political debate

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Trump: I'll Debate Sanders If We Can Raise $10M

It's not clear how serious he is

(Newser) - Will Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders really debate? Trump told Jimmy Kimmel Wednesday he was open to the idea, and Sanders is definitely down, but now it looks as if Trump will only follow through on the plan if enough money is raised. "What we'll do is raise...

Here Is Your GOP Debate Drinking Game

'Drink every time Carly Fiorina makes a joke about her own face'

(Newser) - It will likely come as no surprise to you that there are quite a few GOP debate drinking games out there in anticipation of tonight's event , but the one authored by Matt Taibbi over at Rolling Stone is particularly amusing. "The event is taking place in California at...

Reporter: Blame Benghazi for Obama's Debate Fail

Prez was preoccupied, says Michael Hastings

(Newser) - Michael Hastings, the Rolling Stone reporter best known for his article that led to Gen. Stanley McChrystal's resignation, says he knows why President Obama performed so poorly in his first debate against Mitt Romney: Benghazi. Hastings, who has been researching for a book on the 2012 election, tells the...

Brown Backs Out of 4th Debate
 Brown Backs Out of 4th Debate 

Brown Backs Out of 4th Debate

Says he can't fit it in his calendar after storm cancels it

(Newser) - Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown has pulled out of his fourth and final debate with Democratic challenger Elizabeth Warren, saying that his "calendar simply cannot accommodate a rescheduling of this fourth debate," reports the Boston Globe . The debate had to be moved to tomorrow due to Hurricane Sandy, and...

New Ann Coulter Brouhaha: Mitt Nice to &#39;Retard&#39; Obama
New Ann Coulter Brouhaha: Mitt Nice to 'Retard' Obama

New Ann Coulter Brouhaha: Mitt Nice to 'Retard' Obama

Even fellow conservatives are outraged

(Newser) - Ann Coulter must have been feeling ignored, because she's dropped a bomb that's managed to anger even her fellow conservatives. Last night after live-tweeting the debate, Coulter posted , "I highly approve of Romney's decision to be kind and gentle to the retard." Among her critics:...

What to Expect at Tonight's Debate

Foreign policy clash will be tough one for Romney

(Newser) - With the candidates tied at one debate win each—and 47% of the vote, according to a new poll —don't expect either man to pull any punches in tonight's foreign policy showdown in Florida. Pundits think President Obama has the edge, but he is by no means...

Conservatives Pile on Candy Crowley

Rush accuses her of 'journalistic terrorism'

(Newser) - One person who definitely did not win the presidential debate this week was Candy Crowley—at least as far as conservatives are concerned. Right-wingers are claiming the take-charge moderator deliberately helped Barack Obama look good, reports CBS News . "Crowley's behavior goes beyond despicable as it was a blatant...

Larry King Moderating 3rd-Party Debate

4 candidates will meet next week

(Newser) - The third-party presidential candidates snagged a pretty well-known host for their debate next week: Larry King. King will moderate a debate between Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, Green Party candidate Jill Stein, Constitution Party candidate Virgil Goode, and Justice Party candidate Rocky Anderson on Oct. 23 in Chicago, the Los Angeles ...

Fact-Checking Last Night's Debate

Obama, Romney both played a little loose with the truth

(Newser) - As usual, the truth took a bit of a beating in last night's presidential debate. At least one fact was checked during the debate —Obama's assertion that he did, indeed, use the term "act of terror" to describe the attack on the US consulate in Libya...

Aggressive Obama Edges 2nd Debate
 Aggressive Obama 
 Edges 2nd Debate 

Aggressive Obama Edges 2nd Debate

Prez made vital comeback from Denver disaster, pundits say

(Newser) - President Obama actually showed up for the second debate, and while the feisty contest was nowhere near as one-sided as his Denver defeat, most pundits say that the president made the comeback he needed. Some 46% of viewers thought Obama won the debate, while 39% called it for Mitt Romney,...

