Sonia Sotomayor

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Before His Execution: 'I'm Really Sorry. That's It'

Billy Ray Irick first person executed in Tennessee since 2009

(Newser) - Billy Ray Irick was executed with a lethal injection Thursday night, some 33 years after he raped and murdered Paula Dyer, a 7-year-old girl he was supposed to be babysitting. The 59-year-old was the first person executed in Tennessee since 2009 and the seventh since 1961, the Tennessean reports. "...

Sotomayor Calls Out Trump's 'Unrelenting Attack' on Muslims

Travel ban dissent is scathing, but president hails vindication against 'hysterical' critics

(Newser) - The travel ban stands . So ruled the Supreme Court on Tuesday in a ruling that President Trump was quick to celebrate, reports NBC News . In a statement, he said the decision reaffirms his authority to act in the name of national security, adding that it "is also a moment...

Supreme Court: Illegally Obtained Evidence Is OK

5-3 ruling bolsters police power

(Newser) - A divided Supreme Court bolstered police powers on Monday, ruling that evidence of a crime in some cases may be used against a defendant even if the police did something wrong or illegal in obtaining it, the AP reports. The 5-3 decision drew heated dissents from liberal justices who warned...

3 Female Justices Furious in New Contraceptive Ruling

Court lets evangelical college avoid filling out forms on coverage

(Newser) - A divided Supreme Court today allowed, at least for now, an evangelical college in Illinois that objects to paying for contraceptives in its health plan to avoid filling out a government document that the college says would violate its religious beliefs. The justices said that Wheaton College does not have...

Supreme Court Looks Befuddled on Aereo Case

Stephen Breyer referenced phonograph records

(Newser) - The Supreme Court heard oral arguments yesterday in ABC v. Aereo, a much-watched case that could have big implications for both cloud computing and broadcast television—implications the justices didn't seem comfortable with. Aereo allows users to record broadcast TV online and watch it at their leisure. The major...

Sotomayor Gets Personal in Affirmative Action Case

She thinks court is 'out of touch with reality,' and chief justice criticizes her criticism

(Newser) - Sonia Sotomayor had her "most personal moment" yet in her four-plus years on the Supreme Court with today's dissent in a key affirmative action case , writes Robert Barnes at the Washington Post . Sotomayor thinks the court blew it in allowing the University of Michigan to ban racial preferences...

High Court Sounds Conflicted on Contraceptive Case

Women justices and conservative justices at odds over health care mandate

(Newser) - The Supreme Court sounded deeply divided today as it heard arguments in a politically charged challenge to the Affordable Care Act's contraceptive mandate , with its women on one side and its conservatives on the other. The hearing combined two cases—Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties v....

ObamaCare Kicks In —but Not for Nuns

Supreme Court grants temporary exemption

(Newser) - Before dropping the ball in Times Square , Sonia Sotomayor dropped yet another problem on ObamaCare, many key provisions of which kick in today. The Supreme Court justice granted a last-minute temporary exemption to a group of Catholic nuns who object to providing contraceptive coverage for employees, reports the Los Angeles ...

Sotomayor to Trigger Times Square Ball Drop

She'll be 1st Supreme Court justice to do so

(Newser) - Sonia Sotomayor is set to make history tomorrow night as the first Supreme Court justice to lead the world's most-watched New Year's Eve celebration. The Bronx native has been chosen to follow the likes of Bill Clinton, Lady Gaga, and Muhammad Ali by pressing the crystal-covered button to...

Utah to Ask Supreme Court to Halt Gay Marriages

But state needs a few more days to get request for emergency stay in order

(Newser) - Utah said today it will ask the Supreme Court to halt gay weddings in the state as it appeals a lower court's ruling that allows them to take place, reports the Guardian . The state's attorney general confirmed that his office will seek an emergency stay from the high...

High Court Case Links Love Triangle, Chemical Weapons

Strange case could have Syria implications

(Newser) - What does a bizarre suburban love triangle have to do with Syria? That's what the US Supreme Court was trying to figure out today, as it heard arguments in Bond v. US. The case began in 2005, when Carol Anne Bond, 34, learned that her husband had impregnated her...

High Court Strikes Down DOMA
 High Court Strikes Down DOMA 

High Court Strikes Down DOMA

Broad ruling declares marriage benefits a matter of equal protection

(Newser) - The Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act today, in a broad ruling arguing that it violates the Constitution's equal protection clause. The decision was 5-4, with Anthony Kennedy joining the court's more liberal justices (Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan), and...

High Court Split in Gay Marriage Questioning

SCOTUSblog predicts a no-decision

(Newser) - The Supreme Court has finished hearing the arguments in the Proposition 8 case, and prognosticators are busy reading the tea leaves for what it might be thinking. Here's what went down:
  • Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, and, perhaps surprisingly, John Roberts, peppered Charles Cooper, the lead attorney

Sotomayor Hits Prosecutor on Racist Comments

'I hope never to see a case like this again'

(Newser) - The Supreme Court won't be hearing a defendant's appeal in a drug case—but Justice Sonia Sotomayor made her views clear on a federal prosecutor's earlier comments, CNN reports. The prosecutor had said, "You've got African Americans, you've got Hispanics, you've got a...

Obama Takes Oath Again, Flubs It (a Little)

Trips over word 'States'

(Newser) - President Obama has been publicly sworn in for his second term—though he actually took the oath yesterday . Today the oath, administered by Chief Justice John Roberts, went off a little more smoothly than it did during Obama's first inauguration, though the AtlanticWire points out it wasn't error-free....

Today&#39;s Inauguration Timeline
 Today's Inauguration Timeline 

Today's Inauguration Timeline

Crowd of up to 800K expected to watch Obama take oath

(Newser) - Today, President Obama will become just the 17th president to deliver a second inaugural address and a crowd of up to 800,000 is expected to watch him take the oath of office—though the real inauguration happened yesterday . A guide to today's events, as per Reuters and the...

Hobby Lobby: We Intend to Defy ObamaCare

Won't offer insurance that includes access to the morning-after pill

(Newser) - With a lawsuit pending , Hobby Lobby says it won't be providing workers with health plans that cover the morning-after pill—even though ObamaCare requires it. The decision could cost the company $1.3 million in daily fines, the AP notes. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor this week rejected the...

2 in 3 Americans Can't Name One Supreme Court Justice

John Roberts is best-known at 20%

(Newser) - Nine people helped determine the fate of ObamaCare this year—and most Americans can't name a single one. Two-thirds of us are unable to name a Supreme Court justice, according to legal website's poll of 1,000 people. Chief Justice John Roberts was the most familiar...

Roberts Court Eschews Politics, Rules as One

NYT study shows court moving in unexpected directions

(Newser) - While the Supreme Court has appeared deeply divided along ideological lines in recent years, its latest term reveals a strikingly different court, often unanimous and aggressive in reviewing the other branches of government, reports the New York Times in an analysis of the last nine months of the Roberts Court....

Court Seems Fine With Arizona Immigration Law

Or at least, with parts of it

(Newser) - Today the Supreme Court heard the final arguments in the case over Arizona's controversial immigration law, and it's not looking good for the Obama administration. Justices seemed decidedly skeptical about the Justice Department's central argument that the law impinged on the federal government's power to control...

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