American Samoa

17 Stories

Biden Loses in ... American Samoa?
Loses in ...
super tuesday

Biden Loses in ... American Samoa

Entrepreneur Jason Palmer defeats him in the territory's caucuses

(Newser) - President Biden didn't make it through Super Tuesday without a defeat—though it wasn't a place on the radar of many pundits. Entrepreneur Jason Palmer defeated him in the Democratic caucuses in the US territory of American Samoa, the AP reports. Palmer scored 51 votes to Biden's...

SCOTUS Has Bad News for American Samoans

Supreme Court declines to take up birthright citizenship appeal

(Newser) - The Supreme Court on Monday rejected an appeal seeking to give people born in American Samoa US citizenship, the AP reports. In leaving in place an appeals court decision, the court also passed up an invitation to overturn a series of decisions dating back to 1901 known as the Insular...

Someone Tested Positive for COVID Here for the First Time

Vaccinated, asymptomatic traveler was resident returning home

(Newser) - A fully vaccinated person with no symptoms tested positive for COVID while quarantining at a hotel in American Samoa—the territory’s first case. Flights are suspended, but otherwise nothing is changing on the islands, the Hill reports. “The discovery of this positive case during quarantine highlights the importance...

This US Territory Has a Big Issue: No Tests

A coronavirus outbreak could devastate American Samoa

(Newser) - Worried about the coronavirus? Imagine getting it in American Samoa, which can't test for COVID-19 and has only one hospital with space to quarantine 10 patients. Now, NBC News reports, someone living in the distant US territory appears to have symptoms. So American Samoa tried sending the samples to...

Tulsi Gabbard's Lonely Delegate Win May Qualify Her for Debate
Tulsi Gabbard's
Single Delegate
May Be a Big Deal
super tuesday

Tulsi Gabbard's Single Delegate May Be a Big Deal

She got one in American Samoa, and it might earn her a debate invite

(Newser) - She's getting lost in the headlines, but Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is still running for the Democratic nomination. And on Tuesday, Gabbard won her very first delegate , from the territory of American Samoa, where she was born, reports the Washington Post . That lone delegate is no small thing: Unless...

Bloomberg Scores His First 2020 Victory. There's a 'But'

He won in American Samoa, with only 6 delegates at stake

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg can now boast that he won a 2020 race, but his first victory may not be the one he most wanted. The former New York City mayor won not a state but the territory of American Samoa, which has only six delegates at stake, reports the AP . Bloomberg...

18% of American Samoan Kids Battling Pink Eye

Massive outbreak of conjunctivitis keeps schools closed

(Newser) - American Samoa is in the midst of a massive outbreak ... of pink eye, the AP reports. Roughly 2,300 of the islands' 13,000 schoolkids have it, along with 130 teachers—some 30% of those in that profession there. And most schools have shut their doors. All public schools were...

Cops: Guards Let Inmates Go On Beer Runs

... at American Samoa's lone jail

(Newser) - Two corrections officers at American Samoa's only jail are suspected of letting inmates leave to go on beer and food runs. Officers Fiti Aina and Rocky Tua were charged this week with aiding the escape of a prisoner, permitting escape, and something called public servant acceding to corruption. The...

American Samoans Sue for US Citizenship

They say it should be automatic because they're in a US territory

(Newser) - Five people from American Samoa have filed a federal lawsuit arguing that they should be US citizens by virtue of being born in the US territory. The lawsuit filed this week in Washington challenges the constitutionality of federal laws that make those born in the Pacific archipelago US nationals but...

Romney Wins Caucus in American Samoa
Romney Wins Hawaii, American Samoa

Romney Wins Hawaii, American Samoa

Pacific wins soften blow from the South

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has a double victory in the Pacific to soften the blow of Rick Santorum's dual wins in Alabama and Mississippi . He surfed to an easy win in Hawaii's Republican caucuses, taking 45% of the vote to Rick Santorum's 25%, and Ron Paul's 18%. Newt...

Samoa Tops List of Fattest Countries
 Samoa Tops List 
 of Fattest Countries 
the world is round

Samoa Tops List of Fattest Countries

Also, Samoa is a US territory, so...yay?

(Newser) - From Pacific islands to Eastern Europe, the world is fat. The cause is the same almost everywhere, Laurie Cunningham writes for Global Post : increased access to processed foods and sedentary lifestyles. The top victims of "globesity:"
  1. American Samoa: Percentage of population that's overweight: 93.5. The tiny Pacific

South Pacific Avoids Tsunami After Big Earthquakes

Warning issued after off Vanuatu, canceled after only small wave materializes

(Newser) - Tsunami warnings for a swath of the South Pacific—including American Samoa, Australia and New Zealand—issued after a pair of strong underwater earthquakes have been canceled after only a small wave materialized. Many residents had already moved to higher ground after the 7.8 and 7.1 temblors; American...

Fresh Quake Rattles Tonga
 Fresh Quake Rattles Tonga 

Fresh Quake Rattles Tonga

6.3 shaker jolts islands as relief efforts continue

(Newser) - The latest in a series of strong earthquakes to shake the South Pacific hit Tonga today. The epicenter of 6.3 magnitude quake was some 100 miles south of the 8.0 quake that hit the region earlier this week, spawning tsunamis that killed nearly 200 people and left thousands...

Indonesia Quake Toll Passes 1,000

Samoa tsunami cleanup effort begins in earnest

(Newser) - The death toll in Indonesia has reached 1,100 and is expected to keep rising. Rescue workers are scrambling to find earthquake survivors under trapped buildings, with "many hundreds more" injured or missing, says a top UN relief official. Rescue efforts have been hung up over a shortage of...

Samoa Tsunami Toll Hits 150
 Samoa Tsunami Toll Hits 150 

Samoa Tsunami Toll Hits 150

Villagers describe terror of being trapped underwater

(Newser) - Stunned Samoans combed through the sodden wreckage of their lives and told of the terror of being trapped underwater or flung inland by a tsunami that ravaged towns and killed at least 150 people in the South Pacific. Officials expect the death toll from Tuesday's disaster to rise as more...

Tsunami Toll Reaches 100, Obama Sends Disaster Aid

Second earthquake near Indonesia triggers new wave warnings

(Newser) - The death toll from the tsunami triggered by last night's 8.3-magnitude earthquake near Samoa has risen to more than 100, with fatalities reported across a number of islands. Barack Obama declared American Samoa a disaster area and has pledged "swift and aggressive" aid to the territory, where at...

Post-Quake Tsunami Kills 34 in Samoa
 Post-Quake Tsunami 
 Kills 34 in Samoa 

Post-Quake Tsunami Kills 34 in Samoa

8.3-magnitude temblor rattles American Samoa

(Newser) - An 8.3-magnitude earthquake struck the area around American Samoa today, generating a tsunami that killed as many as 34 in the US territory and adjacent Samoa, an independent state. The waves at Pago Pago were 5.1 feet above normal—smaller than originally feared— but tsunami warnings went up...

17 Stories
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