Mitt Romney Is a Junk Food Candidate

Dana Milbank: He's 'all sugary platitudes, no protein'

(Newser) - The New York Times reported over the weekend that, to prepare for the debate, Mitt Romney has been memorizing and practicing "zingers" dreamed up by his team. But "zingers" are just as empty in calories as their junk food namesake, the Hostess Zinger, writes Dana Milbank in the...

Stewart, O'Reilly Plan Rumble —Er, Debate

Will be like a presidential debate, except not pompous: O'Reilly

(Newser) - Bill O'Reilly and Jon Stewart always make for an entertaining pair , so mark your calendars for Oct. 6. That's when they'll be debating issues including the national debt, America's relationship with the Muslim world, and gas prices, O'Reilly announced last night on his show. The...

Romney: I'll Release Taxes ... in April

When he'll most likely have clinched the nomination

(Newser) - Calm down, everyone. Mitt Romney will release his tax returns … just as soon as he has clinched the GOP nomination. "If I become our nominee, and what's happened in history is people have released them in about April of the coming year and that's probably what...

Trump: Why I'm Most Qualified to Host Debate

He just knows more than other moderators, he explains

(Newser) - It's the question on everyone's mind: What exactly makes real estate mogul Donald Trump qualified to host a political debate? Well, that's easy: "I know a lot of the moderators and some are wonderful, and some aren't, but I know the issues better than the...

Huntsman: Trump Debate &#39;a Joke&#39;
 Trump Debate 
 'a Joke' 

and other opinions

Huntsman: Trump Debate 'a Joke'

And he's not the only one who thinks so

(Newser) - The saga continues: Donald Trump thinks Jon Huntsman is a "joke candidate." Huntsman thinks Trump's debate "is a joke." More from the candidate's comments, made today, plus other reactions to the controversial Dec. 27 debate:
  • Huntsman: "This is not about ratings for Donald

Will Perry Quit? 'Oh, Shoot, No'

Texas governor goes on media blitz after debate 'oops'

(Newser) - Rick Perry freely admitted that he “stepped in it” last night when he forgot the name of the third federal agency he would eliminate. But will his debate gaffe lead to the end of his campaign? "Oh, shoot, no," the Texan told the AP this morning. "...

8 Dos, Don&#39;ts for Tonight&#39;s Debate
 8 Dos, Don'ts for 
 Tonight's Debate 

8 Dos, Don'ts for Tonight's Debate

Cain needs more substance; Perry just needs a better performance: Politico

(Newser) - Tonight’s GOP debate—the last one for three weeks—is one of the few remaining chances for the Republican presidential candidates to change the opinions (for better or worse) of millions of TV viewers before Iowa’s Jan. 3 caucuses . With that in mind, Maggie Haberman offers some advice...

Election 2012: What to Watch for in Tonight's GOP Debate
 For Rick Perry, 
 Tonight Is 
 Do or Die 

For Rick Perry, Tonight Is Do or Die

What to watch for in tonight's GOP debate

(Newser) - The Republican presidential candidates head back to New Hampshire tonight for the Granite State's second debate of the year. What to watch for, courtesy of Politico , the Washington Post , and Reuters :
  • It's now or never for Rick Perry: Following a series of disappointing debate performances, time is running

Karl Rove's Tips for Tonight's GOP Debaters

Perry must stop getting beaten up, Romney needs to light a fire

(Newser) - It’s debate time yet again tonight, and Karl Rove offers four of the 2012 presidential contenders some advice in the Wall Street Journal :
  • Rick Perry: Instead of focusing on turning Social Security over to the states, he should continue making the “compelling case” for reform that he started

Jon Stewart Slams CNN's 'Amerigasm'

Was that a debate, or a reality show?

(Newser) - Monday night's GOP debate started off in "fine reality show style," noted Jon Stewart last night , offering up as proof a clip of CNN's opening, in which the network actually assigned each candidate a title. (Mitt Romney is "the early frontrunner," Rick Perry "...

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