prescription drugs

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Dutch Abortion Ship Hits Rough Waters

(Newser) - A change in the law is threatening to scuttle a Dutch ship's mission to provide abortions to women throughout the world, reports the Independent. Dr. Rebecca Gomperts has delivered "abortion pills" that cause miscarriages to women in nations where abortion is illegal. She has skirted local laws by docking...

Doctors Could Face Charges in Jackson's Death

Anyone who gave the pop star Diprivan was 'reckless, outrageous'

(Newser) - If all the reports and rumors swirling around Michael Jackson’s death are accurate, his doctors should be worried, Time reports. Police have indicated that they’re considering criminal charges, and the investigation reportedly centers on those doctors. TMZ has reported that Jackson may have been administered Diprivan, which is...

Jackson Doc Gives LAPD the Brushoff
Jackson Doc Gives LAPD
the Brushoff

Jackson Doc Gives LAPD the Brushoff

Murray may face manslaughter charge if linked to anesthetic

(Newser) - The doctor by Michael Jackson's side when he went into cardiac arrest may face manslaughter charges if the LAPD concludes he gave the pop star a powerful anesthetic, TMZ reports. Dr. Conrad Murray isn’t cooperating with authorities, sources say, but investigators have evidence linking him to Propofol, a drug...

Jackson Doc Not Licensed to Prescribe Meds in Calif.

(Newser) - Michael Jackson's personal doctor lacks a license to prescribe controlled medicines in California, federal authorities tell Fox News. Conrad Murray didn't register with the DEA in the singer's home state, officials say, meaning it would have been illegal for him to prescribe or administer Demerol, OxyContin, or even strong cough...

Jacko Had Secret Galpal: Bodyguard
 Jacko Had Secret 
 Galpal: Bodyguard 

Jacko Had Secret Galpal: Bodyguard

Plus, his drug aliases revealed

(Newser) - Michael Jackson was not gay—in fact, he had a secret girlfriend, his former bodyguard tells Sky News. “I'm not going to name who she is but I think the family were aware that there was someone special in his life who he loved and adored and had his...

DEA Joins Jackson Death Probe
 DEA Joins Jackson Death Probe

DEA Joins Jackson Death Probe

LAPD asks federal investigators for help investigating circumstances of star's death

(Newser) - Federal investigators are assisting local authorities with the probe into Michael Jackson's death, the Los Angeles Times reports. The Drug Enforcement Administration joined the investigation at the request of the LAPD, a source tells the AP. Authorities have removed prescription drugs and other medical evidence from Jackson's home and are...

Jackson Aide: He Took Drugs in Bid to Avoid London Shows

Singer wanted trip to hospital but overdid it

(Newser) - A confidante of Michael Jackson says the singer may have inadvertently triggered his own death by purposely taking an overdose of prescription drugs so he'd end up in the hospital and be excused from some of his London tour dates, reports Gerald Posner of the Daily Beast. “Like a...

Cops Remove Drugs From Jackson Home

(Newser) - Los Angeles police and officials from the county coroner's office have removed bags of prescription drugs and medical material from Michael Jackson's home, and are interviewing doctors who prescribed the medications, reports the Los Angeles Times. It's not yet known if the drugs played a role in Jackson's heart attack...

Jackson Drug Cocktail: 3 Painkillers, 2 Anti-Depressants

Star was on powerful mix of narcotics, painkillers

(Newser) - The Sun gets the details on the potentially lethal cocktail of prescription drugs Michael Jackson was on in the months before his death. Jackson took addictive narcotic painkillers Demerol and Diluadid daily, the Sun's sources say, and had recently added Vicodin to the mix. He also took a muscle relaxant...

Coroner: No Foul Play in Jackson Death

(Newser) - A spokesman for the Los Angeles County coroner said this afternoon there is “no indication of foul play” in the death yesterday of Michael Jackson, the AP reports. The officer acknowledged that the pop star, 50, took a variety of prescription drugs but said it was too soon to...

Jackson Died 'After Demerol Injection'

Family lawyer warned that Jackson had 'issues' with prescription drugs

(Newser) - Michael Jackson's heart attack death occurred after an injection of the powerful prescription painkiller Demerol at his home, a source at the UCLA Medical Center tells the Sun. Desperate aides and a personal physician on the scene gave the singer CPR after his collapse, and made a panic-stricken call to...

ADHD Drugs Linked to Teen Sudden Death

Children, teens who died suddenly likelier to have been on meds that those killed in car crashes

(Newser) - A new study suggests that taking ADHD drugs like Ritalin puts young people at a higher risk of sudden cardiac death, WebMd reports. Children in the study who died suddenly and inexplicably were six to seven times likelier to have been taking ADHD medication containing stimulants.

Drug Challenges Porn's Grip on Testosterone-Boosting

(Newser) - Porn might be the best way for older men to boost their testosterone levels, but don’t tell that to a drug company that peddles a cure for “low T,” Newsweek reports. Solvay Pharmaceuticals makes a “testosterone foam” that claims to combat such maladies as “lost...

Eminem: Serial Killers 'Inspire' Me

Rapper talks about how he's never been in a better place

(Newser) - Where has Eminem been since his last album hit the shelves in 2004? At first, mostly drowning in a sea of depression and prescription drugs, the rapper says in an interview with the Guardian. But for a year now he's been clean and focused on getting back to his roots—...

On Relapse, Eminem Still Nasty, Still Genius

(Newser) - Eminem’s new album, Relapse, is as crude as you might expect, but his unflinching examination of his drug addiction has floored some critics. Overall, people love it or hate it.
  • "The power of Relapse comes from Em aiming his beat-downs at his truest target, himself," Rob Sheffield

Ex, 2 Docs Plead Not Guilty in Anna Nicole Drug Case

Howard K. Stern, two others charged with felony conspiracy

(Newser) - Anna Nicole Smith's ex and two of her doctors pleaded not guilty today to charges of illegally giving her prescription pills for years before her death, TMZ reports. Howard K. Stern and the physicians were charged with felonies as part of a 2-year investigation into the former Playmate's 2007...

Pill-Poppers Flock to Florida
 Pill-Poppers Flock to Florida 

Pill-Poppers Flock to Florida

Drug dealers, abusers head south to take advantage of loose prescription regulations

(Newser) - Prescription drug abusers and dealers from across the eastern US have been hotfooting it to Florida to take advantage of the state's loose regulations, the Los Angeles Times reports. It’s the biggest state to not have a prescription monitoring program and hundreds of poorly regulated "pain clinics" ...

FDA Ordered to Relax Age Rules on Morning-After Pill

(Newser) - A federal judge today ordered the Food and Drug Administration to immediately relax age restrictions on the morning-after contraception pill, and reconsider whether there should be any restrictions at all, the Washington Post reports. Since 2005, the pill has been available without a prescription only to women over 18; within...

Anna Nicole Smith Lover, Docs Charged With Supplying Drugs

Beau, docs accused of providing late model with 'thousands of pills'

(Newser) - Anna Nicole Smith's lawyer and boyfriend Howard K. Stern has been charged with felony conspiracy to supply the late model with drugs, the Los Angeles Times reports. Authorities charge that Stern and two doctors "repeatedly and excessively" provided Smith—who died of an overdose in 2007—with addictive prescription...

FDA Approves Drug Made From Gene-Tweaked Goats

Landmark decision could signal start of large-scale 'pharming' for drugs

(Newser) - An FDA decision to approve a drug made from genetically engineered goats is being called a milestone decision likely to lead to many more "pharm animals," the Boston Globe reports. Biotech firm GTC says the milk from a single genetically modified goat can produce as much of the...

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