Shawshank Redemption

2 Stories

Winds Topple Famous Shawshank Tree

Ohio tree 'symbolized hope' to movie's fans

(Newser) - If Red were to get out of Shawshank State Prison today, he'd never be able to find the big oak tree "like something out of a Robert Frost poem" where Andy Dufresne told him to dig, because that tree is history. Authorities say what was left of the...

Best. Bromance. Ever.
 Best. Bromance. Ever. 

Best. Bromance. Ever.

(Newser) - Some people may see Star Trek for the action. Some go for the bromance. In Star Trek II, when Spock used his dying breath to tell Kirk, “I have been and always shall be your friend,” it cemented them as the greatest bromance ever. But not all guy...

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