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Trump Campaign Sees Iran Behind Hack of Vance File

News outlets have received internal files from 'Robert'

(Newser) - Donald Trump's campaign says it didn't send confidential vetting files on Sen. JD Vance to news outlets. Politico reports it began receiving emails with the dossier from an AOL account attributed to "Robert" on July 22. "These documents were obtained illegally from foreign sources hostile to...

Trump Jr. Has a Glossy Side Hustle
Trump Jr.
Has a Glossy
Side Hustle

Trump Jr. Has a Glossy Side Hustle

'Field Ethos' is a magazine dedicated to outdoor living, but with a decidedly 'anti-woke' slant

(Newser) - Field Ethos bills itself as the "premier lifestyle publication for the unapologetic man," and there are few men less apologetic than its founder, Donald Trump Jr. Writing for Politico , Rosie Gray takes a deep dive into the hunting and outdoors magazine launched in 2021 by former President...

Liberals, Your 'Hero Worship' of Judges, Others May Backfire

At Politico, Michael Schaffer argues progressives are hurting their own cause in regard to Trump

(Newser) - Welcome to the state of politics in 2023: You can now buy T-shirts and coffee mugs celebrating the judge in Donald Trump's federal election-interference case. And as Michael Schaffer points out in an opinion piece at Politico Magazine , Judge Tanya Chutkan is far from the only Trump-related public figure...

Media Groups: We Want Jan. 6 Footage That Carlson Got
Media Groups Demand
Jan. 6 Footage

Media Groups Demand Jan. 6 Footage

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy gave Fox's Tucker Carlson exclusive access; now others want it

(Newser) - Fox News' Tucker Carlson is the only media personality given access by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to thousands of hours of Jan. 6 footage. Now, other media groups are demanding a piece of that, they noted in a Friday letter to congressional leadership, per CBS News . "Without full public...

The Mouse Infestation at FDA HQ Is Sort of Normal

It turns out mice, other critters are common around White Oak, but pandemic didn't help

(Newser) - It could happen in any office building from which staff made hasty, "temporary" departures at the start of the pandemic. One week rolled into the next, and the workers did not return, but all those snacks around their offices remained. Local rodents took notice, apparently, at the FDA's...

Presidents Day Should Be History
Presidents Day
Should Be

Presidents Day Should Be History

Mythologizing past leaders doesn't seem to fit a democracy, John Harris writes

(Newser) - The reconsidering of US history, especially its leaders, has made Presidents Day a little awkward. Woodrow Wilson, for example, was ranked highly by historians until his racial views received more attention recently; he's now largely disappeared from such conversations. Wilson isn't the only one who benefited from the...

German Publisher Reaches Agreement to Buy Politico

Protocol is included in the $1B deal

(Newser) - Germany publishing company Axel Springer said Thursday that it has signed a deal to buy US-based Politico and the tech news site Protocol from founder Robert Allbritton. Axel Springer already owns US properties including the online media company Insider and the business-oriented Morning Brew. Under the deal, the German publisher...

Skeptic Lays Out 3 Reasons Why Trump 2024 Is Doomed

Personality-based politicians have always faded, writes John F. Harris at Politico

(Newser) - President Trump and his supporters are making noises about a run in 2024, but John F. Harris predicts in a column at Politico that it's not going to happen. In fact, he thinks Trump's influence will fade pretty quickly once he's out of office. "Outsized outsiders...

The Public Is Behind Trump on Blagojevich
The Public Is
Behind Trump
on Blagojevich

The Public Is Behind Trump on Blagojevich

Lots of people thought 14 years was excessive, writes Natasha Korecki

(Newser) - The backlash was swift Tuesday as President Trump commuted Rod Blagojevich's 14-year prison sentence for political corruption. But Politico reporter Natasha Korecki argues the move "isn't crazy." In a Tuesday op-ed, Korecki—who wrote about Blagojevich's case for the Chicago Sun-Times and in a subsequent...

Advertisers Need to Stop Boycotting Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson Boycott
Is Dumb and Dangerous

Tucker Carlson Boycott Is Dumb and Dangerous

Media writer Jack Shafer doesn't want fickle companies having a say in coverage

(Newser) - Big advertisers keep pulling out of Tucker Carlson's show on Fox News over his comments that immigrants make the nation "poorer" and "dirtier." Media writer Jack Shafer is no fan of Carlson and his "retrograde views on race, minorities, gays, and women," but he'...

