
Stories 81 - 90 | << Prev 

Probe Finds Bias in Justice Dept. Hiring

Perceived Democratic ties sank applicants for prestigious programs

(Newser) - The Justice Department screened applicants to its internship and recruitment programs for conservative attitudes and credentials, rejecting applicants with liberal-sounding resumes, the Washington Post reports. Today's report by the department’s inspector general details a history of partisan hiring practices beginning in 2002 and concludes that the process "undermined...

The New Segregation: This Time It's Political
The New Segregation:
This Time
It's Political 

The New Segregation: This Time It's Political

The US is dividing into like-minded enclaves

(Newser) - The good news? Apathy is on the decline. The bad news? The new political activism is tearing the country apart, writes Gregory Rodriguez in the Los Angeles Times, with political divides turning into geographic ones, too. The country is segregating itself according to politics, moving to areas full of like-minded...

How the Left Wing Brought Me Down
How the Left Wing Brought Me Down

How the Left Wing Brought Me Down

Ex-election watchdog nominee details 'poisonous tactics'

(Newser) - Controversial civil-rights lawyer Hans von Spakovsky, who last week withdrew from consideration for appointment to the Federal Election Commission, pens a post-mortem of his own candidacy in the Wall Street Journal. Asserting that “character assassination … has become the norm” for conservatives in confirmation battles, von Spakovsky says calling...

Bush Predicts GOP Victory
Bush Predicts GOP Victory

Bush Predicts GOP Victory

Boasts Republicans will keep White House, regain House, Senate, governor majority

(Newser) - President Bush insisted yesterday to the Republican Governors Association that Americans will elect another Republican to fill his shoes in November, AP reports. "And I don't want the next Republican president to be lonely," Bush said. "And that's why we got to take the House, retake the...

Three Biggest Myths of Election 2008
Three Biggest Myths of Election 2008

Three Biggest Myths of Election 2008

German observer deconstructs issues obsessing candidates

(Newser) - The riveting US election is beholden to three big story lines, each of which is a myth, writes Der Spiegel’s Gabor Steingart: Washington is broken, lobbyists have too much influence, and partisanship is evil. Candidates keep rehearsing those popular lines—and insisting they have the best bead on change—...

GOP Hopefuls Can Agree on Something
GOP Hopefuls Can Agree on Something

GOP Hopefuls Can Agree on Something

Pundits see Clintons uniting Republicans, splintering Democrats

(Newser) - A Hillary Clinton presidency is the only thing that makes fractious Republicans “forget their differences and join hands in common purpose,” ex-Bush speechwriter Michael Gerson writes in the Washington Post. It’s not her policies but the specter of a partisan past that means the senator is “...

Stimulus Likely To Be Recipe for Paralysis

Parties in sync now, but 'Act 2' sure to be partisan bickering

(Newser) - Get ready for that glow to wear off: The good feeling on Capitol Hill over a stimulus package will end as soon as the first deal is done, with Republicans and Democrats digging in on various economic cures. The next legislative round, Politico reports, will likely see GOPers fighting to...

Partisan Rift Stalls Health Reform, for Now

Dems will try veto override to boost care for poor kids

(Newser) - A partisan split over health care will likely stall all attempts at reform, at least until a new president takes office next year, the AP reports. Bush's health secretary, Mike Leavitt, opposes Dem ideas about negotiating drug prices and boosting dollars for children's care. “I’m not expecting too...

Moderates May Field Indie Candidate
Moderates May Field Indie Candidate

Moderates May Field Indie Candidate

Bloomberg to attend bipartisan meeting

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg may run in 2008 after all, if a bipartisan group of politicos fail to see progress from the major parties, the Washington Post reports. Bloomberg and a gaggle of figures, including former senators and governors, will meet next week in Oklahoma. They plan to demand that major presidential...

Bush, Cheney Should Quit Over Scooter

Resignation, impeachment the only options, argues Olbermann

(Newser) - MSNBC's Keith Olbermann came out swinging last night, demanding the resignation of both the president and VP—"two men who are now perilous to our democracy." Drawing on both John Wayne and James Madison, the anchor donned his commentator hat to contend that commuting Scooter Libby's sentence was...

Stories 81 - 90 | << Prev