Martha's Vineyard

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Secret Service Partied Hard on Obama's Vacation

Anonymous Martha's Vineyard residents detail debauchery

(Newser) - Apparently when they're not allegedly picking up prostitutes , Secret Service agents throw some wild parties. Fox News tracked down some Martha's Vineyard residents who say the boys in black engaged in some serious debauchery during the Obama family's 2011 vacation there, trashing rented homes, inviting college girls...

President Obama, Family Begin Vacation on Martha's Vineyard
 Obamas Begin Vacation 

Obamas Begin Vacation

Trip to book shop, golf, security briefing round out day one

(Newser) - President Obama began his should-he or shouldn't-he vacation at Martha's Vineyard today, and the White House made a point to release a photo of him getting a national security briefing, notes the Hill . He also played some golf, but the big splash came when he and Malia and...

Obama Keeps Vacation Plans

Obamas will be in Martha's Vineyard later this month

(Newser) - Sounds like Twitter fodder for the White House enemies: President Obama is keeping plans for a 10-day vacation in Martha's Vineyard later this month, reports USA Today . "I don't think Americans out there would begrudge that notion that the president would spend some time with his family,...

Obamas Leave Vineyard, Head to Nawlins

President will mark 5th anniversary of Katrina

(Newser) - President Barack Obama is wrapping up his vacation on Martha's Vineyard and heading for New Orleans to mark the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. The president and his family boarded a Marine helicopter today, the first leg of a trip that will take them to the Crescent City.

Obamas Head to Martha's Vineyard

 Obamas Head to 
 Martha's Vineyard 
cue vacation outrage

Obamas Head to Martha's Vineyard

First family heading to Mass. for 10 days of R&R

(Newser) - President Obama, following in the footsteps of Bill Clinton and Ulysses Grant, has headed to Martha's Vineyard for a vacation. The president is taking 10 days to "recharge his batteries" and spend some quality time with his family, a spokesman says, adding that the president will still be receiving...

Indian Tribes Fight Obama-Backed Wind Farm

Battle continues to block 130 turbines off Martha's Vineyard

(Newser) - Massachusetts Indian tribes and environmentalists are continuing to battle a massive open-water wind farm just as the White House is signaling its support of the operation. Groups have been fighting the 25-acre 130-turbine planned "Cape Wind" installation off the coast of Martha's Vineyard for a decade. The Mashpee Wampanoag...

Obamas Cut Vacation Short
 Obamas Cut 
 Vacation Short 

Obamas Cut Vacation Short

(Newser) - With a tropical storm bearing down on the Northeast, President Obama and Michelle Obama will leave Martha's Vineyard tomorrow, a day ahead of schedule, to ensure he arrives in Boston in time to deliver a eulogy at Ted Kennedy's funeral Saturday. If possible, they'll return to the Vineyard afterward; if...

Americans Read Over President's Shoulder

Obama's vacation book list drives leaps in Amazon sales rankings

(Newser) - President Obama’s poll numbers are faltering, but his summer reading choices are getting rave reviews, Politico reports. A survey of the standings of the five books the White House announced he would take with him on his Martha’s Vineyard vacation show a drastic improvement in sales....

Obama Will Deliver Kennedy Eulogy

(Newser) - President Obama will deliver the eulogy at Sen. Ted Kennedy’s funeral Saturday in Boston, the Globe reports this evening. Obama will make the short trip from Martha’s Vineyard, where he’s vacationing, to the Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help for the morning service; Kennedy will be...

Hurricane May Foul Obamas' Vacation

(Newser) - Hurricane Bill prompted tropical storm warnings for parts of the East Coast today, including President Obama's planned vacation spot of Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts. The storm isn't expected to hit the mainland, but it could bring "extremely dangerous surf and life-threatening rip currents," warn meteorologists. The Obamas are...

Obama Vacations at GOPer's House, His Own Expense

(Newser) - The Obama clan will head to Martha’s Vineyard on Aug. 23 for a low-key summer vacation, the Washington Post reports, and they’ll be staying in enemy quarters. The president will be renting out the private estate of noted Republican donor William Van Devender, a Mississippi timber merchant who...

Places the Obamas Should Visit Instead of the Vineyard

New Orleans or Baltimore could use a presidential visit

(Newser) - Though he grants that the president may just want some peace and quiet from his upcoming vacation to Martha’s Vineyard, Max Linsky is disappointed by the choice “for a president keenly aware of symbolism,” he writes for the Stimulist. He suggests alternatives:
  • California. The state’s budget

JFK Jr. Recalled, a Decade Later
 JFK Jr. Recalled, 
 a Decade Later 

JFK Jr. Recalled, a Decade Later

Flying brought him peace, but also brought his end

(Newser) - John F. Kennedy Jr. “seemed to belong not only to our family, but to the American family,” his uncle Ted said in his eulogy. On the 10th anniversary of his death, the New York Daily News remembers the president’s son the public knew as as John-John—a...

Obamas to Hit Vineyard for August Vacation

(Newser) - The president's first summer vacation is to a classified destination, but on the streets and beaches of Martha's Vineyard, it's no secret that Barack, Michelle, and their daughters are spending August on the island. The first family is expected to stay in Oak Bluffs, a longtime vacation spot for the...

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