
Stories 101 - 120 | << Prev   Next >>

Special Courts Deal With Problem Vets

New system aims to rehabilitate returning troops

(Newser) - After returning from war, many “perfectly good kids” struggle with drugs and criminal behavior, but a new trend could help, the Los Angeles Times reports. Veterans courts are springing up around the country, offering an alternative route to justice—and recovery—for troubled former troops. “If they've been...

Rihanna to Testify If Called: Lawyer

(Newser) - Rihanna's attorney says the singer would testify against Chris Brown if called as a witness in her boyfriend's assault case, the AP reports. Donald Etra, who is representing the 21-year-old Barbados native, said today that Rihanna would be required by law to testify if prosecutors subpoena her. Etra appeared in...

Judges Appear Likely to Let Prop 8 Stand

(Newser) - It looks like California's ban on gay marriage will stand. Based on their questions today during arguments over Proposition 8, justices on the state's Supreme Court seem inclined to uphold the voters' decision in November, reports the Los Angeles Times. However, the justices also appeared willing to allow same-sex marriages...

Franken Moves to Dismiss Coleman Lawsuit

Coleman hasn't met his burden of proof, he says

(Newser) - Al Franken asked judges today to dismiss a lawsuit that has bogged down Minnesota’s US Senate vote recount, saying Republican opponent Norm Coleman didn’t prove his claim that 2000 absentee ballots were improperly rejected. Since resting their case, Coleman’s lawyers have focused on using Franken’s witnesses...

Usher to Brown: Quit Living It Up, Show Some Remorse

'Show some remorse, man,' he urges

(Newser) - A stunned Usher yesterday blasted the luxurious lifestyle and high-spirited smiles of Chris Brown relaxing in Miami just weeks after he apparently viciously beat girlfriend Rihanna, reports the New York Daily News. "Come on, Chris, have a bit of remorse, man," said Usher. "The man's on jet...

Coleman Team: 'Set Aside' This Election

GOP defense rests most of case; now it's Franken's turn

(Newser) - A lawyer for Norm Coleman suggested the election should be "set aside" in a letter to the court reviewing Minnesota’s US Senate election results, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune reports. “Some courts have held that when the number of illegal votes exceeds the margin between the candidates—and it...

'Vaccine Court' Denies Families' Autism Claim

MMR vaccine and thimerosal don't combine to cause autism, panel finds

(Newser) - A special court has ruled that a common vaccine did not cause autism in three children, CNN reports. Three test-case families who claimed the vaccine for measles, mumps, and rubella in combination with the preservative thimerosal caused their children’s autism were denied compensation by the panel, which ruled that...

Flu Gone Wild: Vid King Busted For Missing Court Date

Francis 5 hours late for tax-evasion hearing

(Newser) - The flu has sleaze-meister Joe Francis going a bit wild himself, his lawyer tells E! Online. The Girls Gone Wild producer was arrested yesterday after he was five hours late to a Los Angeles court for a tax-evasion hearing. Francis is accused of hoarding $20 million in bogus deductions.

Judge Limits Distribution of Caylee Images

Accused mom Casey appears for motion on autopsy photos

(Newser) - Accused murderer Casey Anthony headed back to a Florida jail after her first public appearance since October at a court hearing today, the Orlando Sentinel reports. At the hearing, held to determine restrictions on photos and X-rays of the corpse of Anthony’s daughter Caylee Marie, a judge granted defense...

Matt Dillon Clocked at 106 mph
Matt Dillon Clocked at
106 mph

Matt Dillon Clocked at 106 mph

Crash star faces possible 3 months in Vermont jail

(Newser) - Actor Matt Dillon was arrested for speeding after a police radar caught him zooming northbound on a Vermont highway at 106 mph, reports Reuters. The Crash star was driving a rented 2009 Chevy Impala in a 65 mph zone. Dillon, 44, faces up to three months in jail and a...

Britney's Dad Gets a Raise to Watch Her

LA court raises James Spears' monthly salary by more than 50 percent

(Newser) - Some fathers take care of their kids for free, but Britney Spears can’t seem to pay her dad enough: A Los Angeles court this week raised Jamie Spears' monthly salary from $10,000 to $16,000, plus $1,200 in expenses, Us Weekly reports. Dad was awarded permanent legal...

Saudi Girl, 8, Can't Divorce Husband, 58: Court

Case must wait until girl hits puberty; she still lives with mother

(Newser) - An 8-year-old Saudi girl will remain married to her 58-year-old husband after a court struck down her mother’s request for a divorce, the Daily Mail reports. The hard-up father, who is divorced from the mother, signed a contract in August and received a dowry of about $7,400. The...

'Pumpkin Streaker' Cops a Plea in Colo.

Student, one of 12, will do community service, avoid sex-offender status

(Newser) - A University of Colorado student who ran through a pedestrian mall naked except for a pumpkin on her head on Halloween agreed yesterday to a plea deal, the Boulder Daily Camera reports. The 20-year-old will do 6 months of probation and 8 hours of community service, and will not have...

Blinded Woman Wins Eye-for-Eye Islamic Justice

Iranian court orders acid be dropped in attacker's eyes

(Newser) - An Iranian judge is applying Islamic law to give a blinded woman the eye-for-an-eye justice she seeks. A jilted suitor who poured acid on the woman—blinding and disfiguring her—will have the chemical dropped into his eyes, the Washington Post reports. Some officials say it may deter similar crimes...

Congratulations, You've Been SuperServed!

Legal notifications on Facebook OK with Aussie supreme court

(Newser) - Australians can add legal judgments to the list of goodies their Facebook “friends” can send them. In what appears to be a global first, a Supreme Court judge today ruled that notices of default judgments—cases that don’t require defendants to appear—may be served on Facebook, the...

Court Sticks It to Sarko Over Voodoo Dolls

Stab-able president a cult success in France

(Newser) - An appeals court in France essentially told the nation's president to lighten up today. The court rejected a bid by Nicolas Sarkozy to ban voodoo dolls made in his likeness, the International Herald Tribune reports. It ruled that the dolls can continue to be sold, only now they must have...

Judge Demands White House Turn Over Wiretap Memos

He'll determine if their public release would jeopardize national security

(Newser) - A federal judge has ordered the Justice Department to turn over legal memos related to the government's policy allowing warrantless wiretapping, reports the Los Angeles Times. The memos must be turned over by Nov. 17 for review by US District Judge Henry Kennedy, who will determine if releasing them would...

'Til Voters Do Us Part: What Happens to Gay Marrieds if Ban Passes?

(Newser) - If California’s gay marriage ban passes, “legal chaos” will ensue for those who tied the knot since it became legal to do so in June, lawyers warn. With no court precedents, experts are left guessing whether those marriages would remain valid, the Los Angeles Times reports. Ultimately, the...

Husband-Killer Gets Custody of 3 Daughters

Says she and former in-laws now 'love each other'

(Newser) - A woman convicted of killing her minister husband 2 years ago was granted permanent custody of their three daughters today and said she has resumed a cordial relationship with the grandparents who fought to take the children away from her, the AP reports. A judge in Huntingdon, Tenn., returned full...

Alleged Simpson Victim Gets Sick in Courtroom

Fromong testifies for hours before pointing to chest and leaving

(Newser) - The first witness in OJ Simpson's robbery-kidnapping trial cut proceedings short by complaining of chest pain and leaving the courtroom, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reports. Bruce Fromong, 54, who says he has had four heart attacks since the robbery, testified for hours before pointing to his chest and walking out....

Stories 101 - 120 | << Prev   Next >>