student protests

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Student Protest Over UC Fee Hike Turns Violent

13 arrested, 15 pepper sprayed, officer conked on head with own baton

(Newser) - A 300-person strong protest against raising University of California fees got out of hand yesterday, and 13 people—mostly students—were arrested. The demonstration took place outside a UC regents meeting about the proposed increase in San Francisco. The UC San Francisco police chief called the crowd "angry and...

Across US, Students Decry Budget Woes
Across US, Students Decry Budget Woes

Across US, Students Decry Budget Woes

Calif. rallies draw thousands; violence mars Wis. protest

(Newser) - Thousands of students, from university down to elementary-school level, are rallying today across the US to protest the ever-more-dismal state of education funding. California demonstrators, who also included faculty and parents, have been most visible, and mainly peaceful, though a car windshield was smashed during the gathering at the University...

UC Students Protest Ahead of 32% Fee Hike

College moving out of reach, students charge

(Newser) - Angry students took to the streets yesterday to blast a proposed 32% fee hike for University of California schools. The Board of Regents is expected to finalize the increase today during a meeting at UCLA. It will hike tuition bills some $2,500. UC students will soon be paying $10,...

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