
Stories 161 - 170 | << Prev 

Scalia Joins Majority, but Not Happily

Cranky justice rips Roberts in separate opinions

(Newser) - The high court may have a new conservative majority, but it's not exactly a lovey-dovey one, judging from Antonin Scalia's withering concurring opinions on two recent decisions, the New York Times reports.  Although he voted with the majority, Scalia blasted Chief Justice John Roberts for downplaying the impact of...

Judge Catches Plaintiff With Pants Down

DC court rules against litigious fashion victim in $54M (law)suit

(Newser) - "Satisfaction Guaranteed" applies only to reasonable demands, and $54 million for a pair of lost pants isn't reasonable, a judge ruled today in siding with the Washington, DC, dry cleaners sued by a disgruntled customer. Roy Pearson had originally asked for $65 million after a $10.50 alteration of...

DC Man Dons $54M Pants Suit for Day in Court

Tearful plaintiff draws crowd with case about misplaced clothing

(Newser) - A man suing his dry cleaners for $54 million had to ask the judge for a break yesterday when he broke down crying as he testified about his loss—a pair of pants. The DC Superior Court trial has attracted international attention even though the case now technically concerns consumer...

Federal Court Orders Military to Free Civilian

Ruling rebukes Bush administration, which plans to appeal

(Newser) - The US may not keep a civilian believed to be an enemy combatant in military custody, a federal appeals court ruled today, finding that President Bush "cannot eliminate constitutional protections with the stroke of a pen." The administration quickly announced its intention to appeal the decision that Ali...

Judge Fumes as Paris Goes From Big House to Big House

Sheriff ignores order not to spring socialite

(Newser) - A livid judge ordered Paris Hilton to appear in court today, prompting speculation that the heiress may be headed back behind bars after a night of beauty rest at her Hollywood Hills mansion. Prosecutors charged that the sheriff who released her for mysterious "medical" reasons after just three days...

Ginsburg Speaks Up
Speaks Up

Ginsburg Speaks Up

As Supreme Court veers to the right, a new voice of dissent emerges

(Newser) - Ruth Bader Ginsburg has delivered two withering oral dissents in the past six weeks, a radical departure from her previous conciliatory role. Linda Greenhouse speculates in today's Times that the unprecedented behavior may signal a new outspokenness for the Supreme Court's only female justice. "After 15 years on the...

Tabloid Paid BP Chief's Gay Lover
Tabloid Paid
BP Chief's
Gay Lover

Tabloid Paid BP Chief's Gay Lover

$80,000 primed tell-all that led to Lord Browne's resgination

(Newser) - There is growing sympathy in London's financial community for Lord Browne, the CEO of energy giant BP who resigned Monday after being caught lying to a court about how he met his gay lover. The Guardian reports that the British tabloid, Mail on Sunday, paid Browne's lover Jeff Chevalier, about...

Supreme Court Blocks Gitmo Detainees

Justices rule on police chases, patents; will hear Texas death-penalty case

(Newser) - The Supreme Court will not hear the cases of two Guantanamo detainees who sought to challenge the government's policy on military tribunals, it announced today. But it will hear arguments this fall in the case of a Texas death row inmate, a Mexican national whose appeal was supported by the...

Nigerian Court Rules Candidate Was Illegally Excluded

Unclear whether government will comply

(Newser) - The highest Nigerian court ruled yesterday that opposition candidate Atiku Abubakar was illegally excluded from last Saturday's presidential election. It is unclear whether the government—returned to power by a landslide in the voting—will comply with the ruling, the Times reports.

Gitmo Detainee Pleads Guilty
Gitmo Detainee Pleads Guilty

Gitmo Detainee Pleads Guilty

Australian who trained with al Quaeda has spent five years in custody

(Newser) - David Hicks became the first person convicted under President Bush's much-maligned military tribunal system after entering a surprise guilty plea  to charges of providing material support to terrorists. The contentious proceedings may prove a new source of controversy, however, as the judge excluded Hicks' stwo civilian lawyers from court and...

Stories 161 - 170 | << Prev