
2 Stories

Found in Nazareth: A House Like Jesus'

Archaeologists discover home from biblical time

(Newser) - For the first time, archaeologists have found a house from the time of Jesus in the town of Nazareth. The small house, which consists of two rooms, a courtyard, and a cistern for water, is considered a typical home for the inhabitants of Nazareth, were Jesus is believed to have...

Pope Celebrates Mass in Jesus' Hometown

40,000 join Benedict in Nazareth, Israel's largest Arab city

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI celebrated mass today with 40,000 adoring followers in Jesus' hometown of Nazareth, the AP reports, where he urged Christian and Muslim residents to overcome recent strife and "reject the destructive power of hatred and prejudice." On the fourth day of his Holy Land pilgrimage,...

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