troop withdrawal

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>

Dems Willing to Deal on Troop Pullout

They're easing off deadline after some surge progress

(Newser) - Senate Democrats are signaling they are willing to compromise with Republicans on a timetable for withdrawing troops from Iraq. The Democrats, who pushed before the summer recess for a pullout deadline next spring, have been undercut by some progress in Iraq and the success of the White House in maintaining...

Aussie Boss Wins US Military Deal
Aussie Boss Wins US Military Deal

Aussie Boss Wins US Military Deal

Technology pact revealed as prime minister vows to stay in Iraq

(Newser) - Shortly before announcing that Australia would not withdraw its 500 troops from Iraq, Prime Minister John Howard struck a defense deal with President Bush giving his nation the same preferential status as the UK when purchasing US military technology. The deal “will remove layers of bureaucracy for defense industries...

Aussie PM: Troops Not Leaving Iraq
Aussie PM: Troops Not Leaving Iraq

Aussie PM: Troops Not Leaving Iraq

Bush may be talking withdrawal, but Howard stands pat

(Newser) - President Bush arrived in Sydney last night amid speculation he would reduce troop levels in Iraq, but his Australian counterpart dismissed any notion that his country would be withdrawing its forces. Prime Minister John Howard said the idea that Sydney could both pull its 550 troops and still make a...

British Troops Pull Out Of Basra
British Troops Pull Out Of Basra

British Troops Pull Out Of Basra

UK ready to hand over city to Iraq army

(Newser) - British troops yesterday began pulling out of the center of Basra as they prepared to hand over control of the southern port city to the Iraqi army. A small UK force of about 500, which had been headquartered in Saddam Hussein's former palace, moved to Basra's airport, reports the Guardian....

Top General to Advise Iraq Troop Cut
Top General
to Advise Iraq
Troop Cut

Top General to Advise Iraq Troop Cut

Gen. Pace's position may clash with that of Gen. Petraeus

(Newser) - Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is expected to advise President Bush to cut the troop level in Iraq next year by nearly half, the Los Angeles Times reports.  He will be conveying the Joint Chiefs' concern that attempting to maintain elevated troop levels in...

GOP Senator: Start Bringing Troops Home

Warner raps Iraq PM, calls for limited pullout by Christmas

(Newser) - In a significant break from his previous support for the White House's Iraq policy, John Warner said today wants to see some US troops home by Christmas. The influential ex-chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee has opposed Democratic attempts to force withdrawal, CNN reports, but now says a partial...

General to Call for Pullbacks —But Troops Will Stick in Iraq

Iraqis could prove their mettle in safer areas

(Newser) - Iraq's US military commander Gen. David Petraeus is expected next month to recommend a pullback of US troops from safer areas—but likely won't bring any troops home, the Los Angeles Times reports. The move is intended to demonstrate Iraqi capabilities to secure less volatile areas without US combat support.

US Rattled by Brit Pullout Plans
US Rattled by Brit Pullout Plans

US Rattled by Brit Pullout Plans

Withdrawal schedule expected this fall

(Newser) - The White House is increasingly concerned about the timing of the British troop pullout from Iraq, expected to be announced by PM Gordon Brown in October, the Guardian reports. About 5,000 British troops remain in the Basra area, where they' have already withdrawn to  an area around the city's...

Gates Warns of 'Protracted' Iraq Stay

Troops will remain to support government, Defense chief says

(Newser) - US troops will likely remain in Iraq for a "protracted period of time," Defense Secretary Robert Gates warned yesterday. Soldiers would remain as a "stabilizing and supporting force" for the government long after combat troop numbers are reduced, he said in a CNN interview. Gates couldn't say...

Key Sunni Bloc Deserts Maliki
Key Sunni Bloc Deserts Maliki

Key Sunni Bloc Deserts Maliki

Defection deepens political crisis as suicide bombs kill 70

(Newser) - The Sunni Accordance Front defected from Iraq's government today, accusing PM Nuri al-Maliki of being uncooperative, Reuters reports, on a day when suicide bombs killed more than 70 in Baghdad. "This is probably the most serious political crisis we have faced since the passage of the constitution,'' a...

