Sunday morning talk shows

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Why Did NBC Do a 'Psychological Assessment' of David Gregory?

'Washington Post' article raises questions

(Newser) - A long Washington Post article on David Gregory and the troubles he faces as moderator of NBC's Meet the Press has quite a few people wondering what's going on at the show. As the Post explains, the longest-running television program has been declining in the ratings for three...

Justice Stevens on SCOTUS: 'I Didn't Do Well Enough'

Describes time on high court as 'terribly disappointing, gratifying'

(Newser) - John Paul Stevens has been piping up recently ahead of his new book, and he continues that trend today with an interview on ABC in which he describes his lengthy tenure on the United States Supreme Court thusly : "It’s really awfully hard because it's a series of...

Pelosi: Blame Cheney for CIA&#39;s &#39;Attitude&#39;
 Pelosi: Blame 
 Cheney for 
 CIA's 'Attitude' 


Pelosi: Blame Cheney for CIA's 'Attitude'

Veep was 'proud' of tone he set, agency's interrogation tactics

(Newser) - The Senate Intelligence Committee's coming report on CIA interrogation methods promises to be explosive, and it's already making waves. Speaking on State of the Union today, Nancy Pelosi wasted no time in pointing fingers today: "During the Bush-Cheney administration, that Vice President Cheney set a tone and...

Wash. Gov: &#39;We&#39;re Hoping for a Miracle&#39;
 Wash. Gov: 
 'We're Hoping 
 for a Miracle' 


Wash. Gov: 'We're Hoping for a Miracle'

Jay Inslee says rescuers are 'doing everything humanly possible'

(Newser) - With dozens of people still missing in Washington state's devastating mudslide, Gov. Jay Inslee tells CBS today that "we're hoping for a miracle, and we're working for a miracle. We're doing everything humanly possible if that opportunity exists." Rescuers are "performing Herculean tasks...

McCaul: Malaysia &#39;Wasted a Week&#39;
 a Week' 


McCaul: Malaysia 'Wasted a Week'

And Jimmy Carter thinking Big Brother is probably watching his inbox

(Newser) - Malaysian officials "spent way too much time" looking for Flight 370 in the wrong places, charged House Homeland Security chair Michael McCaul this morning on Fox News Sunday. "We wasted a week of precious time at the mountain region when all along it’s been in the southern...

Robert Gates: Crimea &#39;Gone&#39; to Russia
 Robert Gates: 
 Crimea 'Gone' 
 to Russia 


Robert Gates: Crimea 'Gone' to Russia

Former defense sec says critics could lay off Obama while he handles crisis

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin has a new piece of his empire, Robert Gates said today. "I do not believe that Crimea will slip out of Russia's hand," the former defense secretary told Fox News. Asked by Chris Wallace, "You think Crimea's gone?" Gates responded , "I do....

Romney: In Hillary 2016, Bill Is 'Not Relevant'

Addressed gay marriage, Sochi

(Newser) - If Hillary Clinton is the Democrats' nominee in 2016, Bill hasn't got anything to do with it, says Mitt Romney. "I don't think Bill Clinton is as relevant as Hillary Clinton," he says, as per Politico . "Hillary Clinton will have plenty to discuss about her...

GOP Bigwigs Stand By Christie
 GOP Bigwigs 
 Stand By 


GOP Bigwigs Stand By Christie

Say it's too early to rush to judgment

(Newser) - The Grand Old Party's finest were out in force today, emphatically defending the virtue of one Chris Christie, reports Politico . "Right now, all we know is one person's word against another. You can't base any conclusion on such a thing," said Paul Ryan , while Rudy...

Rand Paul: Women Are Winning War on Women
 Rand Paul: 
 Women Are 
 Winning War 
 on Women 


Rand Paul: Women Are Winning War on Women

And Bill Clinton got kind of a free pass on the Lewinsky scandal

(Newser) - War on women? Pshaw, says Rand Paul, telling CNN today that "I sort of laughingly say, 'Yeah, there might have been—but the women are winning it." Citing female majorities in medical, dental, and law schools, he added, "I think women are doing very well, and...

Hoboken Mayor: 'I Didn't Think Anyone Would Believe Me'

Dawn Zimmer denies she's playing politics in Christie accusation

(Newser) - Dawn Zimmer took her crusade against Chris Christie to CNN today, telling State of the Union of her accusation that the governor held Sandy recovery funds hostage , "It's stunning. It's outrageous. But it's true." Of her timing, Zimmer admits that "I probably should have...

