unemployment rate

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Just 88K Jobs Added in March
 Just 88K Jobs Added in March 

Just 88K Jobs Added in March

Unemployment falls to 7.6%, but even that's not good news

(Newser) - Unemployment fell to 7.6% in March, but just 88,000 jobs were added—which the Wall Street Journal calls a "very bad number." Economists weren't expecting much from today's jobs report—according to NPR , they were forecasting "slow and steady" growth—but they had...

Unemployment Drops to 7.7%
 Unemployment Drops to 7.7% 

Unemployment Drops to 7.7%

236K jobs were added in February, many more than expected

(Newser) - The February jobs report is out, and it's way better than economists expected: The unemployment rate dropped to 7.7% from January's 7.9% ; economists polled by Dow Jones Newswires had expected it to drop to 7.8%. That's the lowest rate since December 2008. And the...

Unemployment Inches Up to 7.9%

157K jobs added

(Newser) - The unemployment rate ticked up from 7.8% to 7.9% in January, according to a jobs report the Wall Street Journal calls "disappointing." The economy added 157,000 jobs, slightly below expectations of 166,000. But here's some news that got a "Whoa, mama!"...

Unemployment Holds at 7.8%
 Unemployment Holds at 7.8% 
jobs report

Unemployment Holds at 7.8%

Average hiring in 2012 unchanged from 2011 numbers

(Newser) - Today's jobs numbers fell just slightly below the expectations of economists: 155,000 jobs were added last month, when 160,000 had been expected, the Wall Street Journal reports. The unemployment rate held steady at 7.8%; last month's initial rate of 7.7% was revised upward. Some...

Unemployment Falls to 7.7%
 Unemployment Falls to 7.7% 

Unemployment Falls to 7.7%

But 'WSJ' calls report the least important in last 60 months

(Newser) - The unemployment rate fell from 7.9% to 7.7% in November, and the Wall Street Journal gives you permission to care a little less than usual. It calls today's report "the least important look at the labor market in about five years." That's because 1)...

Recession Quadrupled Suicide Rate
 Suicide Rate 

study says

Recession Quadrupled Suicide Rate

Study finds additional 1.5K deaths per year

(Newser) - The suicide rate rose four times more quickly between 2008 and 2010 than it did in the preceding eight years, a study finds, a jump of an extra 1,500 deaths per year. Between 1999 and 2007, the rate annually climbed by about 0.12 deaths per 100,000 people;...

Eurozone Unemployment Hits Record 11.6%

Greece and Spain see the worst of it

(Newser) - Unemployment in the 17-country eurozone hit a record high of 11.6% in September, official figures showed today, a sign the economy is deteriorating as governments struggle to get a grip on their three-year debt crisis. The rate reported by Eurostat, the EU's statistics office, was up from an...

We&#39;re Already Feeling the Fiscal Cliff
 We're Already 
 Feeling the 
 Fiscal Cliff 
new report

We're Already Feeling the Fiscal Cliff

Report says threat has cost US 1M jobs this year

(Newser) - We're not supposed to go over the "fiscal cliff"—an array of budget cuts and tax hikes that could cut $500 billion out of the economy—until January. But the US is already feeling the effects of the impending budget uncertainty, a report by the National Association...

Gallup Thinks Unemployment Is Falling, Too

Its numbers are even better than the government's

(Newser) - Nobody tell Jack Welch . Gallup is out with unemployment numbers lending credence to the official government figures. In fact, Gallup's numbers are even stronger: It puts unemployment at 7.3% in mid-October, down from 7.9% in September and the lowest since Gallup began daily tracking in January 2010....

Jack Welch Defends Jobs Conspiracy Theory

Compares backlash to 'Soviet Russia'

(Newser) - Jack Welch took to the Wall Street Journal 's op-ed page today to double down on his assertion that the Bureau of Labor Statistic's latest unemployment numbers look too good to be true. The ex-GE CEO's accusation drew a massive backlash , which he says seemed like something...

Jack Welch: I Should Have Put Question Mark on Tweet

But he still thinks jobs numbers are fishy

(Newser) - Former GE chief Jack Welch became the face of the latest trutherism movement yesterday when he tweeted that the new jobs numbers were too good to be true—"these Chicago guys will do anything..can’t debate so change numbers," it read. He said on CNN last night...

Unemployment Drops to 7.8%, 114K Jobs Added
Unemployment at 7.8%, Lowest in Obama's Term
jobs report

Unemployment at 7.8%, Lowest in Obama's Term

Rate drops as nation adds a so-so 114,000 jobs

(Newser) - The unemployment rate dropped to 7.8% last month, its lowest level since January 2009—meaning it's now officially lower than it was when President Obama took office, the Wall Street Journal reports. Today's jobs report also shows that 114,000 jobs were added; consensus had been 118,...

Eurozone Unemployment Hits Record 11.4%

June, July, and August all at depressing level

(Newser) - Europe had a very cruel summer: Unemployment in the eurozone a record high of 11.4% in June, July, and August, the European Union's statistics office announced today. "An end to the horror is not in sight," says one economist. "Unemployment rates are still increasing and...

GDP Growth Revised Down to Anemic 1.3%

On the bright side, jobless claims fell

(Newser) - US economic growth was even worse than we thought in the April-June quarter, growing at a pace of just 1.3%, the Commerce Department announced today, down from its previous estimate of 1.7%. About half of that big revision reflected the punishing effect the summer's drought has had...

US Poverty Rate Still at Record Highs

But figures still better than analysts' predictions

(Newser) - The Census Bureau says the number of Americans in poverty stood at 15% in 2011 as the number of poor remained at record highs. About 46.2 million people, or nearly 1 in 6, were in poverty. The figures were better than the expectations of analysts who had predicted an...

Unemployment Falls to 8.1%, But...

...just 96K jobs added, which the 'WSJ' calls 'terrible'

(Newser) - The unemployment rate dropped to 8.1% last month, but just 96,000 jobs were added—a number well below expectations , and one that the Wall Street Journal calls "terrible." (It also, somewhat amusingly, says it's time to "cue the sad trombone" and urges you to...

On Eve of Jobs Report, a Shiny Number

ADP says private sector added 201K jobs in August, but it's been wrong before...

(Newser) - Teams Obama and Romney will likely be biting their nails come 8:29am tomorrow, as the first of the three remaining pre-election jobs reports are issued. With less than 24 hours to go, some hints of what may come:
  • In what the AP calls an "encouraging sign," a

Week's Top Political Story Comes After Convention

Friday's jobs report could be a big talker

(Newser) - Despite all the pageantry in Charlotte, Robert Reich says the week's biggest political story will arrive after all the balloons have popped: That would be Friday's jobs report, the first of three remaining before the election, he writes at the Christian Science Monitor . Even though it's just...

Unemployment Rises to 8.3%
 Unemployment Rises to 8.3% 

Unemployment Rises to 8.3%

Economy added 163K jobs in July

(Newser) - The good news: The economy added 163,000 jobs last month, which the AP calls a "hopeful sign" considering how slow the past three months of hiring have been. That makes July the best month of hiring since February. But in adding an average of 151,000 jobs a...

Just 80K New Jobs: Unemployment Sticks at 8.2%

June jobs report bad news for Obama

(Newser) - Experts had estimated 100,000 new jobs last month, but the June jobs report shows just 80,000 added, the Wall Street Journal reports. The unemployment rate remained unchanged at 8.2%—and neither number is good news for President Obama. Even 100,000 new jobs would have been "...

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