Brown Sends Mixed Signals in Talks with Bush

British PM affirms shared values, remains muted on Iraq

(Newser) - On his first US visit as PM, Gordon Brown today reaffirmed that the US and the UK stand together in the war on terrorism. Wrapping up 2 days of meetings with President Bush, Brown expressed disappointment with progress in Iraq, CNN reports, specifically noting difficulty "getting political reconciliation within...

Gates Apologizes to Hillary
Gates Apologizes
to Hillary

Gates Apologizes to Hillary

Defense sec tries to cool feud over challenge to patriotism

(Newser) - Hillary shouldn't have been called a traitor, Robert Gates wrote yesterday in a letter apologizing for a deputy's refusal to share Iraq withdrawal plans with members of the Senate Armed Services Committee. The deputy had charged that the divulging the information could “reinforce enemy propaganda.”

Dems Remain Unsure of Censure
Dems Remain Unsure of Censure

Dems Remain Unsure of Censure

Feingold's effort gathers little support; Congress fears backlash

(Newser) - A proposed Senate resolution to censure President Bush for the Iraq war could have galvanized Democrats—but  instead they're sharply divided over what some see as grandstanding, Politico reports. Only a handful back Russ Feingold's plan, or another tied to the US attorneys firings, nervous that nonbinding censures will only...

Sheehan Arrested in Impeachment Protest

Anti-war mom will run against Pelosi

(Newser) - Antiwar mom Cindy Sheehan was arrested yesterday after overstaying her welcome in Rep. John Conyer's office on Capitol Hill. She was there to urge Conyers to impeach President Bush over his conduct of the war in Iraq, and to announce that she will run for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's San...

The Politics Behind GOP Defections
The Politics Behind GOP Defections

The Politics Behind GOP Defections

Republicans calculate rifts over Iraq carefully, Journal says

(Newser) - Republican senators were playing electoral politics in deserting Bush on Iraq, and they were at it again when they voted against the Democratic withdrawal plan this week, says the Journal’s Kimberly A. Strassel. Enduring “a summer-long blitz” from liberal groups, Lugar, Domenici and others voiced Iraq fatigue, but...

Taliban Claims 2 German Hostages Killed

Demand German troop pullout, threaten South Korean captives

(Newser) - Two German citizens abducted in Afghanistan have been shot to death, a Taliban spokesman claimed today. The Taliban had demanded the withdrawal of the more than 3,000 soldiers Germany has stationed in Afghanistan, a demand to which they did not accede. The Germans were working on a dam project...

Richardson: The Cost of Candor
The Cost
of Candor

Richardson: The Cost of Candor

He's the most natural of the candidates, for better or worse

(Newser) - If you think the candidates are all overly scripted, you haven't met Bill Richardson, writes Salon political columnist Walter Shapiro. The fourth-place Dem is so incautious that he ad-libs policy points at debates, and on the stump apologizes for inconsistencies with the cheerful caveat: “my mind is mush.”

Democrats Lose Withdrawal Vote
Democrats Lose Withdrawal Vote

Democrats Lose Withdrawal Vote

Republicans hold out against Iraq exit measure

(Newser) - Senate Democrats failed to collect enough votes this morning to pass a bill that would force President Bush to begin pulling troops out of Iraq within 120 days. After a spirited all-night debate, 52 voted in favor of the measure and 47 against, but rules require 60 "yes" votes...

Bush Satisfied With Iraq Progress
Bush Satisfied With Iraq Progress

Bush Satisfied With Iraq Progress

Acknowledging 'war fatigue,' president warns against hasty withdrawal

(Newser) - President Bush used today's interim report on the Iraq war to renew his call for Congress to withhold judgment on the troop surge until a September update, saying the military will "be in a better position to adjust" in 2 months. The report notes positive movement in eight out...

Hagel, Snowe Jump Ship
Hagel, Snowe Jump Ship

Hagel, Snowe Jump Ship

Number of GOP defectors backing withdrawal plan climbs to 3

(Newser) - Two more Republican senators crossed party lines today to back legislation that calls for the US to start pulling out of Iraq within 4 months and withdraw by April. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska and Maine's Olympia Snowe of Maine signed on on as co-sponsors of the measure, along with Oregon's...

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>