Trump 'Totally Willing' to Shut Gov't Over Border Wall Funding

President and the Dems aren't even close on the $5B figure he's throwing out there

(Newser) - President Trump said last Thursday he'd be OK with a government shutdown if he doesn't get the funding he wants on the US-Mexico border wall, and several days later, he hasn't changed his mind. With just over a week before Congress' Dec. 7 deadline to finish up...

What Her Love of Trump Has Cost Her: Her Grandson

Ben Bradlee Jr. profiles Trump super-fan Lynette Villano

(Newser) - When Ben Bradlee Jr. refers to "Mrs. Trump," he's not talking about Melania. Rather, it's a nickname that was bestowed upon Lynette Villano, 72, a die-hard Trump supporter living in Luzerne County, Pa. In a lengthy excerpt of The Forgotten published by Politico , Bradlee explains that...

Ex-WH Aide: Trump's Paper-Ripping Habit 'Craziest Thing Ever'

Aides were tasked with taping shredded documents back together

(Newser) - President Trump's "odd and enduring habit" of ripping paperwork to shreds when he's done with it has spawned a Politico report that's raising some eyebrows over a strange job apparently given to White House staffers. Solomon Lartey and Reginald Young Jr., two former White House aides...

Democrats Have Little Hope of Taking Senate Now
Democrats Have Little Hope
of Taking Senate Now

Democrats Have Little Hope of Taking Senate Now

Don Blankenship's loss makes that clear, according to Politico analysis

(Newser) - Tuesday's primary results brought a dose of reality to Democrats: They have little or no chance of taking control of the Senate next year, writes Charlie Mahtesian at Politico . Democrats' hopes were raised briefly by the prospect of once-imprisoned coal executive Don Blankenship winning the GOP nomination in West...

In Pacific NW, an 'Intensifying Guerilla Warfare' Over Bitcoin

Mid-Columbia Basin's space, hydroelectric power has made it top site for bitcoin mining in US

(Newser) - You'd think any old region would do for a bitcoin mining business : Just set up a computer, solve a bunch of sophisticated math puzzles, and start raking in that sweet virtual currency. But as Paul Roberts' deep dive on Politico notes, that kind of computer power can require "...

Editor Resigns After Posting White Supremacist's Addresses

Politico's Michael Hirsh encouraged people to put the addresses to use

(Newser) - Michael Hirsh, the national editor of Politico Magazine, resigned Tuesday, hours after publishing the home addresses of a white nationalist leader, CNN reports. "Stop whining about Richard B. Spencer, Nazi, and exercise your rights as decent Americans. Here are his two addresses..." Hirsh posted on Facebook. Spencer is...

Big Media Surprise: Politico Losing Huge Names

Including CEO/co-founder Jim VandeHei, Politico Playbook journo Mike Allen

(Newser) - In a surprise announcement that its owner says "[makes] perfect sense for the publication," one of the co-founders of Politico, as well as perhaps its most prominent journalist, will be leaving the publication, the New York Times reports. CEO Jim VandeHei, who helped launch the site in 2007,...

How Politico Destroyed the Post
 How Politico 
 the Post 

How Politico Destroyed the Post

Ross Douthat: For the WaPo to thrive again, Jeff Bezos must defeat Politico

(Newser) - The Washington Post coulda been a contender. Though the Internet has killed off and worn down many legacy media mastheads, it has allowed others to position themselves as new brands for specific national audiences, writes Ross Douthat in the New York Times : "The Wall Street Journal has a clear...

Paul Ryan Doesn't Call Romney 'the Stench'

Joke column sets off a media mess

(Newser) - The most-talked-about political story today ended up being the story about a story. If you heard references to the "stench" today, here's the tale:
  • Politico columnist Roger Simon wrote a piece about Romney-Ryan with this line: (Ryan) "has been marching around his campaign bus, saying things like,

Politico Yanks Reporter Over His Todd Akin Defense

Can some agree not all reported rapes are rapes, asks Catanese

(Newser) - Politico has yanked a reporter off coverage of controversial Missouri Senate candidate Rep. Todd Akin after the writer defended the congressman's comments about "legitimate rape" victims, reports the Washington Post . Akin claimed—then apologized for his comments—that some mysterious biological mechanism stops "legitimate rape" victims from...

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