
5 Stories

Veggies Sold at Walmart, Kroger, Aldi Under Recall

More than a dozen vegetables, herbs out of Ohio's Wiers Farm may pose listeria risk

(Newser) - Summer is fruits and veggies time, but if you've picked up any of the latter lately, you may want to check the latest recall list. ABC News reports that the FDA has announced an expanded recall from Wiers Farm in Ohio that now covers 18 different vegetables and herbs...

Parasite Tied to Poop-Infected Cilantro Hits 26 States

384 Americans have had cyclosporiasis this year: CDC, FDA

(Newser) - The number of Americans this year affected by a nasty stomach bug tied to poop-contaminated cilantro has reached 384 across 26 states, including Texas, Wisconsin, and Georgia, authorities say, per CNN . The CDC and FDA say the outbreak of cyclosporiasis—appearing in the US for a fourth summer in a...

Hundreds Sick From Cilantro Grown in Feces-Strewn Fields

Cyclospora cayetanensis is a single-celled parasite that causes the infection

(Newser) - The US is banning some Mexican cilantro thanks to the appalling conditions health officials recently found at multiple cilantro fields two hours southeast of Mexico City. Human feces and toilet paper have been found in the growing fields in Puebla, and the general lack of sanitation for workers has been...

USDA: Cilantro Loaded With Unapproved Pesticides

USDA finds 34 chemicals not approved for herb in sample batch

(Newser) - Your salsa might have an extra kick for a different reason: The USDA tested a batch of cilantro and found traces of 34 pesticides unapproved for the herb, reports the Chicago Tribune . Nearly half of the cilantro samples tested, about 80% of which were grown in the US, came up...

11 Anti-Aphrodisiac Foods
 11 Anti-Aphrodisiac Foods 

11 Anti-Aphrodisiac Foods

Corn Flakes isn't the only bland creation aimed to curb our sex drive

(Newser) - Like sex itself, aphrodisiacs are an eternally popular subject. But what about anti-aphrodisiacs (more properly known as anaphrodisiacs)? Among the top sexual depressants, per 11 Points:
  • Corn Flakes. John Harvey Kellogg was a proponent of abstinence and invented Corn Flakes in the belief that a bland, meatless breakfast would calm

5 Stories