Robert Gates: Obama Bashing 'Was Not Unfair'

Former defense secretary takes on backlash over 'Duty'

(Newser) - Robert Gates today took on the backlash that greeted his memoir, Duty, Politico reports, saying that his criticisms of the Obama administration were relatively restrained and justified. "My one concern was that over the course of 2010 and early 2011, the president began to have his own reservations about...

On Question of Christie, No One Rushes to Judge

GOP thinks he can move on; Dem O'Malley says 'I don't know'

(Newser) - Chris Christie was as popular a topic on the Sunday shows today as one might expect, but rather than getting tarred and feathered, guest after guest either came to the New Jersey governor's defense or declined judgment. A rundown of the highlights, as per Politico :
  • John McCain : "I

Paul: ObamaCare Screwup Gave My Kid Medicaid Card
Paul: ObamaCare Screwup Gave My Kid Medicaid Card

Paul: ObamaCare Screwup Gave My Kid Medicaid Card

Plus: Napolitano doesn't think Snowden should get clemency

(Newser) - Rand Paul is no fan of ObamaCare , and today less so. The Kentucky Republican took to This Week today to wave a Medicaid card at the camera—a Medicaid card he says was erroneously issued to his son when he was signing up for health insurance. "So, really, most...

Congress Slaps NYT Benghazi Report: Qaeda Was Involved

Issa, Rogers say evidence doesn't indicate video was to blame

(Newser) - Congressmembers took turns today swinging at yesterday's New York Times report that al-Qaeda wasn't involved in the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi , with Darrell Issa defending his past statements implicating the terror group. "There is a group that was involved that claims an affiliation with...

Manchin: Big Brother Is Watching
 Big Brother 
 Is Watching 


Manchin: Big Brother Is Watching

Says there's a 'fine balance' to be found with NSA snooping

(Newser) - All those mutterings about "Big Brother" don't seem quite so funny, says Joe Manchin, "now (that) we found out that Big Brother is truly watching you." Addressing everybody's favorite invader of privacy—the NSA—the West Virginia Democrat said there's a "fine balance"...

Inhofe on Son's Death: Family 'Not Whole Anymore'

Says Perry Inhofe's fatal crash changed his 'understanding of individuals'

(Newser) - Jim Inhofe today opened up about the death of his son in a plane crash last month, saying that the tragedy has altered his perspective. "You don’t change in terms of your positions, in terms of what you believe in, but you change in terms of your understanding...

Maya Angelou: 'Blood Running in Streets' if No Mandela

Hails 'gentle giant' as tributes continue for Madiba

(Newser) - Maya Angelou led the latest round of tributes to Nelson Mandela today, telling CBS that "had there been no Mandela, we would see the blood running in the streets" after apartheid fell. The author and poet met the iconic anti-apartheid icon in the 1960s through her former husband, a...

Catholic Church Has Been 'Out-Marketed' on Gay Issues: Top Cardinal

And more from the Sunday talk shows

(Newser) - The Catholic Church may be "pro-traditional marriage," but it's "not anti-anybody," Cardinal Timothy Dolan said today on NBC's Meet the Press. The church has simply "been out-marketed" when it comes to the issue of gay marriage, and "caricatured as being anti-gay,"...

Kerry: Iran Nuclear Deal &#39;Not Built on Trust&#39;
 Kerry: Iran 
 Nuclear Deal 
 'Not Built on Trust' 

talk show roundup

Kerry: Iran Nuclear Deal 'Not Built on Trust'

It's 'based on verification,' he says

(Newser) - If you're finding yourself a bit wary of the nuclear deal struck with Iran last night because, hey, why are we suddenly trusting these guys? ... John Kerry would like to reassure you: The deal is "not based on trust. It's based on verification," he said on...

Democrats &#39;Stand Tall&#39; on ObamaCare ...
Democrats 'Stand Tall' on ObamaCare ...

Democrats 'Stand Tall' on ObamaCare ...

But maybe Obama 'should have just been more specific'

(Newser) - Top Democrats circled the wagons today around the Affordable Care Act, with Kirsten Gillibrand offering what Politico calls "a stirring defense of the law." "The point is, if you are being offered a terrible health care plan that the minute you get sick you have to go...

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