Facebook privacy

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Facebook's New Buy Had Huge Security Hole

Face.com app's flaw allowed Facebook, Twitter hijacking

(Newser) - Facebook has made a new acquisition, snapping up Israeli facial recognition firm Face.com in a deal believed to be worth up to $100 million. But while Face.com's technology—which is already used to auto-tag photos on Facebook—has plenty of fans, its KLIK mobile app had a...

Why I&#39;m Saying Goodbye to &#39;Facebookistan&#39;

 Why I'm Saying 
 Goodbye to 

Why I'm Saying Goodbye to 'Facebookistan'

Facebook useful, but Steve Coll objects to company's terms, and more

(Newser) - Four years and 4,000 friends later, Steve Coll is calling it quits when it comes to Facebook. It's not that Coll doesn't find Facebook useful or understand its appeals. To Coll, quitting what one of his colleagues has dubbed "Facebookistan" is an exercise in citizenship, his...

Poll: Users Don't Trust Facebook

And they don't click on sponsored content or ads

(Newser) - Investors are going wild for Facebook, but the site's actual users are less enthusiastic about its prospects, a new AP-CNBC poll reveals. Half of respondents said Facebook was overvalued at its presumed $100 billion valuation, and that shot up to 62% among active investors. Part of the reason they'...

Everybody&#39;s Lying on Facebook

 Everybody's Lying on Facebook 

Everybody's Lying on Facebook

One-quarter of survey respondents admitted to altering their info

(Newser) - How to protect your privacy on Facebook? For an increasing number of users, the answer is simple: Lie. A quarter of respondents in a new Consumer Reports study admitted that they “alter personally identifiable information,” such as birthdate, on Facebook. Technically, that’s a violation of the social...

Some Employers, Schools Demand Facebook Logins

Maryland may ban practice

(Newser) - Some employers and colleges have found an ingenious way around Facebook's pesky privacy settings: Simply demand that applicants or students friend you, give you a tour of their account, or even divulge their usernames and passwords. MSNBC reports on a number of places instituting the troubling practices:
  • At Maryland'

Women More Likely to Unfriend
 Women More 
 Likely to Unfriend 
study says

Women More Likely to Unfriend

They're also a lot more cautious with their content

(Newser) - Women are the less fair sex when it comes to social networking. Ladies are a little more likely to delete friends on sites like Facebook and Twitter than gentlemen are, and a lot more likely to keep their pages private, reports AFP . A Pew Research Center study found that 67%...

Facebook Tracks You Even After You Log Off: Lawsuit

Two attorneys file class-action suit over tracking cookies

(Newser) - Facebook is facing a class-action lawsuit over claims that it violated privacy laws by continuing to track users even after they logged off the site. The suit was filed by two renowned Baltimore attorneys on behalf of plaintiffs Laura Maguire and Christopher Simon, the Daily Record reports. The attorneys accuse...

Facebook Glitch Allowed Access to Private Photos

... and Mark Zuckerberg himself learned the hard way

(Newser) - A temporary glitch allowed Facebook users to view others' private photos with a surprisingly easy trick, reports ZDNet . It's been fixed, but not before some of Mark Zuckerberg's own private photos got pilfered and reposted on blogs, like here at Launch. The trick: You could report an image...

Facebook Settles Privacy Case With FTC

It agrees to independent audits for 20 years

(Newser) - Facebook is settling with the FTC over charges it deceived consumers with its privacy settings to get people to share more personal information than they originally agreed to. The charges go back to at least 2009, when Facebook changed its privacy settings so that information users may have deemed private,...

How Facebook Watches You
 How Facebook Watches You 

How Facebook Watches You

Social media giant tracks your previous 90 days of browsing

(Newser) - Facebook is watching you—even if you’re not a Facebook user—but insists it’s less nefarious than rivals who do the same thing. The social networking giant uses tracking cookies to keep a running log of every page users have visited for the past 90 days, engineering director...

Facebook Overhauls Privacy Controls

You'll now have more visible controls, the ability to approve tags of yourself

(Newser) - Facebook will go live with a host of changes over the next few days designed to address its ever-present privacy concerns. Now, instead of hiding all your privacy controls in the account settings menu, Facebook will display a drop-down menu next to each element of your profile, letting you dictate...

New Trend: Facebook Foreclosures?

It's already happening across the pond

(Newser) - In Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and England, mortgage lenders have been allowed to serve foreclosure notices via Facebook, in most cases when the defaulting borrowers couldn't be located elsewhere. In at least two such cases, the borrowers reacted right away, thus allowing the foreclosures to proceed. And Facebook seems...

That 'Like' Button Is Tracking You

But Facebook and other companies claim it's an unintentional side effect

(Newser) - Those ubiquitous “Like” buttons are a convenient way to quickly share hilarious videos and buzzed-about articles with all your Facebook friends—but they’re also a convenient way for Facebook to track you, the Wall Street Journal reveals. Facebook’s “Like,” Twitter’s “Tweet," and...

Facebook Smear Campaign a Bust, but Questions Valid

Google Social Search is too broad—but Facebook could do something about it

(Newser) - Facebook's recent "smear campaign" against Google may have been bad PR, but the social media giant had a good point—Google's "social search" function can be problematically thorough, even when users takes steps to protect their privacy, writes Lauren Indvik at Mashable . "I have always...

Facebook Ready to Cash in On Your Data

Facebook ads mining user data like never before

(Newser) - After seven years of concentrating on the cool, Facebook is finally ready to cash in. The social networking giant is starting to mine its immense database to match users to advertisers like never before, reports the LA Times . Facebook's ad revenue reportedly doubled last year to $2 billion, and...

Facebook Dumps 20K Underage Users Daily

US, Australian lawmakers voice privacy concerns

(Newser) - Facebook kicks 20,000 users under the age of 13 off the site daily, its privacy chief told Australian officials. “There are people who lie,” he said, adding that the site’s methods of catching them aren’t “perfect,” reports Australia’s Daily Telegraph . Almost half...

EU Demands Better Privacy for Facebook Users

New rules will call for improvements on social networking sites

(Newser) - The EU is demanding enhanced privacy on Facebook and other social networking sites, calling for a “right to be forgotten." The justice commissioner will unveil rules before summer demanding, among other things, that strict privacy settings be the default for users. Sites like Facebook “can't think they're...

Your Online Privacy Is Shot —but Don't Sweat It

Time's Joel Stein thinks the benefits of data mining outweigh the costs

(Newser) - It's a fact of modern life: If you go online, know that you're being tracked and that data mining companies are selling bits of information about you—websites you visit, the apps you use, etc.—to any willing buyer. With Congress ready to start hearings next week on ways...

Facebook Makes Privacy Policy Easier to Read

It has less gobbledygook, though policy itself remains the same

(Newser) - Facebook is attempting to make its privacy policy more user friendly—it's deployed "the Facebook design experience" to a chunk of legalese that many users found challenging to understand. Noting that the previous policy was "longer than the US constitution," the site has created a new draft...

Is This Sarah Palin's Secret Facebook Page?

If so, then she's using it to comment on her public Facebook page

(Newser) - Among the more interesting, if indirect, revelations from the leaked Sarah Palin tell-all : The former Alaska guv appears to have a secret personal Facebook account … which she has used to comment on her other, public Facebook page. Jack Stuef over at Wonkette discovered the page thanks to an apparent...

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