the Boston Globe reports. A new survey from Western New England University...

Brown, Warren Make Pact to Boot Super PACs

But will it work?

(Newser) - Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren are rivals in a sure-to-be-bitterly-contested race for Ted Kennedy's old Senate seat, but they both want super PACs to stay out of it: The rivals yesterday entered into a pact discouraging outside groups from airing ads on their behalf; both Brown and Warren agreed...

Scott Brown, Elizabeth Warren: Kill Super PACs

Rivals issue joint call for ceasefire on third-party cash in their race

(Newser) - Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren agree on at least two things: They'd each like to be the junior senator from Massachusetts, and they both want outside money in the form of super PACs to stay out of their race to achieve that goal. The pair issued a joint call...

Elizabeth Warren Aligns Senate Bid With Occupy

Candidate shocks analysts by embracing protesters

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren is embracing the Occupy movement in her Massachusetts Senate campaign, shocking political analysts and creating a test case for Democrats seeking to regain Congress, the Los Angeles Times reports. "Every candidate's watching her because she's something of a phenomenon," one analyst says. "They'...

Tea Party Backer Heckles Elizabeth Warren

He calls her a 'socialist whore' over Occupy Wall Street

(Newser) - It's tough out there on the campaign trail: Elizabeth Warren found herself being called a "socialist whore" working at the behest of her "foreign-born" boss by a Tea Party heckler this week, reports the Huffington Post . The man spoke up as Warren began her speech in Brockton,...

Warren Campaign Is Great Test of &#39;Occupy&#39; Message
Warren Campaign Is Great Test of 'Occupy' Message

Warren Campaign Is Great Test of 'Occupy' Message

Massachusetts race could turn on Wall Street reform message: Steve Kornacki

(Newser) - After only six weeks as a candidate, Elizabeth Warren has all but cinched the Democratic nomination in the Massachusetts race against Scott Brown. The big reason, writes Steve Kornacki at Salon : She's got "a clear populist message aimed at economically anxious middle class voters—and she’s startlingly...

Scott Brown Accused of Plagiarism

Quote on website was actually from Elizabeth Dole

(Newser) - It hasn’t been a good couple of weeks for Scott Brown: Last week, there was that unfortunate Elizabeth Warren comment ; now, he's being accused of plagiarism. A liberal super PAC discovered that Brown’s website lifted a significant portion of an Elizabeth Dole speech from 2002, the Boston ...

Elizabeth Warren Pulls in $3.15M

In first month, campaign touts 96% small donors

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren's nascent campaign to unseat Scott Brown in Massachusetts raised $3.15 million in its first month, potentially setting up what the Boston Globe says could be one of the more expensive and hard-fought Senate races in next year's election. Warren, riding establishment Democrats' support and a...

Scott Brown: 'Thank God' Warren Kept Clothes On

He snipes back at her criticism of his Cosmo cover

(Newser) - Aren't Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren supposed to be debating the social contract and other lofty things? Their Senate race just took a low detour: Warren made a point during a debate Tuesday to take a jab at Brown's old Cosmo cover , saying that when she was a...

Elizabeth Warren's Class Warfare Rant Goes Viral
 Fiery Warren Video Goes Viral 

Fiery Warren Video Goes Viral

Senate candidate's class warfare diatribe excites liberals

(Newser) - A video of Elizabeth Warren beating up Republican allegations of "class warfare" is going viral, with gleeful liberals passing it around (and this image transcribing her comments). "There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody," Warren declares. "You built a factory...

Elizabeth Warren Leads Scott Brown in Poll

It's a small lead, but her numbers are surging

(Newser) - A new poll confirms it: The Massachusetts Senate race is shaping up to be a doozy. The survey from Public Policy Polling has Elizabeth Warren ahead of Scott Brown 46-44. While the margin is slim, it marks a big jump for Warren since she announced her Democratic candidacy this month....

Elizabeth Warren Inches Closer to Senate Run

She launches exploratory committee, website

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren has taken one big step closer to a much-buzzed about run for Senate in Massachusetts. Yesterday the consumer advocate and Harvard professor filed paperwork to create an exploratory committee, a source tells the AP . She also put up a website— —where supporters can donate...

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