unemployment rate

Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev 

US Expected to Report 5K New Jobs

Economy adds jobs, but more than expected were lost

(Newser) - January was the second month since the recession began in December 2007 that payrolls grew instead of fell, the Labor Department is expected to say in a report due out today. Some 5,000 new jobs were likely added last month, reports Reuters . Close to 4,000 jobs were added...

Obama's First Year in Numbers

 First Year 
 in Numbers 

Obama's First Year in Numbers

The Dow is up more than 2,600 points, at least

(Newser) - President Obama is about to celebrate—maybe that's not the right term—one year in office, and the AP takes a look at some numbers that have defined his inaugural turn around the sun.
  • The Dow: Perhaps the only clear victory. The Dow Jones Industrial Average has risen from 7,

Record 6.4 People Compete for Each Job Opening

Competition for work reaches new high in US

(Newser) - The competition for jobs is intensifying as companies are reluctant to hire new workers, leaving millions of unemployed Americans chasing fewer job openings. There were nearly 6.4 unemployed workers, on average, for each available job at the end of November, the Labor Department reports. That's up from 6.1...

Dow Up 11 Despite Jobs Report
 Dow Up 11 Despite Jobs Report 

Dow Up 11 Despite Jobs Report

Stocks make gains for first trading week of 2010

(Newser) - Stocks spent most of the day down modestly but pulled up sharply at the close, as traders proved relatively unmoved by disappointing December unemployment figures, the Wall Street Journal reports.
  • The Dow rose 11.33 points to close at 10,618.19.
  • The Nasdaq added 17.12, closing at 2,

Unemployment Stays at 10%
 Unemployment Stays at 10% 

Unemployment Stays at 10%

Employers cut 85,000 jobs in December, more than expected

(Newser) - The economy lost more jobs in December and the unemployment rate was unchanged, signs that a sluggish economic recovery has yet to revive hiring. The Labor Department says employers cut 85,000 jobs last month, worse than the 8,000 drop analysts expected. A sharp drop in the labor force,...

How Republicans Won the Economy Argument
How Republicans Won
the Economy Argument

How Republicans Won the Economy Argument

For starters, wrongly blame Obama for unemployment

(Newser) - Republicans have won the political argument over the economy with a "nifty" two-step strategy, writes Jonathan Chait. First, blame President Obama for unemployment by focusing on the simple—make that simplistic—fact that more people are out of work now than when he took office. Second, beat him up...

Poll Lays Bare Jobless Toll on Families

Parents are panicked and ashamed, kids are anxious as savings go

(Newser) - Unemployment is taking an alarming toll on the mental health and family life of American workers, a New York Times / CBS poll finds. Some 86% say unemployment has caused a life crisis. Almost half say they've suffered from anxiety and depression, they've argued more with their family and friends...

Fed Needs to Create Jobs, Cuz Obama Can't
Fed Needs to Create Jobs, Cuz Obama Can't

Fed Needs to Create Jobs, Cuz Obama Can't

President's hands are tied by balky GOP, lukewarm liberals

(Newser) - America needs to add a whopping 18 million jobs to its economy over the next five years to get anywhere near full employment, and it's the Federal Reserve that needs to do it, writes Paul Krugman. President Obama's hands are tied by obstructionist Republicans and lukewarm support from his own...

Dow Seesaws on Jobs, Dollar, Then Closes Up 22

Jobs rally undercut by, dollar boom, sinking commodities

(Newser) - Stocks posted modest gains today after a morning rally off an unexpectedly strong jobs report. The surge lost steam when a rise in the dollar sapped commodity stocks, the Wall Street Journal reports.
  • The Dow rose 22.75 points to close at 10,388.90.
  • The Nasdaq added 21.21,

Stocks Surge on Jobs News
 Stocks Surge 
 on Jobs News 
Markets open

Stocks Surge on Jobs News

Better-than-expected unemployment news pleases traders

(Newser) - This morning's better-than-expected unemployment figures sent markets up in a hurry at the opening bell. The Dow rose about 130 points in the opening minutes on news that employers shed just 11,000 jobs in November, the fewest since 2007, notes MarketWatch . The figures brought the unemployment rate down to...

