Apollo 11

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NASA Flags Still Upright on Moon

...except for Apollo 11's banner

(Newser) - Decades later, America's mark on the moon remains: All but one of the flags left by the Apollo missions are still flying. Scientists reviewed photos taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, sent to study the moon in 2009. The images show shadows revolving throughout the day around the flags'...

Apollo 11 Engines Found on Ocean Floor

Jeff Bezos plans to bring moon rocket engines to surface

(Newser) - Amazon founder Jeff Bezos says he's discovered the watery resting place of the engines that blasted Neil Armstrong and the Apollo 11 crew toward the moon in 1969—and he's not planning on leaving them there. A Bezos Expeditions team found the five F-1 engines at the bottom...

Stolen Moon Dust Found Up for Auction

Tape with a few flecks of dust was valued at $1K or more

(Newser) - Investigators from NASA and the US attorney's office in St. Louis have found what could be the government’s tiniest piece of stolen property: a bit of moon dust. The item was up for sale at a local auction house, with a value estimated at $1,000 to $1,...

Neil Armstrong Blasts Obama Space Cuts

Loss of space capability will make US second-rate nation, Armstrong warns

(Newser) - President Obama's decision to ax NASA's return-to-the-moon program is a giant leap backwards for America, moonwalker Neil Armstrong charges in an open letter to the president. The letter, released to NBC by Armstrong and two fellow Apollo commanders, says that while some of the NASA budget cuts have merit, the...

Moon Trash Declared National Treasure

Calif. aims to preserve Apollo urine containers, space boots

(Newser) - California has named the remains of the Apollo 11 mission—including urine containers and space boots—a state historical resource. Experts in the nascent field of space archeology worry that, without preservation, what they call a "sacred site of world history" might be looted by future missions or space...

Shuttle Crew Return Moon Rock to Space

Apollo 11 rock left behind as Endeavour finishes mission to ISS

(Newser) - The Endeavour shuttle departed the ISS last night, leaving behind the station's new connecting hub and observation deck as well as one well-traveled lump of rock. A lunar rock brought to Earth by Neil Armstrong and brought to the top of Mount Everest by astronaut Scott Parazynski is now an...

Apollo 11 Crew Cleared Customs After Splashdown

(Newser) - What do you do when you’re the first men back from the moon and you have a cargo of moon rocks and other lunar specimens? Make a customs declaration, of course. Well, not really, Space.com reports. A customs form, filed in Honolulu and released by NASA to commemorate...

Moon-Landing Denier Exposed as a Cheat

Buzz Aldrin punched out man who claimed landings were faked

(Newser) - A filmmaker who persistently claims the moon landings were a hoax is beginning to look like a hoaxer himself, the Examiner reports. Bart Sibrel has produced documentaries labeling the Apollo landing a fake, but a new video has surfaced proving he deliberately mismatched NASA's audio and video footage to mislead...

Astronauts Spacewalk on Apollo Anniversary

(Newser) - Two Endeavour astronauts enjoyed a successful spacewalk on the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing yesterday, reports Space.com. The astronauts, who attached three large spare parts to the International Space Station, were outside at 4:17pm—the exact time Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin touched down on...

Obama: Apollo 11 Crew 'American Heroes'

(Newser) - President Barack Obama today hailed the Apollo 11 astronauts as "three American heroes," and claimed such exploration spurs ingenuity and inspires students in math and science. Obama commemorated the moment, 40 years ago today, when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin took man's first steps on the moon. Obama...

40 Years On, Armstrong Remains an Enigma

(Newser) - Forty years ago today Neil Armstrong strode across the surface of the moon and became the most famous man in the galaxy. Then he disappeared—leaving NASA for a university job, attending almost no public functions, and refusing nearly all interview requests. "Neil was very much the same person...

Celebs: What I'd Have Said on the Moon
 Celebs: What I'd Have 
 Said on the Moon 

Celebs: What I'd Have Said on the Moon

(Newser) - With Monday marking the 40th anniversary of the first moon landing, Esquire digs up celebs’ takes on what they’d have said if it had been them instead of Neil “One Giant Leap” Armstrong:
  • Muhammad Ali: Bring me back a challenger, ‘cause I’ve defeated everyone here on

NASA: Oops, We Erased the Moon Landing Tapes

Footage likely recorded over when tape supply was low

(Newser) - After searching 3 years for the original tapes of the 1969 moon landing, NASA officials realized they’d spaced: The footage had most likely been taped over, NPR reports. They picked through “racks of documents, tapes, all kinds of things from NASA and other agencies,” says a searcher,...

Buzz: Forget Moon, Let's Go to Mars
 Buzz: Forget 
 Moon, Let's 
 Go to Mars 

Buzz: Forget Moon, Let's Go to Mars

(Newser) - America should boldly turn its space program toward colonizing Mars instead of trying to retrace the dusty footprints that he and Neil Armstrong made on the Moon 40 years ago, Buzz Aldrin writes in the Washington Post on the anniversary of Apollo 11's launch. NASA's attempt to resume lunar exploration...

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