Ezra Klein

Stories 21 - 35 | << Prev 

The GOP Is Forcing Us to Elect Romney
 The GOP Is 
 Forcing Us to 
 Elect Romney 
Ezra Klein

The GOP Is Forcing Us to Elect Romney

Ezra Klein says Republicans have got a 'gun to the economy's head'

(Newser) - If you care about the economy, you'd better vote for Mitt Romney. Not because of his supposed private sector experience—his policies are indistinguishable from career politician Paul Ryan's—but "because if Romney is elected, Republicans won't choose to crash the economy," writes Ezra Klein...

How Much Did Obama Really Add to Deficit?
 How Much Did Obama 
 Really Add to Deficit? 
Ezra Klein

How Much Did Obama Really Add to Deficit?

Ezra Klein crunches the numbers and comes up with a lower total than you think

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has taken to carrying around a debt clock, blaming President Obama for the ever-climbing number it shows. But the clock doesn't show how much Obama has actually added to that debt, so Ezra Klein set out to find out. "There are two answers," he writes...

In Amazon&#39;s Warehouse, Shades of Grapes of Wrath
In Amazon's Warehouse, Shades of Grapes of Wrath
Ezra Klein

In Amazon's Warehouse, Shades of Grapes of Wrath

LeHigh warehouse like something out of Grapes of Wrath , Ezra Klein observes

(Newser) - In the Grapes of Wrath, the Joad family gets a hard lesson in economics, when they follow a handbill for jobs to California—only to find there are no jobs. Why, he asks, did they put out the handbills? A fellow homeless man replies that if you’ve but one...

Shutdown Averted, but DC's Antics Are Getting Absurd

...and costly: Ezra Klein

(Newser) - The government shutdown has been averted , but don't expect Ezra Klein to break out the confetti. This week's shutdown threat was the third we've faced this year, and the "most absurd yet." Congress has gone from battling over sizable figures (a deal struck earlier this...

Why Obama&#39;s Speech Doesn&#39;t Matter

 Why Obama's Speech 
 Doesn't Matter 
Ezra Klein

Why Obama's Speech Doesn't Matter

Politics is a hopeless morass

(Newser) - President Obama is scheduled to give a major speech on the economy at some point next week, but Ezra Klein has stopped pretending that matters. The idea that Obama’s rhetoric could rouse Congress into action is a fantasy “found in Aaron Sorkin dramas and liberal op-ed columns,...

Ezra Klein: Obama's a Republican
 Obama's Real Secret: 
 He's a Republican 
Ezra Klein

Obama's Real Secret: He's a Republican

Ezra Klein thinks we should look at his policies, not his birth certificate

(Newser) - Don’t listen to Donald Trump. Barack Obama is not a Socialist Kenyan Muslim. The truth is far more startling: He’s a moderate Republican from the 1990s, writes Ezra Klein of the Washington Post . Obama’s major policy ideas—mandate-based health care reform, cap-and-trade, and raising taxes to reduce...

House Progressives Release Their Own Budget

Ends Bush tax cuts, adds public health care option

(Newser) - As the budget debate continues, the House Progressive Caucus has released a plan of its own—and it's all about taxes. Their proposal would end the Bush tax cuts, add new tax brackets for millionaires, and raise corporate taxes. It would also add a public option to health care...

Why Are 64 Senators Writing a Letter, Not Laws?

'Odd' missive asks for help supermajority doesn't need: Ezra Klein

(Newser) - There’s something strange about the letter 64 senators have written to Barack Obama, requesting that he support comprehensive debt reduction. The language itself is standard enough, writes Ezra Klein in the Washington Post —but why did a powerful bloc of senators write it, rather than the legislation they...

We Actually Need More Immigrants

 We Actually Need 
 More Immigrants 
Ezra Klein

We Actually Need More Immigrants

We'll wind up with more jobs for natives, not less

(Newser) - Ezra Klein has a plan that will drastically improve our economy by lowering prices and raising wages. “But few politicians are going to want to touch it,” he writes in Newsweek , because the plan is this: “More immigration.” Americans often make the mistake of thinking that...

Righty Breitbart Offers $100K for Journalist Emails

He wants someone to turn over archives of progressive listserv

(Newser) - Andrew Breitbart says he'll pay $100,000 to anyone who turns over the archives of Journolist, a now-defunct listserv for left-leaning reporters. Making the emails public will expose the "Democrat-Media complex," he writes on his conservative Big Journalism site. The listserv, with 400 members, hit the headlines last...

Founder Kills Journalist Email Group That Burned Blogger

Ezra Klein deleting Journolist after someone leaked comments

(Newser) - Writing in the Washington Post , Journolist founder Ezra Klein reports his intention to shut down the e-mail list for good in the wake of the David Weigel scandal . Intended as a private email discussion forum for like-minded journalists, the list serv restricted membership to journalists of "nonpartisan to liberal,...

NPR, Economist Thrive in 'Netherworld' of Analysis

Pace, volume of new media requires explanatory outlets

(Newser) - In an environment where newspapers, newsweeklies, and TV news are losing market share like sinking ships, NPR and the Economist are thriving. Why? Well, posits Ezra Klein, the explosion of Internet news threw small-pond big fish into the ocean. Those who couldn’t keep up turned to opinion, creating a...

ACORN 'Hooker' Hits on Liberal Journalist
 ACORN 'Hooker'
 Hits on Liberal Journalist 
ezra klein, make me dinner

ACORN 'Hooker' Hits on Liberal Journalist

Hannah Giles wanted to be a nutritionist, and respects Newsweek writer

(Newser) - Hannah Giles—best known as the conservative activist who dressed up as a prostitute for a video sting operation targeting ACORN—holds twentysomething liberal journalists in generally low esteem. The young on the right are "thinking types," vital and numerous, while most on the left are “professional...

Liberal 'Kill Bill' Case Is Naive, Deceptive
Liberal 'Kill Bill' Case Is Naive, Deceptive
Ezra Klein

Liberal 'Kill Bill' Case Is Naive, Deceptive

Hey, Jane Hamsher: A better bill is not coming along, and this ain't bad

(Newser) - Ezra Klein isn’t “sure there's much in the way of productive dialogue to be had” with liberal firebrand Jane Hamsher of Firedoglake concerning her call yesterday to kill the Senate health care reform bill, but he’ll try anyway. Hamsher’s list is “misleading,” her “...

Health Care Needs a Real Free Market
Health Care Needs a Real Free Market

Health Care Needs a Real Free Market

But it's a scary idea, to consumers and politicians alike: Klein

(Newser) - America’s best shot for a new, better health care system lies in a strong health care exchange, argues Ezra Klein in the Washington Post. “Compared with the crazy-quilt system we have now, the idea is weirdly simple:” A single market where consumers can shop for plans and...

Stories 21 - 35 | << Prev