Obama Summit Tackles Jobs
 Obama Summit Tackles Jobs 

Obama Summit Tackles Jobs

Event will coincide with the release of November unemployment stats

(Newser) - The Obama administration will hold a much-hyped jobs summit today, bringing 130 guests—including labor leaders and a host of big-name CEOs—to brainstorm ideas for tackling unemployment. The event also just happens to coincide with the release of November’s unemployment figures, which aren’t expected to be pretty—...

Unemployment to Stay High for Years

Fed officials predict it will take about 5 years to return to normal

(Newser) - Unemployment will remain higher than normal for years to come, Fed officials predicted today. Even at the end of 2012, the rate is forecast to be between 6.8% and 7.5%—a decent turnaround from the current 10.2% but still about 2 points higher than the figure in...

Young Black Men Hit Hardest By Recession
Young Black Men Hit Hardest By Recession
34.5% unemployment

Young Black Men Hit Hardest By Recession

Demographic's unemployment reaches Depression-era levels

(Newser) - The recession has sent the unemployment rate among young black men soaring to rates not seen since the Great Depression. The jobless rate among black males aged 16 to 24 hit 34.5% last month, more than triple the rate for the general population. The demographic has been especially hit...

Dems Switch Focus to Jobs
 Dems Switch Focus to Jobs 

Dems Switch Focus to Jobs

House aims to have job creation package ready by Xmas

(Newser) - House Democrats hit by accusations they've been focusing on health care at the expense of employment plan to tackle job creation in the coming weeks. There's no consensus on whether the move will come as one big package or a series of smaller measures but Democratic leaders plan to have...

It's About the Jobs, Stupid
 It's About the Jobs, Stupid 
paul krugman

It's About the Jobs, Stupid

The US needs to create work for Americans

(Newser) - The US has to shake up conventional thinking and create jobs for out-of-work Americans, writes Paul Krugman . Our current misguided thinking—as evidenced by unemployment north of 10%—isn't so much a jobs policy as GDP policy. "If you grow it, they will come," goes the philosophy. Get...

Dow Up 17 as Jobs Stats Stall Stocks
 Dow Up 17 as 
 Jobs Stats Stall Stocks 

Dow Up 17 as Jobs Stats Stall Stocks

Stock indexes finish week up 3%

(Newser) - Stocks rose slightly today after analysts upgraded GE—a striking sign of confidence, given the troubles at its finance arm over the previous year. But any enthusiasm was tempered by the news that unemployment hit 10.2% in October, the highest level since 1983.
  • The Dow rose 17.46 points

Expect Unemployment to Keep Rising
Expect Unemployment
to Keep Rising
megan mcardle

Expect Unemployment to Keep Rising

Companies still aren't sold on a long-term recovery

(Newser) - Anyone hoping that today's worse-than-expected news of 10.2% unemployment means we've hit rock bottom is going to be disappointed, writes Megan McArdle . "This figure is likely to get worse before it gets better." Companies need more proof of a long-term recovery before committing to new hires. In...

Unemployment Jumps to 10.2%
 Unemployment Jumps to 10.2% 

Unemployment Jumps to 10.2%

Companies cut 190,000 jobs last month

(Newser) - Unemployment cracked the 10% barrier last month, as 190,000 workers lost their jobs, according to Labor Department figures released today. The bigger-than-expected losses bring the rate to 10.2%, a 26-year high. And the underemployment rate, which includes would-be full-timers working part time and those who've given up looking...

Unemployment Now Lasts Longer Than Benefits

(Newser) - A rough milestone on the jobless front: The average length of time it takes to find a job—26.2 weeks—now exceeds the standard length of unemployment benefits—26 weeks. That's first time it's happened since the Labor Department began keeping stats 60 years ago, reports Bloomberg. The bit...

Unemployment Hits 9.8%
 Unemployment Hits 9.8% 

Unemployment Hits 9.8%

Employers cut 263,000 jobs, more than expected

(Newser) - More evidence that jobs are bringing up the rear in the economic turnaround: Employers shed 263,000 jobs in September, more than August and far more than expected, raising the unemployment rate to 9.8%. Most of the job losses came in fields such as retail, construction, and manufacturing, notes...

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